A powerful Tip Menu & Thank You bot with options!
Featuring the 1st Thank You Bot of its kind on Chaturbate!
With Automatic Moderation from The Anti Spam Bot!
+ 30 possible tip menu items! (/tipmenu, !tipmenu, /menu, !menu, tip menu?)
+ 69 unique item separators (Strawberry, Rainbow, Text Heart, Numbered List, Elephant, etc)
+ 2 display types (Single Line or Multi Line)
+ 156 color choices (Web safe, including Bob Ross color palette)
+ Intelligent error handling (fill out only what you need)
+ All features can be utilized independently (just a Thank You bot or just a Welcome bot, etc)
+ Option to automatically say thanks for tips (Every/Specific) with custom messages (:bow / [tipper])
+ Option to set 10 Rotating Notifications (:pumpkinjump)
+ Option to set a discount (/sale)
+ Option to create 5 chat shortcut notices (for commonly typed URLs, GIFs, messages, etc)
+ Option to greet users with the Tip Menu/Rate & Follow message
+ Option to greet users with a welcome message
+ Option to set custom font colors (#F0F8FF)
+ Option to use a custom item separator (:headbanger / \u2666 / )
+ Option to set advertisement cycles(s) in minutes
+ Option to change room topic (custom message or tip menu)
+ Automatic anti-spam feature (hides common spam/advertisement phrases from chat)
+ Power User Features (per-item discounts, secret items, private notices, topic goals, chat /notices, and more)
+ Donation Tiers (bot expansions and personalized customizations)
Just type, in any language. Leave blank, or partially filled out, anything you will not use! It really is that easy!!
Solo tienes que escribir, en cualquier idioma. Deje en blanco, o parcialmente completado, cualquier cosa que no vaya a utilizar! Realmente es as de fcil !!
Click a link below for Settings Instructions in other languages:
Russianby maxgraff
If the Tip Menu "Display Type" is set to "Single Line (OG Style)" the bot will advertise the tip menu all on one line. If "Display Type" is set to "Multi Line (Popular Style)" the bot will advertise the tip menu on multiple lines with 1 item on each new line (similar in effect to Baby Tip Menu or The Menu).
All 156 included text highlight and background color selections are either from the x11 standard "Web safe" category or the Bob Ross color palette (Modified). Custom 7 character hex colors entered into the Tip Menu "Custom Text Highlight Color" and "Custom Text Background Color" input-boxes will override selections from the drop-list. Find more hex color codes at https://htmlcolorcodes.com/.
If the "Menu Separator" drop-list is set to "Numbered List", the bot will number each individual menu item in ascending order (EG: 1. item 2. item). Any ASCII character or custom :gif image can be manually entered into the "Custom Menu Separator" input-box. Supported "Menu Separator" Unicode literal expressions (EG: Text Heart - \u2665) can also be manually entered into the "Custom Menu Separator" input-box. In addition, converted Unicode emoji images can also be manually entered into the "Custom Menu Separator" input-box. (EG: ). Chaturbate currently allows images to be input into chat simply by coping and pasting them. Please note - this privilege could be removed at any time! Manually entered, custom separating characters will always override drop-list selections. The "Custom Menu Separator" input-box supports more than 1 menu separating character at a time (EG: side-by-side), unlike the "Menu Separator" drop-list (EG: only 1 separator). Supported Unicode literal expressions can also be entered into the "Custom Menu Separator" input-box more than once (EG: HeartStarHeart - \u2665\u2605\u2665). Find more Unicode emoji images at https://emojiterra.com/unicorn-face/.
If the Tip Menu "Advertisement Cycle (minutes)" integer is deleted, the tip menu advertisement will stop. However, the /tipmenu command output and thank you messages will continue to be displayed. If thank you messages are left blank, the bot will only respond to /tipmenu (/menu, !tipmenu, !menu, tip menu?), /sale, and /about. Anyone can type commands at anytime to quickly advertise the bot. Broadcaster advertisements will display publicly, while user advertisements will be sent privately to the user who typed the command! All typed commands will always remain hidden from chat, except to the user who typed the command. Private broadcaster commands (/goal, /hastokens, /pnotice, etc) will always function, regardless of the "Advertisement Cycle (minutes)" integer setting.
