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The Tipmenu - the best and easiest to use tip menu bot on Chaturbate.
.... Easy to use !!! Just click Launch, everything is preset with the most popular settings.
.... 35 element menu
.... 5 special social media menu elements
.... Tip notification
.... General tipmenu and Fan Club tipmenu sale pricing!
.... over 130 menu colors to choose from.
.... over 60 of the most popular and menu seperator emojis
.... Gradient background coloring
.... Paragraph or list format
.... other menu options.
------- Settings -------
Configure up to 35 menu items. Select from 60 menu seperator emoticons, enable sales pricing and fan club discount pricing, choose text and background color from over 130 colors. For background colors select a gradient color effect if you like. Display the menu in paragraph form or in list form.
------- Commands -------
The Tipmenu bot provides chat line commands to change settings on-the-fly, view available colors and menu seperator emoticons, check price list to make sure there are no duplicates, add or remove items to the menu, change a menu item price, turn the menu on or off on the fly, change the time interval at which the menu is display and more. Just type /menuhelp to see available commands.
- /about : Display information about "The Tipmenu" bot.
- /bgcolors : Display the different background color choices.
- /chgint [new interval]: This command requires one parameter, to define the new interval (in minutes). An example of a valid command would be "/chgint 3.2" to update the tip menu interval to 3.2 minutes.
- /pricechecklist: Display a listing of all current price check entries.
- /seperators : Display the different menu seperator types.
- /textcolors : Display the different text color choices.
- /tipmenu: Display the tip menu in the chat. Available to any user, menu only shown to the user that requests it except if the broadcaster requests it the menu is sent to everyone.
- /tipmenuadd X Y: Add an item name "Y" with a price of "X" tokens to the menu.
- /tipmenuhelp : Display the list of commands.
- /tipmenuprice X Y: Updates a menu item with description of "Y" to "X" tokens. Description entered for "Y" must be an exact match of the text in the menu.
- /tipmenurmv X: Removes every item with a price of "X" tokens from the tip menu.
- /tipmenurmv Y: Will remove any item labeled "Y" regardless of price from the tip menu.
- /usemenu [on/off]: Toggle the setting for whether the Tip Menu is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting to turn the Tip Menu on or off during the show.
------- Menu Seperator Emoticons -------
In the "Menu Configuration" you see a setting for "Seperator icon or graphic". This is a drop-down list of 60 popular and fun pre-configured emoticons that will be used as the menu seperators. Once you have launched the bot, you can use the command "/seperators" to display the complete list of available menu seperators. They are also displayed here below.
------- Help / Contact -------
Inspired by the following tip menu bots on Chaturbate: Baby Tip Menu , Tip Menu Plus 20 , The Menu , Tip Menu 50 , Tip Menu - 4Sci , Dorothy's Tip Menu Pro , Dorothy's Ultra Fembot , Menu Pro , My Menu , Tip Menu Plus , Tip Menu Deluxe .
The Tipmenu bot by basket1892
version 1.14 2023-05-03
© Copyright Camscaster.Com 2011- 2025. All Rights Reserved.