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///Lovense Lush Levels and Special Commands + Welcome & Follow Message /// //please fill in YOUR OWN SETTINGS!!! //visit the lovense website for info on how to set up your toy for camming! // ///or watch this youtube video // // //emoji codes for: // //RANDOM LEVEL RESPONSE :lslvl1 //WAVE PADDERN :lslvl3 //PULSE PADDERN :lslvl2 //EARTHQUAKE PADDERN :lslvl4 //FIREWORKS PADDERN :lslvl5 //SPECIAL COMMAND :lslvl6 // //more special command samples //:lslvl3 WAVE Pattern 20 seconds :lushsm 133 Tokens //:lslvl2 PULSE Pattern 20 seconds :lushsm 134 Tokens //:lslvl4 EARTHQUAKE Pattern 20 seconds :lushsm 135 Tokens //:lslvl5 FIREWORKS Pattern 20 seconds :lushsm 136 Tokens // // //based on Lovense Settings Bot/Room Rules bot cb.settings_choices = [ { name: "banner_emote", label: "Add emote or text at top of list", type: "str", minLength: 1, maxLength: 255, defaultValue: ":lovense130", required: true, }, {name:'Level1', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, defaultValue:'Tip 1-14 LOW :lushsm 1 second', label:'Lush Level #1', required:true}, {name:'Level2', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, defaultValue:'Tip 15-49 MEDIUM :lushsm 3 seconds', label:'Lush Level #2', required:false}, {name:'Level3', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, defaultValue:'Tip 50-99 HIGH :lushsm 5 seconds', label:'Lush Level #3', required:false}, {name:'Level4', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, defaultValue:'Tip 100-499 HIGH :lushsm 20 seconds', label:'Lush Level #4', required:false}, {name:'Level5', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, defaultValue:'Tip 500-999 ULTRA HIGH :lushsm 45 seconds', label:'Lush Level #5', required:false}, {name:'Level6', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, defaultValue:'Tip 1000+ ULTRA HIGH :lushsm 100 seconds', label:'Lush Level #6', required:false}, {name:'Level7', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Level #7', required:false}, {name:'Level8', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Level #8', required:false}, {name:'Level9', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Level #9', required:false}, {name:'SpecialCommand1', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, defaultValue:':lslvl1 RANDOM Level Response :lushsm 77 Tokens', label:'Lush Special Command', required:false}, {name:'SpecialCommand2', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Special Command\n \n(more emotes in description)', required:false}, {name:'SpecialCommand3', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Special Command', required:false}, {name:'SpecialCommand4', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Special Command', required:false}, {name:'SpecialCommand5', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Special Command', required:false}, {name:'SpecialCommand6', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Lush Special Command', required:false}, {name:'advertisement_wait_time', type:"int", minValue : 1, maxValue : 60, defaultValue : 5, label:'Lush Level Notification Time (in minutes 1-60)', }, { name: "random_bg", label: "Random background colors for messages", type: "choice", choice1: "on", choice2: "off", defaultValue: "off", required: true, }, { name: "random_emote", label: "Add random emotes at the end of messages", type: "choice", choice1: "on", choice2: "off", defaultValue: "off", required: true, } ]; "use strict"; var meanBroadcasters = ['missilex']; var emo=[":cutehug",":angel",":heheface3a",":dance3",":blush",":cool",":huh",":roll",":mellow",":ohmy",":smile",":thumbup",":wink",":woot",":bounce",":hello",":angel",":crazy",":thumbsup",":yes",":hearts",":happy1a",":innocent",":gangsta",":dancingbanana",":kissy",":help",":bow",":hello",":huh",":drool",":shi",":twerky1a",":hihi",":shello",":lolll"]; var color=["#ffb6c1","#ff82ab","#ee6aa7","#ff83fa","#d8bfd8","#eeaeee","#6495ed","#bcd2ee","#63b8ff","#87cefa","#8ee5ee","#00f5ff","#8deeee","#00eeee","#76eec6","#4eee94","#b4eeb4","#9aff9a","#7fff00","#adff2f","#bcee68","#9acd32","#cdcdb4","#eeee00","#ffd700","#ffc125","#eecfa1","#e3a869","#eecbad","#ff7256","#eeb4b4","#71c671","#c5c1aa","#ff9999","#fff68f","#f4862a"]; function isCmd(txt) { if (txt.charAt(0) === "/") return true; if (txt.charAt(0) === "!") return true; else return false;} cb.onMessage(function(message){ var txt = message.m; var i=Math.floor((Math.random()*35)+1); var j=Math.floor((Math.random()*35)+1); if (cb.settings.random_bg == "on" && !isCmd(txt)) message.background=color[i]; if (cb.settings.random_emote == "on" && !isCmd(txt)) message.m +=" ... "+emo[j]; return message; }); cb.onEnter(function(user) { if(meanBroadcasters.indexOf(cb.room_slug) < 0) { cb.sendNotice('Welcome to my room, ' + user['user'] + '! \nMy Lovense Lush is set to react to your tips. \nYour tips give me pleasure! So let\'s have fun! \nIf you\'re new, please don\'t forget to hit the :follow2a button.', user['user'], '#FFF0DE', '#9C2868', 'bold'); displayLevels(user); } }); function displayLevels(user) { var username = ''; var banner = cb.settings.banner_emote; if(user) username = user['user']; var notices = banner; notices += '\n===== My Lovense Lush Levels ====='; for(var i=1; i<=10;i++) { if(cb.settings['Level' + i]) notices += '\n:llvlc'+ i +' ' + cb.settings['Level'+i]; } if (cb.settings.SpecialCommand1 !== '') notices += '\n====== Special Commands ======='; for(var j=1; j<=10;j++) { if(cb.settings['SpecialCommand' + j]) notices += '\n' + cb.settings['SpecialCommand'+j]; } cb.sendNotice(notices, username, '#FFF0DE', '#9C2868', 'normal'); if(!user || user == null) cb.setTimeout(displayLevels, cb.settings.advertisement_wait_time * 60000); } function init() { if(meanBroadcasters.indexOf(cb.room_slug) < 0) displayLevels(); } init();
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