Ultimate tip menu V2
Author: michal73
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

A colorfull tip menu that respects anonymous tippers and does not show their name.

Full Description

Ultimate tip menu V2 is a combination of:
-Tip menu
-Top tippers list
-King tipper
-Auto thank you
-Colored chat

The name of tippers who tip anonymous will never show in the chat!
(They will also never get in the top lists)

The settings:
Every mode got his own messages , titles , notifications etc.
A list of it all is at the end of this manual.

Separator character
The symbol between the items of the tipmenu

Tipmenu as one line or as a list
As line all tip menu items are shown next to each other
As list all tip menu items are shown under each other (can be long if you have a big tip menu !)

For lush only (eg 1--15--100--500--1000) set to "0" or "X" if no lush
These numbers can not be used in the tipmenu and are for lush only (some tippers like that)
Put an X in front if you have no lush or on a non lush day

Tipmenu Line 1-15
Your tipmenu items in the format "tokens--action" , e.g. 30--Flash boobs (double "-" in between)
You can put multiple items in one line separated by an ";" e.g. 10--Flash boobs;20--flash ass
If you want to, temporary, disable an item then put an "X" in front e.g. X40--Flash Pussy
tipmenu items can have the same same token amount , the tipper will be asked what he wants

Colored chat lines
If set to yes every chat line will have a random smooth 2 colored background

All notice text color (html code default dark red #8B0000):
The color of all notice text

All menu text color
The color of the text in the tip menu and top lists

Menu color change:
The direction in which the colors of the menu's will change.

Menus background color left/top
Menus background color middle
Menus background color right/bottom

The backround of the menu will change from left to right or top to bottom into these 3 colors
There where the color goes from one color to the other they will mix.
(you can make all 3 colors the same for old fashion style).

Your name as used in notices
The tIpmenu and some notices can use your name
Default it's your room name but you can change it here

Delay in minutes between tip menu being displayed (minimum 1)
How often the tipmenu is shown (new users also see it when they enter the room)

Minimal tipped to get a title
Depending on the mode (not in "normal"mode ) tippers can get a title.
This they must have tipped to get a small title (e.g. prince)

Minimal tipped to get a big title and in a single tip to get the silver crown
Also depending on the mode (not in "normal"mode ) tippers can get a title.
This they must have tipped to get a big title (e.g. king)
Also if they tip this amount in a single tip they get a silver crown behind their name.

Delay in minutes between top 5 tippers list being displayed.
(0 = never show and also no top tippers etc. )

How often the toplist is displayed , if set to 0 there will be no toplist but also no titles and top tippers

All time biggest tipper (tokens--name, e.g. 2000--michal73, empty or 0 for disable)
Al time biggest tipper (is shown 1 time every 2 times the toplist is shown)
This tipper will get a golden crown
If there is a new biggest tipper when the bot is running it will change but when you re start the bot it will
not remember and you must manually set it here

Delay in minutes between sending notices, 0 is never
How often a notice is send , 0 is no notices

Time to stop sending notices after a tip
if they tip notices will stop for this time.
so if they keep tipping no notices will be send

Notices to show.
The bot got 5 standard notices depending on the mode (see below) and 5 custom notice you can make
here you can select what notices it should show
notices are shown in a random order

Custom notice 1 - 5
Notices you can write , you can use emoticons in it ( :smile )
If you use ":cr" the notice will break into 2 lines.
if you write an "X" in front that notice will be , temporary, disabled

a nice example of a custom notice is :

MY LOVENSE LUSH VIBRATOR IS SET TO REACT TO YOUR TIPS. THERE ARE 5 LEVELS OF INTENSITY OR RANDOMLY CHOOSE A LEVEL FROM 1-5 : :cr Level 1 - Tip (1-14) 3 seconds (Low vibrations):cr Level 2 - Tip (15-99) 6 seconds (Medium vibrations:cr Level 3 - Tip (100-499) 10 seconds (Medium vibrations):cr Level 4 - Tip (500-999) 1 Minute (High vibrations):cr Level 5 - Tip (1000 - 1000+) 3 Minutes (High vibrations)

this will send the famous lush notice in multiple lines

the different modes and messages
(shown as when the models name is Monica and the tippers name is monnon33 , ":wakeupguys" is an emoticon)

title above tipmenu: "---Monica's tipmenu.---"
title above toplist: "---My 5 best tippers for this session.---"
title above all times high tipper: "---My altimes best tipper in a single tip is : "
title of the model: (no title in normal mode)
small title of a tipper: (no title in normal mode)
big title of a tipper: (no title in normal mode)
thank you message tipped 0-10: Thank you monnon33
thank you message tipped 11-99: Thank you so much monnon33
thank you message tipped 100-499: Thank you very much monnon33
thank you message tipped 500-999: WOW , Thank you monnon33
thank you message tipped 1000+: Thank you monnon33 you are the best
message when tip menu item is tipped: Nice choice monnon33 , thank you
standard notice 1: Tip me guys.
standard notice 2: Welcome to my room.
standard notice 3: Please follow me.
standard notice 4: No requests without tipping !
standard notice 5: Be nice and tip.

