A bot for WhippedCreamy
------ Whipped Creamy by 4science ------
Based on the ideas of Justin, Shaggy, badbadbubba and sweetdan.
CAPTCHA by smartypants_the_2nd
Additional changes by 4science
Version 4.80: The extra space.
You can find a color picker here: https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_ picker.asp?
------ Pre-sale ------
'Want to sell advanced "CrazyTickets"?': Choosing "Yes" will display a notice that someone got a pre-sale ticket in chat when someone pays over the ticket price set in the next options.
'Enter ticket price ONLY if used for advance ticket sales. HINT: You can always use it later by using the command /tprice.'
You can set up the price even if you aren't selling presale ticket. It will keep a backup list of everyone who tipped at least the ticket price.
'Record ticket buyer's email address if including a bonus in the ticket price?': If you want to send a bonus to ticket buyers. Enabling this will keep a list of email if the tippers include it in the tip note.
You can see the list of pre-sale at any time by doing /tlist or /ticketlist.
Once you have started the Ticket App, you have to export the list by adding them using /add listhere. If the ticket app use "/add list" you can also use /export, it will automatically change your message to a format that most Ticket App can understand.
------------------> TIER TIPPERS <-------------
/tierhelp to see a quick help file.
/addtier X Y: Add a member to tier. X is the level and Y is the member\'s username. You can add multiple user by separating them with a comma (').
/deltier X Y: Remove a member from a tier. X is the tier level and Y is the member's username. You can delete multiple user by separating them with a comma (').
tierlist X: See the current list of members of club X.
/tierlist all: See all the members of each club.
------------------> CHAT CONTROL <-------------
'Who has to solve a CAPTCHA before they are able to chat? (anyone who tips will not have to solve a captcha)'
Enabling this will force users to solve a simple mathematical question before being able to talk in chat. At the moment, most spamming bots can't solve this.
User can whisper anyone by using /whisper username message. These messages appear directly in the chat as notices. You can block individual user from using it by using /ignore username or prevent everyone who hasn't tip a certain level by using /ignorelevel X. X is a number from 0 to 5. 0 allows everyone to whisper you and 5 only allows moderators and fan club members. Use /ubhelp ignorelevel for more info.
The bot can block a user from posting messages that contain certain words. You can enable a default word list hardcoded in the bot or add your own list.
You can add words to the list once the bot is active by using /addword WORD each word or phrase separated by ";". ex: "/addword show; closer; big girl; follow this link". This will block any mention of "show" and "closer" but will not block "girl" or "link" unless it matches "big girl" or "follow this link". You can see what is on the public list by using /wordlist.
There are two word lists, one that the user will receive a notice and this list is public. You can also use a private list, this list is to prevent people to post your location for example. The user will not receive a notice and will not know that his message wasn't posted in chat. You will receive a red notice warning you that this user is trying to post information that you don't want public. You are the only one seeing this notice, not even your mods will know. You can choose to ban the user.
------ Remember for me ------
In section 4 you can add info about your viewers.
The user name has to be separated from the note by a ":" and each user separated by a ";".
Here is an example: "4science:Weird obsession with handstands;MrExample: Has 2 dogs and 1 cat;Thirduser:Likes my silly hats."
You will be the only one seeing the notice the first time they talk in chat. You can also use "/remindme" to see the entire list.
If you want a reminder for only one user you can use "/whois username".
You and your mods can add notes while the bot is on but they will have to be saved on the setup page to be remembered for next time.
To add a note about a user "/addnote username Note here".
At the end of the show use "/exportnote" and copy the text on your setup page.
------ Tip Menu ------
A tip menu with up to 30 items.
Based on the original idea of badbadbubba.
You can now run sales. /tipmenusale X will reduce the price of all item by X%.
You can now add item on the fly by using /tipmenuadd X Y. X has to be a number and Y will be the name of the item. ex: "/tipmenuadd 50 I will spin around" will add item "I will spin around(50)" to the menu.
You can also delete item on the fly with /tipmenudel. You can either use the price of the item and it will remove all item with that price. Use only the label or to be really safe use /tipmenudel X Label, where X is the price of the item and Label is the name of the item. It has to be a perfect match ( capital letters and all). At the moment it is hard to remove items that start with a number. I'll try to make that easier in the future.
You can ask the bot to sort the item by price from the highest to the lowest, the lowest to the highest or just leave it as you entered them.
Any user can use /tipmenu to see the menu at any time.
Will announce to each user that joins the room that they can use the command "/tipmenu".
Can split the menu in chat if it is very big.
You don't have to erase an item that you want to remove for one night, just add a minus sign in front of the price and the bot will skip it. When you want it again, just remove the minus sign.
You can use the # or not for the color. You can pick a different color for each split menu.
Based on the original idea of badbadbubba.
------- Commands -------
/tipmenu: Will show the menu in the chat. Mods will send the menu to everyone
/tipmenurequest: Show the last 10 requests.
