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/** * Bot: Fortune Teller * Version: 1.14 * Author: zingknaat * Date: 12.11.13 */ // vars var last_tipper = null; var last_tip_amount = 0; var total_tipped = 0; var langTokens = (cb.settings.cost_per_fortune > 1) ? 'tokens' : 'token'; cb.settings_choices = [ {name:'cost_per_fortune', type:'int', minValue:1, maxValue:100, label:'Cost per Fortune (in tokens)', defaultValue:1}, {name:'advertisement_wait_time', type:'choice', label:'Notify Time (in minutes)', choice1:1, choice2:2, choice3:3, choice4:4, choice5:5, choice6:10, choice7:15, choice8:20, choice9:25, choice10:30, defaultValue:10} ]; cb.onTip(function (tip) { total_tipped += parseInt(tip['amount']); last_tip_amount = parseInt(tip['amount']); last_tipper = tip['from_user']; if(parseInt(tip['amount']) >= cb.settings.cost_per_fortune) { var numberOfRolls = Math.floor(parseInt(tip['amount'])/cb.settings.cost_per_fortune); for(var i=0;i<numberOfRolls;i++) { cb.chatNotice(tip['from_user'] + ', here is your fortune:', '', '#cc0000', '#ffffff', 'bold'); cb.chatNotice(getRandomFortune(), '', '#cc0000', '#ffffff', 'bold'); } } }); cb.onEnter(function(user) { cb.chatNotice('Welcome ' + user['user'] + '. Want me to read your fortune?', user['user'], '', '#009999', 'bold'); cb.chatNotice('Tip ' + cb.settings.cost_per_fortune + ' ' + langTokens + ' to get your fortune.', user['user'], '', '#009999', 'bold'); }); function getRandomFortune() { var fortunes = new Array( "Your world will be different tomorrow. I promise!", "You will see some dick tonight... Maybe not in person, but definitely CB. :)", "You will find love sometime in the future.", "You will tip someone again soon.", "Treat life like a dildo; just suck it in when shit hits the fan.", "Don't beat yourself up too hard; you might need to buy a new bottle of lube if you keeping doing that. ;)", "Worry not about who talks about you, but worry about who you're talking about...", "This fortune may be meaningless, but so is everything else. Right?", "If you're a hot Asian guy, watch out for oksagen!", "Cock is in your future.", "There is someone thinking about your cock right now.", "Believe what you want to believe.", "If you keep jerking off too much, you'll need a new box of tissues.", "If you can't cum today, you can always cum tomorrow. Don't worry about it.", "Just keep telling yourself that you are better looking than " + cb.room_slug + ".", "You will get laid one day... (crosses fingers)", "Lol. I just got " + last_tip_amount + " " + langTokens + " from you!", "Your lucky numbers are... Just kidding. You don't have any!", "Can't find a good fortune for you. Tip again? ;)", "You are the nicest person in this room!", "Tomorrow will be a better day.", "Your fortune is so amazing that I cannot describe it in words.", "If you're a cute Asian guy, dynasty87 will grab your cock!", "If you don't own a dildo or vibrator, improvise -- use a screwdriver instead.", "The best job you will ever get starts with a blow.", "You sound tired. Maybe you just need a rimjob.", "If you play with your nipples, you will cum faster.", "The best tasting cum in the world is yours. Try it. ;)", "If you keep tipping, you'll eventually turn dark blue.", "You will find love and hook up with someone on Chaturbate one day.", "You just killed a bunch of potential cute babies by cumming unless you're ugly.", "You will jerk off to " + cb.room_slug + " tonight.", "There is someone owing you a good show after your generosity.", "Your ass is pretty red right now. Go walk around for a bit.", "There is someone owing you many thanks.", "Confucius say... man with hand in pockey feels cocky all day.", "Confucius say... virgin man never have sex.", "Confucius say... pussy is like tunnel -- man go in, man go out.", "Confucius say... man who cheats, will cheat on another man.", "Confucius say... use chopsticks to eat, not to stick up your butt.", "Confucius say... love is hard to find, go kiss yourself in the mirror.", "Confucius say... never argue with a bitch.", "Confucius say... if a woman sound like a toad, she must be a man.", "Confucius say... many fishes are in the sea -- go grab one.", "Confucius say... girls like to suck, so do guys.", "Confucius say... love everyone, not everybody", "Confucius say... don't trust your neighbor.", "Confucius say... use bottle when bathroom not nearby.", "Confucius say... dumb people cannot be helped", "Confucius say... bitches will always be bitches", "When in doubt, think about your cock.", "You will feel better when you visit Chaturbate.", "Hot guys on Chaturbate are like Pokemons -- gotta catch them all!", "A wise man once said... the best way to relieve yourself is to cum.", "A wise man once said... those who fucks a lot, fucked plenty.", "A wise man once said... you cannot control your destiny when it comes to sex.", "A wise man once said... desperation is only for desperate people.", "Worry not about the future, but the future of sperm count.", "You cannot study and jerk off at the same time.", "You will find someone good looking to jerk off to.", "I see you spending money in the near future on something.", "Confucius say... one who cheats, will cheat again.", "The best way to get laid, is to find someone first.", "Confucius say... more inches, more pleasure.", "Your lucky numbers aren't that lucky.", "Confucius say... babies are adorable unless they're annoying", "You are just wasting time...", "Love is only hard to find because you're not