Tip me a rainbow
Author: michal73
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Every tip gives more colors ath the end of their chatline

Full Description

A color bot where every 10 or 100 tokens they tip an extra color is added at the end of tippers chat line.
(you can set 10 or 100 in the settings)

The colors appear in the last 20% of the chatline.
There are 10 colors for this.
If all 10 are used the complete chatline background gets a new color and then the 10 colors at the end of the line start again.
There are 10 full line background colors too.
So there are 100 combinations.

If the setting is at 10 tokens he can tip up to 1000 tokens after that his color is random.
If the setting is at 100 tokens he can tip up to 10000 tokens after that his color is random.

V1.1 small update
The broadcaster stayed rather pale while the tippers got colors.
Now the broadcaster also get colors depending on the amount of tokens tipped.

other bots may change the background color too.
if that happens run this bot in the first slot.

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