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L’utente thatgirl___ utilizza queste app:Follower, The Menu, Notices, Lovense Sex Toys, Dream Dice, Multi Color Chat, Broadcaster Icon
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Regole: niente spam. Non insistere perché la persona in webcam faccia quello che vuoi tu. Non promuovere altre stanze o siti web che potrebbero essere in conflitto con questa stanza. Evita post polemici e/o scortesi relativi a quello che vedi in webcam. Non cercare di pubblicare il tuo indirizzo email nella chat pubblica.
Per passare alla prossima stanza, premi Ctrl+/. Per inviare una mancia, premi Ctrl+S o scrivi “/tip 25”. Per disattivare le emoticon o regolare le impostazioni di completamento automatico, clicca in alto sulla scheda con il simbolo dell’ingranaggio.
L’utente thatgirl___ utilizza queste app:Follower, The Menu, Notices, Lovense Sex Toys, Dream Dice, Multi Color Chat, Broadcaster Icon
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Bio e webcam gratuita di Thatgirl___

Nome reale:Lucy | Next show on 25.03 start 3 AM UTC
I Am:A Woman
Interessi::Frauen, Männer, Pärchen, Trans
Località:Kuopio, Finland
Ultima trasmissione:Vor 3 Tagen
Corporatura:fit & curves ~ 5,8ft/172cm ~ 34D ~ feet size 37
Fumo / alcol:no/no
Decorazioni del corpo:1 tat, piercings
Social media:20000 TOKEN
Chi Sono:

I am Lucy and I am 21 yo.
I`m a very sensual and sensitive girl who enjoys being on the cam in front of you and sharing some little intimate things;)

My body is fully natural, I have no fillers on my face and no implants in my body. It`s not a thing to be proud of, but I am just very grateful to my parents for their amazing DNA:D
Besides being a sexy camgirl I also really enjoy yoga, my chess classes, dancing, pistol shooting at the range and high-quality rest. Yep, I am that girl who regularly spends hours in the spa:D
I have tons of ambitions and plans for my life. My immediate goal is to move to the USA and enter a university. Get a psychology degree. This is how I could start my YouTube channel to talk about mental health. The further goal is to create an app, an easy source to help people with anxiety, with focus issues, in crisis situations such as panic attacks or smth and et cetera.
My work for now provides my life and helps me to get closer to my goals. So all your support is essential for me and thank you for that!
I am also very empathetic and feel people a lot. But I also really care about my comfort, especially here.
So there are some things I want you to keep in mind:
- Don`t tell me what to do during my show and don`t give me any advice
- No dirty talk in public chat, use tipnotes
- No porn gifs in chat
- All naughty compliments belong to tipnotes as well
- If you have a naughty question - ask in tipnotes please^^
- no PM, only about pvt show for 550 tks
- No politics/No religious topics/no racist/homophobic/sexist jokes
- Use only English, please
- And keep positive vibes in my chat!

If you're interested in a custom video from me, we first need to have a discussion to determine if what youre looking for is feasible on my end. To initiate this discussion, a fee of 550 tokens is required. The cost for the custom video itself is 10,000 tokens for a 15-minute duration.

You are not allowed to record or make screenshots of my broadcast. In case you do I will take legal action against you.

Lista Dei Desideri:

open a dance school
Move to the ocean
Get a bachelor's degree in psychology
Create my own successful self-help app
Always remain kind and grateful to this world
Build a happy family
Visit Japan
Meet capybara :D
