CIALIS, Please not more than 600 mg because of swiss costumers law but you are like me free to do what makes you happy, test, if you you found a good way to hide a illegal product but be aware, that everything what is adressed to me will be very good controlled, so tell me, when you sent something that they cannot just throw it away but even if they control, i only trust me and god.. send,me whatever you want, all kinds of drugs or a bomb or a used preservative or tampon, everything who satisfies you or me or stresses by swiss government overpayed wankers is welcome, my address, no joke
Patrick R. Sommer
Brunnmattstrasse 20A
Appartment 715, 7th floor
CH-3007 Berne
i wish to not be visited if you
dont respect i call the FUCKING ACAB POLICE
who will slowly have tu install a bodyguard
to next door bz secret service suckinglesbian satanics sluts to protect me, i am working on it,