/tipmenurequest X: Show the last X requests
/tipmenurequest all: Show all the requests (up to 100).
/tipmenuadd X Y: Add an item name Y for X token to the menu.
/tipmenudel X: Removes every item with a value of X tokens.
/tipmenudel X Y: Will only remove an item named Y and the value X
/tipmenudel Y: Will removed any item labeled Y independent of the cost.
/tipmenusale X: Will reduce the price of each item by X% rounded up.
/tipmenunotice: Will toggle on and off the notification when someone request the menu.
/tipmenu switch: Switch between menu 1 and 2.
/tipmenu off: Turn the menu off.
/tipmenu on: Turn the menu on.
------ Rotating notifier ------
You can have 2 list of notifications running at the same time or you can alternate between each of them depending on the type of show you are running at the moment ex: one list for solo shows and one list for couple shows.
You can also add and remove notice on the fly without having to restart the bot.
You can turn the notifier on by using /noticeon or /notice1on and /notice2on to turn on a specific list.
To turn a notice off, use /noticeoff or /notice1off and /notice2off.
Use /noticelist to see the order of the notices.
You can then use /deletenotice X to erase the notice number X.
If you use more than one list, you have to use /deletenotice X Y. Where X is the list and Y is the position on the list. ex: To delete "Er, phrasing" use "/deletenotice 2 3".
You can also use /replacenotice X Y to replace the notice number X by a new notice Y. If more than 1 notifier is on, you must use /replacenotice1 and /replacenotice2 to specify the list. Ex: to replace Im talking in cursive you would do /replacenotice1 3 Danger zone!.
Use /addnotice Y to add a notice to the list or /addnotice1 and /addnotice2 to specify a list. ex: "/addnotice That is like shooting a unicorn."
------- Commands -------
/noticeon : Turn the notifier on.
/noticeoff : Turn the notifier off.
/addnotice Y : Add a notice Y to the list.
/noticelist X: The list of all the notice.
/deletenotice X all: Delete the notice number X from the list.
/replacenotice X Y: Replace the notice number X by Y.
------- Wheel of Fortune -------
-- You can add up to 40 regular prizes and multiple rare prizes.
-- The rare prize chance is independent of the number of prizes on the wheel and you can set it from always (1/1) to rare ( 1/500 ).
-- You can add more than 1 rare prize by separating them with ; ex: "One video; one private".
-- The wheel will spin to see if the user wins a rare prize and then will pick 1 rare prize from the list.
Having more rare prize does not mean more chance of winning a rare prize.
-- You can prevent the wheel from spin for specific values.
-- The rare prize can be set to only be available on multi-roll, encouraging bigger tips.
-- You can pick your own colors. Use Hexadecimal Colors ex: #FFFFFF.
-- You can run a sale.
-- Can pick if the wheel only turns on an exact multiple of the roll cost.
-- Can prevent the wheel of spinning on big tips. (ex: Someone buying your SnapChat).
-- See all the past winners.
-- See what a user has won.
-- See who won a specific prize.
-- Mod and broadcaster can spin the wheel for free if needed.
------- Commands -------
/rewards - Show all the rewards. It will show the list to everyone if you are a mod or the broadcaster.
/winners - Will give the last 10 winners and their prizes. I will show the list to everyone if you are a mod or the broadcaster.
/winners all - List the last 100 winners, so it doesn't overflow chat!
/winners x - Will give the last X winners. Can go over 100 but can overflow chat if there are too many winners.
/winners username - Will list all the prizes that specific user won.
/whowon X - X is the position of the prize on the wheel. You can see the position for each prize by doing /rewards. It will list every user who won that reward.
/whowon rare - Will list all the users who won the rare prize. Making it easy at the end of the show to get the list of winners.
/freespin - Spin the wheel if you are out of ideas or if you just want to reward someone. Will only work if you are the broadcaster, can be turned on for mods.
/freespin namehere - Will spin the wheel but will use the namehere as the username. Useful to have the right name in the winning list at the end.
/addprize Y: Add a prize name Y to the wheel.
/removeprize X: Removes the prize at position X.
/addrare Y: Add a rare prize name Y to the wheel.
/removerare X: Remove the rare prize at position X.
/spincost X: Change the price to spin the wheel to X.
/wheelsale X: Change the price of spinning to X. ex: "/wheelsale 50" to set the sale price at 50 tokens. The bot will promote it as a sale.
/wheelsale X%: Reduce the price to spin the wheel by X%. ex: "/wheelsale 25%" to reduce the price by 25%. The bot will promote it as a sale.
/wheelsale off: Ends the sale. Returns the spin cost to the original price.
/wheeloff: Turns the wheel off.
/wheelon: Turns the wheel on.
If you are a mod or a broadcaster and you don't want to send the list to everyone, use the /swinners and /srewards for a silent notice.
------- Contact -------
Send complains, suggestions, bug reports and praises to [email protected] or on twitter @the4science.
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