"Discount %" is used for menu wide sales, which are advertised in the Tip Menu and displayed through the /sale command. If "Discount %" is left blank, the bot will only create per-item discounts as specified by the user. If there are no discounts set, the /sale command will do nothing. See Power User Features for more information on per-item discounts!
If "The Anti Spam Bot for Gray Chat" is turned "On", then the bot will block grey-user spam automatically. This feature was ported from the amazingly efficient 'The Anti Spam Bot', and fully replaces the need for grey-blocking/silencing bots and all 'Spam Captcha' bots! This automatic anti-spam feature will never need to be configured. It incorporates intelligent string searches to identify user chat based on a specific list of known advertisement spam phrases. Only the single line of chat that contains the entire specific phrase will be hidden from public view. This feature will never kick, ban, or permanently alter chat in any way. It will never identify itself or contact your chat either! It is a silent, automatic Moderator, designed to help your chat become spam free!
If "Hide :emoticons for Grey Chat" is set to "Yes", then the bot will automatically hide all :emoticons from appearing in grey chat. If "Hide :emoticons for Grey Chat" is set to "No", then :emoticons will be allowed in chat and appear as normal.
If "Always Send '[user] Tipped [cost] For [item]' Notification" is set to "Yes", the bot will send a generic (EG: 'User01 Tipped 14 For PM') notice. These notices are sent publicly, each time the tipped amount exactly matches the cost of a menu item, regardless of other Thank You message settings. To turn off this behavior, set "Always Send '[user] Tipped [cost] For [item]' Notification" to "No". A hidden tip menu item will never have its item description sent to chat. These notices can also function with the range feature, see Power User Features for more information.
If "Custom Thank You Message for Every Tip" is filled out, the bot will say thanks for each tip. Users can enter a custom message, and :gifs / [tipper] are supported. If "Custom Thank You Message for Every Tip" is left blank, the bot will default to specific tip thank you messages. If an item does not have a specific tip thank you message, the bot will say nothing for that item. Specific tip thank you messages will always override the "Custom Thank You Message for Every Tip". Tip ranges and private notices can be set here as well, see Power User Features for more information!
If "Send Tip Menu/Rate & Follow Notice On Enter to Which Users" is set to "Every", the bot will send a 2 line notification to all users on enter. The 1st line will be your tip menu and the 2nd line will display 'Please remember to Rate & Follow. Type: /tipmenu at any time!'. If the tip menu is not set, then only the Rate & Follow potion of the message will be sent. In this instance, the Rate & Follow message will no longer contain the 'Type: /tipmenu at any time!' portion of the default output message. If "Send Tip Menu/Rate & Follow Notice On Enter to Which Users" is set to "With Tokens Only", the bot will only send the Tip Menu and Rate & Follow notice to users with at least 1 token. If "Send Tip Menu/Rate & Follow Notice On Enter to Which Users" is set to "None", the bot will not send the Tip Menu or the Rate & Follow notice to new users. Anything typed into the "Custom Rate & Follow Message" input-box will override the default Rate & Follow message.
If "Greet Which Users" is set to "Every", the bot will send a custom welcome message to everyone that enters the room. If "Greet Which Users" is set to "With Tokens Only", the bot will only send the welcome message to users with at least 1 token. If a custom welcome message has not been entered, the bot will send the tip menu instead. If the tip menu is empty, the bot will send a generic/default welcome message. If "Greet Which Users" is set to "None", the bot will not welcome new users to the chat room. It is possible to have more than 1 rotating greeting message and to use custom hex colors, see Power User Features for more information!
If "Change Topic" is set to "Yes", the bot will change the topic to what the user entered in the "New Topic" input-box. If "New Topic" is left blank, the bot will set the topic to the tip menu (EG: item 1 | item 2 | etc). If the tip menu is empty, a default advertisement message will be set. If "Change Topic" is set to "No" the room's topic will stay the same. It is possible to create topic goals (EG: Goal #1 15 Tokens Remaining) here as well, see Power User Features for more information!
