Tip Multi-Goal Alpha
Author: mx2k6

You are viewing version 65580. There is a newer version of this app. See the latest version of this app.

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Short Description:

Bleeding edge version of Tip Multi-Goal. Contains features not yet ready for prime-time.

Full Description

Tip Multi-Goal Alpha by Mx2k6


This version of Tip Multi-Goal contains newer features which are being "live-tested" before being released for general use.

Important note: This version contains features which are still being tuned and might not work entirely as expected (depending on what you expect). If you aren't OK with this, use Tip Multi-Goal instead!

If you have any issues, either email me at the address below or hit up the Disqus comments at the bottom of this page.


* /stats - Displays token stats, usable by broadcasters and mods
* /reset - Resets the goal back to the starting values, usable by broadcasters only
* /continue - In manual progression mode, moves onto the next goal. Only usable when the goal has been met and in manual progression mode, usable by broadcasters only
* /skip - Skips a goal
* /upnext - Announces the next goal to the room
* /timer - Sets a timer for the goal to be met in minutes
* /timer stop - Stops the running timer
* /addtokens - Adds a "tip" to the goal, incrementing if necessary
* /removetokens - Removes a "tip" from the goal, decrementing if necessary
* /help - Take a wild guess. Really.


The following colour schemes can be used for tipper highlighting. You can select these from the Launch App page, or by typing '/setcolors' followed by the scheme name.
* Legacy: High Tipper, High Total
* Sky: High Tipper, High Total
* Pink: High Tipper, High Total
* Forest: High Tipper, High Total
* Ocean: High Tipper, High Total
* Amethyst: High Tipper, High Total
* Sunshine: High Tipper, High Total


v1.0 08/02/2013: First release
v1.1 22/02/2013: Added /stats and /reset commands. See Description for more
v1.2 08/03/2013: Added /skip (thanks to jcummings for that)
v1.3 12/03/2013: Added /goals command for moderators and /upnext command for broadcasters. See Description for more
v1.4 13/03/2013: Minor cleanup to make code more readable. Modified /upnext to actually use the broadcaster's message instead of chat notice
v1.5 07/04/2013: Added some debugging code so I can get to the bottom of why chat commands don't always respond
v1.6 13/04/2013: Fixed an embarrassing bug where all broadcaster and debug commands were ignored
v1.7 20/04/2013: Tipper leaderboard now available on /stats output - see who your top 10 tippers are
v1.8 21/04/2013: Goal timer function now available - /timer x now sets a countdown to when the goal needs to be in by - hurry those blues up!
v1.9 05/05/2013: Stats junkies rejoice! /stats will now display an approximate token count per minute, to help you work out whether you'll make more tokens camming or flipping burgers. Also, tip goal king now stands out more
v1.10 05/05/2013: Now optionally highlight your highest total tipper (light purple currently - make suggestions people!) so the one who contributes the most can show off too!
v1.11 05/05/2013: Timer stability improvements. Added timer debugging code. Type '/verbose' (broadcaster ONLY) to get precise dates and times of timer interval for when requesting support
v1.12 18/05/2013: Clarified stats text relating to per minute figures. Changed highest tipper to no longer have a green "fanclub" name until such time as we can change the colour to a custom one
v1.13 31/05/2013: Added ability for high tippers to "opt out" of being highlighted by typing "/donotwant" after they tip
v1.14 05/06/2013: Added ability to directly manipulate tokens toward goals with /addtokens and /removetokens. See /help for more
v1.15 02/07/2013: Timer now automatically clears if a goal is met rather than continuing on to zero
v1.16 03/07/2013: Added a sixth goal... HOW MANY DO YOU PEOPLE NEED?!? Also, fixed a bug where total highest tipper got notified even when their highlight is disabled
v1.17 04/07/2013: Allowed looping final goal if broadcaster chooses to
v1.18 05/07/2013: Time's up message (when timer is in use) now uses a graphic to draw attention to it
v1.19 19/07/2013: Notices (where applicable) now stand out more
v1.20 10/08/2013: Colour schemes for the tipper highlights (thanks to ashley93bad for the suggestion, you're awesome man!), bug fixes for opt-out
v1.21 17/08/2013: More colour schemes added
v1.22 18/08/2013: Manual progression mode added. Fixed major bug in /skip command which could result in additional goals having decreased token requirements


More suggestions needed guys! Come on, don't be shy!


More suggestions needed guys! Come on, don't be shy!


More suggestions needed guys! Come on, don't be shy!


* Allow broadcaster to reset back to the first goal without stopping and starting the app - this might require some stamina though!
* Allow mods to see the goal list with /goals
* Allow broadcaster to announce the next goal in the list with /upnext
* Leaderboard in /stats output - type /stats to see your stats including your top 10 tippers
* Goal timer. Sick of waiting for the goal to be met? Type /timer x and hurry those blues up! Sets up a timer that counts down until your goal offer is off the table
* Allow tracking of both goal king and sum goal king (highest tip and highest sum total tips)
* Allow directly manipulating tokens toward goals with /addtokens and /removetokens
* Allow broadcaster to loop the last goal infinitely (for example "tip if you enjoy" or "every x do something", in case the first several goals were progress goals toward a repeating goal)
* Manual progression mode. Allow broadcaster to set the goal to only increment once a command is entered

Do you enjoy Tip Multi-Goal? Feel free to make feature suggestions and bug reports - I love hearing from people who are using my work. If I'm online, drop by and say hello - https://camscaster.com/mx2k6/. And an offline tip or two wouldn't go amiss (though you're under no obligation to)!

Questions? Comments? You can email me at c9max69 [at] gmail [dot] com

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