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Fetishqueens Room 1.2
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/********************************************* <b><u>Nikki Davis Custom Room Rules</u></b> <p>Custom version of the Room Rules bot created for nikki_davisxo</p> <p>Original Room Rules bot created by zingknaat</p> <p>Will display a list of room rules to a user when they enter the room, and also display the list to the entire room at a set interval of time. </p> <p><b>Rule #1, Rule #2, etc</b> </p><p>List of room rules that will be displayed. You can have up to 10 different rule rooms.</p> <p><b>Notification Time (in minutes)</b> </p><p>Time (in minutes) to automatically print the room rules for the entire room. </p> Version history: 15 Nov 2014; v1.0; first version for nikki_davisxo 20 Nov 2014; v1.1; changed clor used for notices *********************************************/ var VERSION = '1.0', NL = '\n', NOTICE_COLOR = '#0066CC'; cb.settings_choices = [ {name:'rule1', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #1', defaultValue:'Requests? Tip first.'}, {name:'rule2', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #2 (optional)', required:false, defaultValue:'Begging will get you banned.'}, {name:'rule3', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #3 (optional)', required:false, defaultValue:'I don\'t PM unless you PM me first'}, {name:'rule4', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #4 (optional)', required:false, defaultValue:'Be respectful'}, {name:'rule5', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #5 (optional)', required:false, defaultValue:'Have a good time ;)'}, {name:'rule6', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #6 (optional)', required:false}, {name:'rule7', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #7 (optional)', required:false}, {name:'rule8', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #8 (optional)', required:false}, {name:'rule9', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #9 (optional)', required:false}, {name:'rule10', type:'str', minLength:1, maxLength:255, label:'Rule #10 (optional)', required:false}, {name:'advertisement_wait_time', type:'choice', label:'Notification Time (in minutes)', choice1:5, choice2:10, choice3:15, choice4:20, choice5:25, choice6:30, choice7:45, choice8:60, defaultValue:15} ]; cb.onEnter(function(user) { cb.sendNotice('Hi, I\'m FetishQueen. Welcome to my room, ' + user['user'] + '. Please take a moment to read my room rules before chatting. Thank you!', user['user'], '',NOTICE_COLOR, 'bold'); displayRules(user); }); function displayRules(user) { var username = ''; if(user) username = user['user']; var notices = '########## FetishQueen\'s Rules ##########'; for(var i=1; i<=10;i++) { if(cb.settings['rule' + i]) notices += '\nRule #'+ i +': ' + cb.settings['rule'+i]; } cb.sendNotice(notices, username, '', NOTICE_COLOR, 'bold'); if(!user || user == null) cb.setTimeout(displayRules, cb.settings.advertisement_wait_time * 60000); } function init() { displayRules(); } init();
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