Wheel Of Fortune - 4sci
Author: 4science

You are viewing version 1808187. There is a newer version of this app. See the latest version of this app.

Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Wheel of Fortune with a lot of added features!

Full Description

------- Wheel of Fortune V 3.20 -------

-- You can add up to 40 regular prizes and multiple rare prizes.
-- The rare prize chance is independent of the number of prize on the wheel and you can set it from always (1/1) to rare ( 1/500 ).
-- You can add more than 1 rare prize by separating them with ; ex: "One video; one private".
-- The wheel will spin to see if the user wins a rare prize and then will pick 1 rare prize from the list.
Having more rare prize does not mean more chance of winning a rare prize.
-- You can prevent the wheel from spin for specific values.
-- The rare prize can be set to only be available on multi-roll, encouraging bigger tips.
-- You can pick your own colors. Use Hexadecimal Colors ex: #FFFFFF.
-- You can run a sale.

You can find a color picker here: https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_ picker.asp?

------- Additional changes from SweetDann version -------

-- Multi-roll is more compact, less spamming in chat.
-- Can pick if the wheel only turns on exact multiple of the roll cost.
-- Can prevent the wheel of spinning on big tip. (ex: Someone buying your SnapChat).
-- See all the past winners.
-- See what a user has won.
-- See who won a specific prize.
-- Mod and broadcaster can spin the wheel for free if needed.

------- Commands -------

/rewards - Displays a list of all the rewards. If you are a moderator or a broadcaster, the notice will be sent to all viewers.
/winners - Shows the last 10 winners and their prizes. If you are a moderator or a broadcaster, the notice will be sent to all viewers.
/winners all - List of the last 100 winners, so it doesn't overflow chat!
/winners x - Will give the last X winners. Can go over 100 but can overflow chat if there is to many winners.
/winners username - Will list all the prizes that specific user won.
/whowon X - X is the position of the prize on the wheel. You can see the position for each prize by doing /rewards. It will list every user who won that reward.
/whowon rare - Lists all users who won the rare prize. Making it easy at the end of the show to get the list of winners.
/freespin - Spin the wheel if you are out of ideas or if you just want to reward someone. Will only work if you are the broadcaster, can be turn on for mods.
/freespin namehere - Spins the wheel, using "namehere" as the username. Useful to have the right name in the winning list at the end.
/addprize Y: Adds a prize named Y to the wheel.
/removeprize X: Removes the prize at position X from the wheel.
/addrare Y: Adds a rare prize named Y to the wheel.
/removerare X: Removes the rare prize at position X from the wheel.
/spincost X: Changes the cost to spin the wheel to X.
/wheeltext Y: Updates the advertisement for the wheel.
/wheelsale X: Changes the price of spinning to X. For example, "/wheelsale 50" sets the sale price at 50 tokens. The bot will promote it as a sale.
/wheelsale X%: Reduces the price to spin the wheel by X%. For example, "/wheelsale 25%" reduces the price by 25%. The bot will promote it as a sale
/wheelsale off: Ends the sale and returns the spin cost to the original price.

If you are a mod or a broadcaster and you don't want to send the list to everyone, use the /swinners and /srewards for a silent notice.

------- Contact -------
Send complains, suggestions, bug reports and praises to [email protected] or on twitter @the4science.

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