Yoga Bot
Author: truness
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Tip for random Yoga Poses or use commands to play back multiple poses together (sequences)

Full Description

Yoga Bot

Now available as a v2 AppYoga Bot
Per request Individual Pose Exclusion added

Bring some Yoga automation into your room with this Bot. It has two functions
1) Tip for Random Pose
2) Play Yoga Sequence

Tip for Random Pose - Users can tip to generate a random Yoga pose for the host to display. All 91 available Yoga poses are shown below:

Skill Levels - Poses include three levels BEGINNER (36), INTERMEDIATE (35)and ADVANCED (20).

Individual Pose Exclusion Added

Pose Advanced Filters - Allow you to add any of the following Pose types:
Add CORE Poses ?:
Add SEATED Poses ?:
Add STANDING Poses ?:
Add Strengthening Poses ?:
Add Forward Bend Poses ?:
Add Twist Poses ?:
Add Hip Opening Poses ?:
Add Chest Opening Poses ?:
Add Balancing Poses ?:
Add Arm Balancing Poses ?:
Add Backbends Poses ?:
Add Other Poses ?:

Example Host command to display random yoga pose:

Play Yoga Sequence - Commands can be used to Play a Sequence (set of poses). These are played back with settings that control time of pose changes and breaths.

Yoga Sequence SETTINGS:

Breath Time (Seconds):
Change Pose Time (Seconds):
Show Sequence Pose Images and Messages to Room?

Custom Sequences - Up to 10 custom sequences can be setup with the BOT and played back. A Sequence is a set of Poses or Images with a number of breaths (duration) set for each.

You can set a Name and a String (that defines what is played back) for each sequence.
Sequence strings are entered with Pose-Number#Breaths (i.g "8#3" = pose 8 for 3 breaths) :
Each pose definition is then seperated by a comma (i.g. "88#5,69#10" = pose 88 for 5 breaths then pose 69 for 10 breaths):
You can replace any Pose-Number with an Image and then text (i.g. ":relaxaig Just Relax however you want#8")

Example Sequence 1 playback starting display:

Display Settings - Bot Broadcast delay (minutes between Bot chat reminders)(0 = no broadcast): (default 10)

Custom Color settings - The Text and Background (multi-color) can be set for each of these message types:
General Bot Display
Random Pose Display
Yoga Sequence Playback
Host Highlighting

Chat Commands:

------------ BOT COMMANDS ------------
'/poses' - Displays a list of all Poses that can be won.
'/yogainfo' - Displays this message dialog.
------------ HOST / MOD COMMANDS ------------
'/showpose' - Generates and displayes a random Yoga Pose.
~~~~~ Sequences commands ~~~~~
'/seq1' - Start Sequence 1 playing
'/seq2' - Start Sequence 2 playing
'/seq?' - Sequence commands exist for sequences 1-10
'/seq10' - Start Sequence 10 playing
'/endseq' - Ends all Sequences as soon as it can

I am new to Yoga and have done the best to include what I hope does not offend Yoga purests but allows for its intoduction on CB as something everyone can try out. I am always interested in improving what I create so send me and bugs, your ideas or suggestions. Post or send me comments or sequences you create and love as well. I would like to populate the 10 custom sequence slots with good content. I just do not have enought Yoga Experience to know what that is. Please send any Feedback to[email protected]

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