Author: i0_ol
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Tip menu, Rotating Notifier, Chat filter, Ticket shows, Leaderboard, Blackjack.

Full Description

Tip menu, Rotating Notifier, Chat filter, Ticket shows, Leaderboard, Blackjack.

Everything is Optional.

Tip Menu
* Up to 20 items
* Single Line (all menu items displayed in a single line)
* Multi Line (menu items displayed one item per line)
* Option to sort items based on price.

Rotating Notifier
* Up to 10 custom notices displayed at periodic intervals

Banned words and phrases
You may use the following lists to specify words and/or phrases you don't allow in your room.
You can easily combine words and phrases in a single list.
Simply separate each word or phrase with a comma ","

For example if you don't want to allow users without tokens to request PM or c2c or PVT shows
In the grey word list you would write: pm,c2c,pvt

If you don't want to allow grey or blue members to ask, "where are you from?" or say the words, "whatsapp" or "snapchat"
In the blue word list you would write: where are you from,whatsapp,snapchat

Grey Word List
* You may specify words or phrases grey users are not allowed to say (affects only greys)

Blue Word List
* You may specify words or phrases blue users are not allowed to say (affects greys and blues)

Private Word List
* You may specify words or phrases nobody is allowed to say (affects all users)
* Note - Unlike the grey word list and the blue word list, the private word list cannot be accessed while the bot is running. You will need to stop the bot to add or remove anything from this list. This is intentional to prevent anyone other than the broadcaster from accidentally seeing the list.

Ticket shows
* You may enable or disable ticket shows at any time from within the app.
* Specify when tickets are available to purchase -- Before the show starts, After the show starts (useful if you do private shows on other sites), or Anytime.

Blackjack game
* Allow users a chance to win a prize from your tip menu.
* You set the amount required to play
* You set the top prize

* Simple leaderboard of your highest tippers
* Option to center justify the text (it's a little wonky right now, best to not center the text at the moment)

Complete customization of your Tip Menu and Rotating Messages. Set the background color, and text color. Set the boldness level. Many options available. Customizations can be modified while the app is running.


* /help -- Display command help information
* /settings -- Display the current settings
* /menu -- If broadcaster or moderator, send the tip menu to everyone in the room. If regular user, view the tip menu
* /list, /l -- View both the grey and blue list of banned words
* /add <list> <words> -- Add words to either the GREY or BLUE list of banned words

*** Example: /add blue skype facebook whatsapp -- will add the words 'skype' 'facebook' and 'whatsapp' to the list of banned words for blue users
Example: /add grey pizza tacos hamburgers -- will add the words 'pizza' 'tacos' and 'hamburgers' to the list of banned words for grey users

* /remove, /delete, /rm <list> <words>

*** Example: /remove blue skype facebook whatsapp -- will remove the words 'skype' 'facebook' and 'whatsapp' from the list of banned words for blue users
*** Example: /delete grey pizza tacos hamburgers -- will remove the words 'pizza' 'tacos' and 'hamburgers' from the list of banned words for grey users

* /mute, /block <users> -- mute one or more users from chatting

*** Example: /mute user1 user2 user3 -- will silence user1 user2 & user3
*** Example: /block user1 user2 user3 -- will silence user1 user2 & user3

* /unmute, unblock <users>

*** Example: /unmute user1 user2 user3 -- will unsilence user1 user2 & user3
*** Example: /unblock user1 user2 user3 -- will unsilence user1 user2 & user3

* /showusers, /su -- Display a list of muted users
* /cc, /clear -- Completely clear the chat of all messages
* /notice <text> -- Send a public notice to everyone in the room

*** Example: /notice Get your tickets to the hidden cam show for 100 tokens

* /pm <username> <message> -- Send a private notice to a single person

*** Example: /pm user1 Hello and welcome to my room

On / Off Toggles

* /greychat -- Turn grey chat on or off
* /graphics -- Turn grey graphics on or off
* /leaderboard -- Turn the leaderboard on or off
* /center -- Turn center justification of the leaderboard on or off
* /games -- Turn BlackJack on or off
* /automenu-- Turn the AutoMenu on or off
* /autopm -- Turn the auto responder for pm requests on or off
* /autopvt -- Turn the auto responder for pvt show requests on or off

Ticket Show Commands

* /start -- Start a hidden cam show
* /stop -- Stop a hidden cam show
* /adduser <username> -- Grant one or more users access to a hidden cam show

*** Example: /adduser user1 user2 user3 -- will give user1 user2 & user3 access to the hidden cam show

* /revoke <username>

*** Example: /revoke user1 user2 user3 -- will revoke access to the hidden cam show for user1 user2 & user3

* /check <username> -- check if a single user has access to the hidden cam show

*** Example: /check user1 -- will check if user1 has access to the hidden cam show

* /guests, /guestlist -- view the list of users who have access to the hidden cam show

Broadcaster Only

* /trustmod -- Turn moderator notifications on or off
* /ticketshow -- Enable or Disable ticketshows
* /log -- View the log of blocked messages
* /stats -- View number of tokens earned per user as well as a grand total
* /rainbow -- View the list of color names and hex value listed on the start up screen
* /c -- View a random sample of colors
* /random -- Will reset all background and foreground text colors to new randomly chosen colors
* /change <parameter> <attribute> <value>

The /change command can be used to change various attributes of your Tip Menu and Rotating Messages
The syntax for the command is structured like this:
/change <parameter> <attribute> <value>

Valid parameters are:
* menu -- edit the attributes of items listed in your Tip Menu
* title -- edit the attributes of your Menu Title
* notice -- edit the attributes of your Rotating Messages

Valid attributes are:
* color -- changes the color of the text
* background -- changes the color the background
* boldness -- changes the level of the text boldness

Valid boldness values are:
* bold
* bolder
* off

Valid color and background values are:
* Any valid hexadecimal color code with or without the leading #
* The 140 color names supported by all web browsers

A valid hex code is a sequence of 6 letters [A-F] or numbers [0-9]
Uppercase or lowercase letters are fine. F and f both mean the same thing.
Valid hex examples -- aaffee, AF03C2, #B1d4ee, bbbbbb

You may also specify certain colors by their name.
There are 140 color names supported by all web browswers.

These colors are listed in the color choices on the start up screen
You can also find them here -- names.asp

Valid color name examples -- black, white red, magenta, blue, powderblue, darkorchid

*** Example usage:
* /change menu color red -- change the font color of the items listed in your tip menu
* /change title background #00ff00 -- change the background color of your Menu Title (username's Tip Menu:)
* /change notice boldness off -- sets the boldness of your rotating messages
* /change title color magenta
* /change title boldness bold
* /change menu boldness bolder
* /change notice background purple

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