Tip Menu 50 Ninja
Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

🥷100% Silent Tip Menu Bot (Fan club Only - User in PVT Only)

Full Description

The code for Tip Menu 50 Ninja comes from my all-in-one-app, Synergy.
This bot was inspired by CB model roldansvalery.

This bot is similar to Tip Menu 50, rewritten for Synergy and ported here for your free enjoyment. You will find everything you've come to trust and expect from my releases! This bot runs 100% silent and will never notify your public chat, in any way, ever! You can target users by type (Mods only or Fan club only, etc). Your menu can be sorted (A-z, cost, shuffle, popularity), arranged (cost - item/item - cost), and even given a discount! Users can be sent private thank you messages that support '\n' for new line and '[u]' for username. Messages & the tip menu can send with selectable colors, styles, transparencies, and even a Rainbow! When a user tips for a menu item, the bot can notify you privately ([u] tipped ($) for [item])! Users are sent the menu when they 1st enter your room, tip, chat, or get added to the user list. Additionally, your menu can display privately, to qualifying users, on a cyclic rotation. The menu will advertise privately to any qualifying user who types /menu, !menu, /tipmenu, !tipmenu, tip menu?, or your custom command (EG: /fanclub or /private menu, etc). There is absolutely no way for anything related to this bot to advertise itself to the public chat. This 100% silent tip menu can run in any bot slot, making it a perfect companion for your favorite apps/bots!

Fan Club Only...
The user currently in Private...

This bot allows you to assign a custom command to use as an on/off switch (default: /switch), to add/remove specific usernames (/switch user01), and to view the list of users (/switch?). Mods can be given access to your switch command(s). If you use this bot in more than one slot, use these commands to turn on/off menu activity and to add special users at any time!

As a coder, I find it impossible to pay a single bill using CB as a launch platform... If you like this bot, please consider a token donation: https://camscaster.com/mentalcex/ Your support not only means a lot, it helps me eat! Cheers!

Other Interesting Bots of Color:
multi color chat MOD
The Green Team
The Red Team
The Upper Echelon
The Grey Team
grow me a Rainbow
Rotating Rainbows
Every Tip Thank You Bot
Virtual Clubs

Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 3/12/23 11:51 am
Copyright 2021, 2022, 2023 to the author, MentalCex

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