Themed King Tip / Leader Bot, with badass avatars for lead tippers!!.
The Lion Crown!
Tippers must battle the leader for 1 of 3 rewards! Who will win the quest for the ultimate chat avatar!!
The Lion Crown was inspired by many 'king tipper/tip leader' style bots and designed as an add-on for Tip Menu Deluxe.
To begin the quest, simply type any number greater than 1 into the "The Lion Crown Advertisement Cycle (minutes)" input-box. With each advertisement cycle, the bot will display your top 3 tippers in a public chat notification. The bot will also display 1 of 3 rotating notifications every half cycle, which will include the amount required to usurp a specific crown. When a user with tokens enters chat, the bot will privately notify them the current leader-board. When a user claims a top 3 spot, the bot will privately notify them of their accomplishment! In addition, each of the top tippers will be rewarded with their crown as their personal emoticon chat avatar! To turn off this behavior, simply delete the "The Lion Crown Advertisement Cycle (minutes)" input-box number.
Initially, all crowns can be claimed for just 1 token each. The first crown won will always be the Lion Crown. A tipper must tip a cumulative amount higher than a current crowns worth in order to usurp its current avatar holder. Tips which tie an existing position and are greater than the position below it, will receive the next crown down as their reward. Existing crown holders will be properly sorted into their new positions automatically. This activity happens in real time and will always be reflected by the chat advertised leader board.
If "Advertisement Color Theme" is set to "Phthalo Blue/White", then all advertisements will output using Phthalo Blue (#000F89) and White (#FFFFFF) as their alternating color theme. If this option is set to "Strawberry/White", then all advertisements will output using Strawberry (#FC5A8D) and White (#FFFFFF) as their alternating color theme.
If "Display Tip Totals for All Tipping Users" is set to 'Yes', then the bot will display a user's tip totals in chat. To turn off the tip total in chat display, set "Display Tip Totals for All Tipping Users" to 'No'. The bot records cumulative tips over the length of your broadcast, and allowing a user who has tipped to see their tip totals will make questing for an avatar reward much more enjoyable. As a result, it is suggested to always leave this option turned ON.
The bot can never remove users from its memory, unless you restart it. This means that if your users are disconnected, the bot will continue to store their personal tip total and possible crown avatar reward!
Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 10/3/19 3:32 pm
Copyright 2019 to the author, MentalCex
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