looking!", "Break the fortune cookie first.", "Great news! That white stain on monitor is NOT glue!", "In 30 years from now, Viagra will be your best friend.", "If it makes you happy, just keep thinking that your penis is awesome.", "Confucius say... two cocks cannot fit in same hole", "Your fortune is in another cookie.", "Your fortune is stuck in " + cb.room_slug + "'s ass.", "The way to happiness is to become gay.", "You just lost " + last_tip_amount + " " + langTokens + " to me. Lol", "If you can't get pussy, try cock.", "Words cannot describe your fortune. So I'm not going to try.", "Even the ugly duckling can find love.", "Confucius say... man without face is ugly man", "Confucius say... dirty man is nasty man", "Your wishes and dreams will cum true one day -- just keep jerking.", "The best way to get with a girl is to go straight.", "What goes up, must come down, especially your D. ;)", "Confucius say... woman without webcam is man", "A jerking-a-day keeps the boner away.", "You should be ashamed of yourself if you didn't get molested by your Catholic priest when you were young.", "Sorry. The best looking person in this room isn't you today.", "If no one asked to see your D on this site, then you're probably not that good looking.", "People ignore you because you're annoying.", "Your mom said you have plenty of sucking (bib) experience. ;)", "You will find hot guys on this site that WILL NOT sleep with your ugly ass.", "Believe it or not, but pretty guys can be straight too.", "You will find love in this site -- just not with " + cb.room_slug + ". Keep dreaming!", "Tomorrow will be a better day... Then again, I could be wrong.", "Don't be so quick to trust someone, especially someone that doesn't have a webcam.", "Go fuck yourself. Trust me, you'll feel better.", "If Peter North's dick isn't big enough for you, then you're just a fucking slut.", "Push yourself harder next time. Eventually, you'll get it in your ass.", "Avoid bad boyfriends.", "Avoid getting cheated on.", "Avoid taking unnecessary gambles.", "You will win the lottery one day if you keep playing it.", "You cannot win if you do not play.", "There are plenty of fishes in the sea -- let's go fishing!", "A door can be unlocked if you have the key.", "The best way to peel a potato is to boil it first.", "The proper way to peel a banana is to start from the tip.", "Life isn't fair. There's nothing I can do about it.", "You might need to use Mr. Clean to clean your dirty balls.", "Confucius say... fat kids loves cake.", "Cum is not as sticky as glue -- don't use it to stick things together.", "Learn Chinese: yinjing = penis", "When you're unhappy, just eat some ice cream.", "When you love someone, you have to fuck them.", "Try not to frown too much. The frown monster will grab your cock.", "Do you believe in magic? I sure don't.", "The longer you drive, the closer you are to your destination.", "Finding a hot guy is easy. Finding one that's attracted to you? Good luck!", "Don't use WD-40 as a substitute while in bed with someone.", "Wash your clothes immediately when you get home from hooking up with someone -- it may contain bed bugs.", "Sex is not in your future... Sorry!", "If you look up, you will see a ceiling. If you look down, you will see something waiting to be played with. ;)", "Sex is what you thirst, but you will not get any tonight.", "You may be super horny, but your partner isn't.", "Do you really think you're attractive?", "The most attractive person is the one in your mirror... JK!", "The only way you'll learn is to make some mistakes first.", "Can't find a date tonight? Go to the store and pick up a turkey.", "You may keep walking, but you will never get to your destination if you don't know where heading to.", "If there's only one word that best describes you, 'cute' is not it.", "If you can't cum, just use an egg white and pretend that you did.", "You are a cute person -- just not attractive.", "If your hole is tight, that means no one likes your ass.", "Perhabs you need to shower?", "Try not to have sex on your first date.", "Don't worry, there are many guys with a smaller dick than yours.", "Be happy.", "Tomorrow will be a better day -- if you can cum today. ;)", "Smile and you might get laid one day.", "Smile and you might attract someone one day.", "If you keep staring at the hot straight guy's butt, he might knock you out one day.", "Don't forget to use the Shout spray on the cum stain when you do laundry.", "Don't be disappointed if you can't get laid tonight -- just play with yourself.", "Instamotions123's ass is like two Jigglypuffs hugging each other.", "The only way to find true love is to let love find you.", "You'll always be too young to get married when you're still single.", "Life isn't like a box of chocolate -- you just don't know how to control it.", "When you're in love, you'll know it -- just like when you know when you're about to cum.", "How does a fat man jack off when he can't find his penis?", "It's going to be take a miracle to fix your ugly ass." ); return fortunes[Math.floor((Math.random()*fortunes.length))]; } function advertise() { cb.chatNotice('Tip ' + cb.settings.cost_per_fortune + ' ' + langTokens + ' to get your fortune.', '', '', '#0000cc', ''); cb.setTimeout(advertise, cb.settings.advertisement_wait_time * 60000); } function init() { cb.chatNotice('Fortune Teller by zingknaat', '', '', '', 'bold'); advertise(); } init();
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