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Bio e webcam gratuita di Milesgoodboy

Nome reale:Miles
Data di nascita:1 lipca 2002
I Am:A Man
Interessi::Kobiety, Mężczyźni, Pary
Ultima trasmissione:2 dni temu
Social media:1 TOKEN
Chi Sono:

Hello to everyone who might read this.
Im here for showing myself, for giving a sexual energy through the cam to you and getting some for life. I really don't mind you to imagine what comes in mind, but just be polite to others people in room.
As for me, youth is going fine and I have enough of orgasm. Had sex with men, women, orgy activity and some another dirty stuff. I love to give pleasure and fuck hard as it's possible for partner. I can cum only after partner, there is no other way. Love getting licking and rimming)
I don't want to touch souls, but trans girls or manly ladies are not for me, it feels like not following own nature. If man loves man, acceptable, if woman loves woman, acceptable, but if person wanna born again in another body - it's not my soulmate. Probably, we all are not mentally healthy on here, everyone has a reason why a real cooperation becomes something surrogatable on here. But it's your own. The same for me.
I love having trio, but not where man watches me fuck his lady. I am not very kind, but I feel sorry for people who let fuck their lovers during being on side by own. It's not a diversity, it is a self humiliation.
I am talking this not for changing your mind, but for letting know what in my head on current stage in life. Bio supposes it.
Some of my stats: height is 190cm (75 inch); weight is about 80kg; dick is about 20cm (8 inch) fully hard. In recent times I got several problems with health and one of them is Varicocele second stage, viens on my left egg)) Doctor said I need to cum every day for feeling alright.. and viens will not become wilder. I love this recomendation, need to follow!)
What can I add else.. I have my education now, I decided to learn data science. Some time ago I understood that need to start thinking with head which is on my shoulders. And knowledges which come systematically are for me, I have missed it. My pleasure is English language is important for using programs and writting codes. I am pleased you guys mostly talk in English and it's a real practising for me. No doubts I did enough of mistakes during writing this text, but I am sure you understood me about what I would to say. Love and Peace, thank you for reading

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