If the "Shortcut to Type in Chat" is typed by the broadcaster in chat, the bot will hide the command or phrase from chat, and send "Full Text it Will Send to Chat" instead. Anything can be used as a shortcut (EG: hello, ^HI, !welcome) and anything can be sent to chat (animated GIFs, URLs, etc). Multiple different shortcuts can be used on a single "Full Text it Will Send to Chat" line (EG: !h and !w enjoy my room. Please !follow). Each full text message can have its own custom hex colors, see Power User Features for more information!
If the Rotating Notifier "Display Type" is set to "Ascending (OG Style)", then notifications will display in a repeating cycle. If the "Display Type" is set to "Random (Popular Style)", then notifications will display in a randomly selected cycle. Random notifications will never display twice in a row! Hex color codes entered into either the "Custom Hex Highlight Color" or "Custom Hex Background Color" input-boxes will override the global bot-wide color scheme. Rotating Notifier messages can include shortcuts (EG: !h and !w, please :follow). Custom shortcut colors will always override rotating notifier colors (global and custom). If the "Advertisement Cycle (minutes)" integer is deleted, then all timed rotating notifications will stop. Rotating notifications can be off-set (delayed) by entering a number (1-60) into the "Advertisement Cycle Off-set (seconds)" input-box. Notifications can be multi-line displays and each notification can have its own unique custom hex colors, see Power User Features for more information!
1. Rotating Notifier, Full Text to Send to Chat, and Greeting Message Custom Hex Colors:
First is for foreground, second is for background color. Only full 7 character hex color codes are supported. Rotating Notifier character limit hard-coded to 750. Shortcuts can be up to 20 characters, while the messages they send can be up to 200 characters. Greeting Messages character limit hard-coded to 275. These color codes will override bot-wide color selections, thus allowing these messages to display in their own unique colors.
Hex color codes: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/
2. Rotating Greeting Messages:
Character limit hard-coded to 275. Custom hex colors can be used here as well. (EG: ^#############Message^). Each user who enters chat will receive the next greeting message in rotation.
3. Tip Ranges:
This example would send a thank you message when tips between 1 and 25 tokens are received. "Cost of Item" begins the range and "^#^" ends it. Ranges can be nested, allowing for multiple thank you messages (1-20, 5-10, etc). Examples of usage include 'Lush' thank you messages, guessing number games, or song requests by priority.
4. Hide Tip Menu Items:
Item will not display in any tip menu advertisement. However, a private item can still be tipped for and will display 'thank you' messages! This feature was designed so that the 'thank you' portion of the bot could work independently from the 'tip menu'. This feature also allows for configurations such as hidden number guessing games, hidden menu items, or even a secret tip menu.
When hidden menu items are used in conjunction with tip ranges, the bot will send specific thank you messages exactly as your 'Lush' bot does! Displayed thank you messages include only the "Custom Thank You Message for Every Tip" and "Thank You Message for Item #" options. The generic "Always Send '[user] Tipped [cost] For [item]' Notification" option will not display with 'hidden' tip menu items. However, a specific message could be written to mimic this outcome (EG: [tipper] Tipped 25 For PM).
Please read my tutorial for using Tip Menu Deluxe to send all of your 'Lush' settings information and thank you messages: HERE
5. Private Thank You Notices:
This feature can be used to create 'thank you' messages that are sent just to the tipper! Can be used in conjunction with ranges (EG: ^25^p^Message or ^p^25^Message). Examples of usage include sending information privately (SnapChat, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram) or creating a chat respectful 'thank you' bot that does it's job without cluttering your chatroom!
6. Per-Item Discounts:
Set per-item discounts, 1 to 99. Can be used in conjunction with hidden tip menu items (EG: ^99^p^Description or ^p^99^Description), and the menu-wide "Discount %".
Per-item discounts will override the menu-wide 'global' discount. Please read my tutorial on using discounts, which includes information on the /sale command: HERE
7. Topic Goals:
Can be any number greater than 1. Goal will always count up as tokens count down. When a goal is reached a generic notice will be sent to chat! While active, type /help for a descriptive list of supported commands (EG: /pause, /resume, /tips, /token, /goal). Typing /goal=0 will remove goals from the topic, thus creating a [# Tokens Remaining] topic instead! Topic Goals will function until halted. Topic Goals can only be permanently halted by setting "Change Topic" to "No" or by adjusting the "New Topic" textbox. "New Topic" textbox character limit is hard-coded to 300 characters.
