The Frake
Author: i0_ol
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Jonathan Frakes asks you things

Full Description

Jonathan Frakes asks you things to keep your chat moving. If you find your room becoming dull, maybe Jonathan Frakes could liven things up for you. Or maybe you should find something to talk about without having a bot do it for you. Either way... Enjoy

If you don't understand the reference, this youtube clip should explain everything: elY

This bot was inspired by this tweet - 9546504391467013

To give credit where credit is due - I never would have found the above tweet were it not for @Mothcorrupts. Check her out and give her your money :)

This bot is open sourced. Meaning you may freely copy and reuse the code as you like. All I ask is that if you do make your own version, please remember to give credit where credit is due.

This is basically a rotating notifier without much purpose other than to try and stimulate conversation. You could easily modify it for a more useful scenario. I have chosen to do this because quarantine creates boredom.

There are no commands to use for this bot. You can add your own questions to the list if you so choose. Just separate every question with \n

This bot allows you to specify the time between in decimals. 0.25 = 15 seconds. So if you wanted to see a new question every 2 minutes 45 seconds, you would give it an interval of 2.75

Ok I'm done.

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