title above tipmenu: "---Take Monica hard using the tipmenu.---"
title above toplist: "---My 5 most horny guys for this session.---"
title above all times high tipper: "---My altimes best lover in a single tip is : "
title of the model: Slut
small title of a tipper: Lover
big title of a tipper: Stud
thank you message tipped 0-10: Thank you, keep fucking me monnon33
thank you message tipped 11-99: You fucked slut Monica hard monnon33
thank you message tipped 100-499: monnon33 takes slut Monica deep. You make me so horney, Thank you !
thank you message tipped 500-999: FUCK YOU monnon33. You are the best. Slut Monica loves it. You fuck me hard, Thank You !
thank you message tipped 1000+: FUUUUCK monnon33. You can handle this slut. Monica wants you. Take me in all my holes, THANK YOU SO MUCH !
message when tip menu item is tipped: monnon33 knows how to please a girl, Thank you.
standard notice 1: :erection Tip Me Guys
standard notice 2: Monica wants to :fuckyoug :tip
standard notice 3: :tipIFyou
standard notice 4: :tipifyoulikeherbody5
standard notice 5: :wakeup_unkn0wn

title above tipmenu: "---Use the tipmenu to love Monica.---"
title above toplist: "---My 5 top tippers for this session.---"
title above all times high tipper: "---My altimes best king in a single tip is : "
title of the model: Princes
small title of a tipper: Prince
big title of a tipper: King
thank you message tipped 0-10: I love you monnon33
thank you message tipped 11-99: Princess Monica loves you monnon33
thank you message tipped 100-499: monnon33 really loves Princess Monica. And i love you too. Thank You !
thank you message tipped 500-999: AARRGGG monnon33. You really love Princess Monica. I LOVE YOU TOO. THANK YOU, THANK YOU !
thank you message tipped 1000+: NOOOOOO monnon33. You rule Princess Monica. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. THANK YOU, THANK YOU !
message when tip menu item is tipped: monnon33 knows how to rule, thank you.
standard notice 1: :love4 and :tip
standard notice 2: :tipsshow
standard notice 3: :kisses4u Monica loves you.
standard notice 4: :tipifyoulike
standard notice 5: :wakeupguys

title above tipmenu: "---Use the tipmenu to worship Mistress Monica.---"
title above toplist: "---My 5 best boys for this session.---"
title above all times high tipper: "---My altimes best worshipper in a single tip is : "
title of the model: Mistress
small title of a tipper: Good boy
big title of a tipper: Slave
thank you message tipped 0-10: Thank you monnon33
thank you message tipped 11-99: monnon33 knows how to please Mistress Monica
thank you message tipped 100-499: monnon33 worships Mistress Monica. You are a very good boy. Thank you.
thank you message tipped 500-999: WOW monnon33. You like your Mistress Monica. You may come closer to receive my Thanks.
thank you message tipped 1000+:VERY GOOD monnon33. I see you adore your Mistress Monica. You are a very good slave. thank you.
message when tip menu item is tipped: monnon33 knows how to please me, thank you.
standard notice 1: :slave-promo
standard notice 2: :tipnoww
standard notice 3: :bow2 for Mistress Monica
standard notice 4: :mistress111 Tip me !
standard notice 5: :wakeuphellboy10

title above tipmenu: "--- Use the tipmenu to punish slave Monica.---"
title above toplist: "---My 5 best owners for this session.---"
title above all times high tipper: "---My alltimes best Master in a single tip is : "
title of the model: Slave
small title of a tipper: Sir
big title of a tipper: Master
thank you message tipped 0-10: Thank you monnon33
thank you message tipped 11-99: Slave monica bows for you monnon33
thank you message tipped 100-499: monnon33 punished slave Monica and she loves it. THANK YOU !!!
thank you message tipped 500-999: OMG monnon33. You know how to handle a slave. Slave Monica is all yours. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!
thank you message tipped 1000+:YESSS monnon33. Torture this slave. You broke slave Monica and it feels so good. THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH MASTER !!! :bows
message when tip menu item is tipped: monnon33 Knows what he wants, thank you.
standard notice 1: Be My :Master
standard notice 2: :tipguys
standard notice 3: :torture Slave Monica
standard notice 4: :Spank my ass
standard notice 5: :WAKEup

This is as far as i know the only bot that can do multicolors in notices.
(at the moment of upload 1 April 2020 ...)

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