Please ready my tutorial for creating 'topic goals': HERE
8. Multi-line Rotating Notifications:
A multi-line notification (designed to mimic a similar effect to Lovense Lush Level bots or Lush Settings bots) can be initialized here by enclosing each line between the ^ characters. Custom hex colors, shortcuts, and .GIFs are supported.
EG: ^#FFC0CB#000000MY LOVENSE LEVELS OF INTENSITY AND DURATION^:sparklesssss Level 1: Tip (1-49) Low 3 seconds.^:sparklesssss Level 2: Tip (50-99) Medium 4 seconds.^:sparklesssss Level 3: Tip (100+) High 10 seconds.^Make me hot with the sound of your tokens!^
Additional examples of usage include creating more than 1 tip menu. By creating 'hidden' tip menu items that have specific 'thank you' messages, more than 1 tip menu bot as well!
EG: #FFC0CB#000000 My Social Media Tip Menu: PM (25) :heart WhatsApp (125) :heart Snap (30) :heart Premium Snap (300)
9. Chat Notices:
Send public notices to chat by typing /notice Message. Custom hex colors are supported. (EG: /notice #00FFFF#000000 Hello From Tip Menu Deluxe!)
Send a private notice to a specific user by typing /pnotice Username Message. Each element (command - username - message) must be separated by a blank space. Custom hex colors are supported (EG: /pnotice User01 #CFFFE5#000000 Hello, my Snap is...)
Complete Example:
In this example, our item is 10% off. Tips between 1 - 23 tokens (22.5 rounded) will send the private thank you message.
500 Tokens. -- Hide the Message of the Day
For a donation of 500 Tokens, you will be given access to a selection-box with an option to hide the message of the day. The message of the day will only change if new additions are added to the bot. Additions could include new Token Tiers, new tutorials, updated links, etc. However, if you wish to hide the MOTD, this is the option for you!
200 Tokens. -- Display Styles
For a donation of 200 tokens, you will be given access to 14 different display styles. These styles create beautiful and fun patterns with your bot-wide color selections. Styles can display with your tip menu, thank you notices, rotating notifications, etc.
150 Tokens. -- Expand the Interface
For a donation of 150 Tokens, you will be given more Tip Menu slots, Rotating Notifier slots, or Shortcut slots! Each 150 Token donation expands only one of these sections. Expansions are for input-slots only, and not for additional functionality. If you require more tip menu items, more rotating notifications, or more shortcuts, then this is the tier for you!
** Please include which interface section you are donating for and how many additional input-boxes you need in your 'tip note'!
105 Tokens. -- The Lion Crown & Tip Totals in Chat Displays
For a donation of 105 Tokens, you will be given access to the The Lion Crown (king tip / leader) add-on bot and an option to display tip totals for all tipping users!.
To begin the quest, simply type any number greater than 1 into the "The Lion Crown Advertisement Cycle (minutes)" input-box. With each advertisement cycle, the bot will display your top 3 tippers in a public chat notification. The bot will also display 1 of 3 rotating notifications every half cycle, which includes the amount required to usurp a specific crown. When a user claims a top 3 spot, the bot will privately notify them of their accomplishment! In addition, each of the top tippers will be rewarded with their crown as their personal emoticon chat avatar! To turn off this behavior, simply delete the "The Lion Crown Advertisement Cycle (minutes)" input-box number.
Initially, all crowns can be claimed for just 1 token each. The first crown won will always be the Lion Crown. A tipper must tip a cumulative amount higher than a current crowns worth in order to usurp its current avatar holder. Tips which tie an existing position and are greater than the position below it, will receive the next crown down as their reward. Existing crown holders will be properly sorted into their new positions automatically. This activity happens in real time and will always be reflected by the chat advertised leader board.
