Tip Menu - 4Sci
Author: 4science

You are viewing version 1548776. There is a newer version of this app. See the latest version of this app.

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Short Description:

The best Tip Menu bot with up to 30 items!

Full Description

------ Tip Menu ------

A tip menu with up to 30 items.
Based on the original idea of badbadbubba.

Version 3.50: reading at a third grade level.

You can now use custom name for your menu! Does this need more exclamation point? I believe so!

To be more inline with other menu options, you can have a vertical menu (multiple lines). I don't like it, it takes a lot of space in chat but if you like it, you can use it.

You can now use your own divider! Simply pick 'Custom' in the drop-down menu and write whatever you want! Even gif!

You can now run sales. /tipmenusale X will reduce the price of all item by X%.

You can now add item on the fly by using /tipmenuadd X Y. X has to be a number and Y will be the name of the item. ex: "/tipmenuadd 50 I will spin around" will add item "I will spin around(50)" to the menu.

You can also delete item on the fly with /tipmenudel. You can either use the price of the item and it will remove all item with that price. Use only the label or to be really safe use /tipmenudel X Label, where X is the price of the item and Label is the name of the item. It has to be a perfect match ( capital letters and all). At the moment it is hard to remove items that start with a number. I'll try to make that easier in the future.

You can ask the bot to sort the item by price from the highest to the lowest, the lowest to the highest or just leave it like you entered them.

Any user can use the "/tipmenu" to see the menu at any time.

Will announce to each user that join the room that they can use the command "/tipmenu".

Can split the menu in chat if it is very big.

You don't have to erase an item that you want to remove for one night, just add a minus sign in front of the price and the bot will skip it. When you want it again, just remove the minus sign.

You can use the # or not for the color. You can pick a different color for each split menu.

Based on the original idea of badbadbubba.

------- Commands -------

You can use these commands in chat to control the bot. X is a number and Y is a word or a sentence.

/tipmenu: Will show the menu in the chat. Mods will send the menu to everyone
/tipmenurequest: Show the last 10 requests.
/tipmenurequest X: Show the last X requests
/tipmenurequest all: Show all the requests (up to 100).
/tipmenuadd X Y: Add an item name Y for X token to the menu.
/tipmenudel X: Removes every item with a value of X tokens.
/tipmenudel X Y: Will only remove an item named Y and the value X
/tipmenudel Y: Will removed any item labeled Y independent of the cost.
/tipmenusale X: Will reduce the price of each item by X% rounded up.
/tipmenunotice: Will toggle on and off the notification when someone request the menu.

------- Contact -------

Send complains, suggestions, bug reports and praises to [email protected] or on twitter @the4science. If you want a faster answer, use twitter.

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