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const inDevelopment = cb === undefined; if (inDevelopment) { var cb = {}; cb.settings = {}; cb.settings_choices = []; cb.sendNotice = (...args) => console.log(...args); cb.setTimeout = (func, ms) => setTimeout(func, ms); } cb.settings_choices = [ { name: 'interval', type: 'str', label: 'How often should Jonathan Frakes ask you questions? (0.25 = 15 seconds, 0.5 = 30 seconds, 0.75 = 45 seconds, 1 = 1 minute)', defaultValue: '1', required: true, }, { name: 'questions', type: 'str', label: `Is there anything else you'd like Jonathan Frakes to say? (put \\n between phrases to separate them)`, defaultValue: 'When was the last time you sharted?\n Have you ever been to Utah?', required: false, }, { name: 'color', type: 'str', label: `what color do you want Jonathan Frakes' words to be? (hex codes or valid html color names)`, defaultValue: 'DarkGreen', required: false, }, { name: 'background', type: 'str', label: `what background color should Jonathan Frakes' words be? (hex codes or valid html color names. Leave blank for no color)`, defaultValue: '', required: false, }, { name: 'weight', type: 'choice', label: `Do you want Jonathan Frakes to ask bold questions?`, choice1: 'normal', choice2: 'bold', choice3: 'bolder', defaultValue: 'bold', required: false, }, ]; if (inDevelopment) { cb.settings_choices.forEach((setting) => { cb.settings[] = setting.defaultValue || ''; }); } const quesionString = `Have you ever walked out of a mall into a huge parking area and realized you'd forgotten where you parked your car? Have you ever gone mountain biking? What do you wanna be when you grow up? What's the right tip? Have you called a plumber to your home lately? How superstitious are you? How much money would it take to make you spend a night in a cemetery? Would you display this as a trophy? Do you have a pet? Do you have a sweet tooth? Do you believe in the power of a curse? Have you had your hearing tested lately? Planning a trip soon? Can you remember the tallest man you've ever seen? Do you love to go a-wandering beneath the clear blue sky? Have you noticed what big stars real estate agents have become? Are you careful with your personal records? Does your computer ever seem to have a mind of its own? Have you ever visited a Chinatown section in a major city? Have you ever visited a flea market? Have you ever visited truck stop? Did you ever have a job as a waiter? Have you noticed how many successful restaurants are theme-based these days? Have you ever had the desire to write your initials in wet cement?`; const userQuestions = () => { return cb.settings.questions .split('\\n') .map((str) => str.trim()) .filter((str) => str.length); }; const calculateInterval = () => { return Math.round(parseFloat(cb.settings.interval) * 60000); }; const start = () => { const background = cb.settings.background; const color = cb.settings.color; const weight = cb.settings.weight; const interval = calculateInterval(); const questions = [...quesionString.split('\n'), ...userQuestions()]; const repeat = () => { const question = questions.shift(); cb.sendNotice(question, '', background, color, weight); questions.push(question); cb.setTimeout(repeat, interval); }; repeat(); }; cb.setTimeout(() => start(), 0);
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