If "Display Tip Totals for All Tipping Users" is set to 'Yes', then the bot will display a user's tip totals in chat. To turn off the tip total in chat display, set "Display Tip Totals for All Tipping Users" to 'No'. The bot records cumulative tips over the length of your broadcast, and allowing a user who has tipped to see their tip totals will make questing for an avatar reward much more enjoyable. As a result, it is suggested to always leave this option turned ON.
The bot can never remove users from its memory, unless you restart it. This means that if your users are disconnected, the bot will continue to store their personal tip total and possible crown avatar reward!
If "Advertisement Color Theme" is set to "Phthalo Blue/White", then all advertisements will output using Phthalo Blue (#000F89) and White (#FFFFFF) as their alternating color theme. If this option is set to "Strawberry/White", then all advertisements will output using Strawberry (#FC5A8D) and White (#FFFFFF) as their alternating color theme.
100 Tokens. -- Custom Advertisement
For a donation of 100 Tokens, you will be given access to the "Custom Advertisement" input-box. Anything you enter here will display in the tip menu advertisement(s) instead of "Tip Menu Deluxe!". This means that you will be able to fully customize your user experience (EG: User01's Menu: OR My Social Media Menu!, etc). If the "Custom Advertisement" input-box is left blank, then the bot will default to "Tip Menu Deluxe!".
75 Tokens. -- /Hastokens Command & Chat Message Pre-fix
Syntax: /hastokens username or /ht username
For a donation of 75 tokens, you will be given access to the /hastokens command. The /hastokens command will privately display if a user has tokens, along with their recent tipping history. This can be extremely useful before PMing a user or beginning a conversation involving token spending.
Also included with this tier is the "Pre-fix Token User MSGs with a Tiny 't'" selection-box. When set to "Yes", the bot will pre-fix any chat typed by token holding users with the Unicode 't' ( , \u036d). This way, you can automatically see if a user has tokens! If "Pre-fix Token User MSGs with a Tiny 't'" is set to "No", then the bot will output chat without this at-a-glance indication.
50 Tokens. -- Auto Respond to PM
For a donation of 50 Tokens, you will be given access to the "Auto Respond to PM Cost" input-box. The number you enter here will be your PM cost, regardless of any 'tip menu' settings. The bot will respond by sending a public notification to chat for most inquiries regarding the cost for PM. This message will include an emoticon when possible. Emoticons will never display back-to-back, unless only one exists for your set PM cost.
30 Tokens. -- Public Color Drop-box Additions
For a donation of 30 Tokens, you will help to expand the "Text Highlight Color" and "Text Background Color" drop-boxes. Please select a brand-new, custom hex color, and include its name and 7 character hex code in your 'tip note'. This is a public expansion and will be available to all users. If you do not not include your color choice in your 'tip note', then I will pick a new color to add to the menu.
Hex color codes: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/
25 Tokens. -- Early Access Anti-Spam Dark-list Additions
For a donation of 25 Tokens, you will be given access to the latest anti-spam dark-list additions.
Any Other Token Amount. -- Just to Say Thanks!
Tip Menu Deluxe has more than 8 months of development time. It was written from the heart, as a means to help out the amazing broadcasters of CB. It contains many bots and can help you save a bot slot or 3. Everything included has been 100% tested and the bot has never been published with a single known bug! You get the use of it for free, everyday, as a means to help you make more money!
Coders are often overlooked by the broadcasters who use our bots! Think about how this bot has helped you, and considering saying 'thanks' by donating.
The donation tiers were created as a means to give you something back just for saying thanks! Your donation ensures that your access will never be revoked. If you change your broadcaster username at any time, just contact me for a free update! Broadcaster's with more than one active account should note that donation tier expansions will only be made accessible to one of your broadcaster usernames at any one time. However, the option to purchase additional donations tier expansions for other active accounts remains available. If you desire any of these upgrades, please type /tipmenudeluxeversion to privately view my contact information!
If you decide to donate, please put "TMD" in your tip-note!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting Tip Menu Deluxe!
Donate here: https://camscaster.com/mentalcex/
Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 12/30/21 5:12 pm
Copyright 2018-2020 to the author, MentalCex
KW: the best tip menu, tip menu, menu tip, menu de propinas
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