Txstarz chat enhancement bot
-- Note --
Made for use in the room's of Txstarz, Jessijayde and Mrandjess.
You might like to try some more general purpose bots:
- Notifier: https://camscaster.com/apps/app_details/n otifier/
- Tagger: https://camscaster.com/apps/app_details/t agger/
- Obfuscator: https://camscaster.com/apps/app_details/o bfuscator/
** Not made for general purpose **
For suggestions, requests, bug reports or questions you can:
- leave a comment
- find me on Twitter ( http://twitter.com/King__Bobomb )
- shoot me a mail at [email protected]
-- Description --
Chat enhancement regarding voting by tips. Basic notifications regarding Empires, Voting, Gazers, Hotshots, room rules and many other features.
-- Usage --
Set the initial settings.
At every tip that is above 100 and contains the word 'vote' or 'voting' and either of your names,
the vote will be added to the total and the total will be posted to the room. If the tip is a multitude of 100 (200, 300, 400)
the bot will turn it into multiple votes (2, 3, 4 votes).
If the tip message contains the word 'empire' and an action (and the amount is sufficient for the action),
the given action will be posted to the room.
If the tipped amount is 500 (above), the user will be tagged as a 'Gazer' or 'Hotshot'.
For more information on functions, type /help in chat.
-- Change log --
-- 3.6.5 (19-06-2013) --
> Voting module now looks for both "vote" and "voting" in the tip message.
> Added a new module for hotshots.
> Added room rule posting.
> Added a new command to get some basic statistics (/mystats).
-- 3.4.0 (10-06-2013) --
> Updated to the latest framework version.
-- 3.3.0 (19-05-2013) --
> Reworked the code to my framework.
-- 2.3.8 (04-05-2013) --
> Minor changes in messages and command handling.
-- 2.3.6 (02-05-2013) --
> Added a new module for gazers.
-- 2.2.5 (30-04-2013) --
> Various little bugfixes.
-- 2.2.3 (29-04-2013) --
> Added commands for all users.
> Major changes to the empires module, including new commands.
> Major hanges to the user rights module, including new commands.
> Updates will now alternate between vote count and empires.
> Added global modifier !private. Use this to hide return messages from commands from the room.
-- 2.0.0 (29-04-2013) --
> Completely rewritten over 60% of the code.
> Minor progress on the user rights system.
> Added a module for displaying supporters. When turned on, it will add the prefix [Team Name] to the message a user sends.
-- 1.2.2 (29-04-2013) --
> Implemented a hot fix for a rare case where the tip message could not be resolved.
> Changed the /addvotes command to also accept a 'from' parameter, so you can add the user that voted.
> Added a field to the launch settings for importing a settings string.
-- 1.2.0 (28-04-2013) --
> Import / export functionality is back and functioning!
> Some minor changes to various notices.
-- 1.1.9 (26-04-2013) --
> Added some more safety checks, seems I forgot a few! Oops...
> Added some notices for when a command is wrong.
-- 1.1.7 (25-04-2013) --
> Disabled import / export functionality due to unresolvable errors.
> Implemented a basic structure for rights management.
-- 1.1.0 (25-04-2013) --
> Added import / export functionality.
> Updated /help to reflect the new commands for import and export.
> Added some more basic notices for empires and turned it on by default.
> Added notices for a few commands that previously executed in silence so users know if something happened or not.
-- 1.0.4 (23-04-2013) --
> Added a few harmless commands for the mods.
> Implemented the basic structure for empires.
-- 0.9.8 (23-04-2013) --
> Added several safety checks to the chat commands.
> Added a module for tracking the users that voted. Use the new command /showvoters to see the list of people who voted, who they voted for and how many times they voted.
> Cleaned up some bad code.
> Added a message to indicate if a message is intercepted as chat commands.
> Added a message to indicate if a notice is shown to the room or not.
> Reformated the output for /help and /showfunctions.
> Updated /help and /showfunctions to reflect the new commands and functions.
> Changed the default value of the update interval to 15.
-- 0.8.5 (22-04-2013) --
> Initial release.
> Implemented the native settings structure of Chaturbate (cb.settings_choices). It now asks for certain settings at launch.
> Added the commands /help and /showfunctions to aid the user.
> Reformated the output of the vote count to the room.
-- 0.7.1 (21-04-2013) --
> First version. Almost became release version, but I had some extra time and decided to postpone uploading it.
-- List of implemented chat commands --
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