Let the tokens do the voting
By NotThatFrank
Have you ever wanted your room's help in making a choice? Well, this is where the Token Poll bot comes in. It lets your viewers interactively vote for up to five different options while keeping track of how many votes each option gets.
The setup options are:
Poll Title (required) is a descriptive text to let viewers know what's going on.
Board Display Interval (required) is an interval, in minutes, that the bot will pop up the current poll standings to remind viewers that the app is running and that they should keep tipping :o)
Poll ends... (required) specifies how you want the poll to end. The options are to let it run until you disable the bot ('When I end it'), after a specified number of minutes ('After x minutes'), when a given total number of votes has been cast ('After x votes'), or when one of the options wins by reaching a given number of votes ('When one option reaches x votes').
... Where x is ... (required for the three latter poll end options) specifies the number of minutes, total votes, or votes to win if you're selected one of those options above. If you've elected to end the poll 'When I end it', this option will have no effect.
Option x (1-2 required, 3-5 optional) is the title for each option that the viewers may vote for.
Option x Tokens (1-2 required, 3-5 optional) is the number of tokens required to vote for option x. Remember that each option must have a unique token amount to distinguish votes.
Leave the "Option x Tokens" fields at zero for any voting options you don't want to use.
Enjoy... ;o)
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