The Dice Roller
Author: i0_ol
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

A better dice game

Full Description

A dice game with the additional option of awarding a grand prize to users who are able to roll every possible point combination (2 - 12) in a single tip. Roll probability correctly matches dice in the real world. 2's and 12's are the least common while 7's are the most common.
Settings details explained below

Price to roll

The price of a single dice roll.

Maximum Number of Rolls

The number of dice rolls allowed in a single tip. Ranges from 1 - 10 or No Limit.

Roll On Exact Multiples

When this setting is enabled, only tips that are exact multiples of the price of a dice roll will be allowed to roll the dice. For example, if the price of a roll is 25 tokens:
Exact Multiples - On:
  • Viewer tips 50 - rolls the dice 2 times

  • Viewer tips 51 - no dice are rolled

  • Viewer tips 74 - no dice are rolled

  • Viewer tips 75 - rolls the dice 3 times

  • Exact Multiples - Off:
  • Viewer tips 50 - rolls the dice 2 times

  • Viewer tips 51 -rolls the dice 2 times

  • Viewer tips 74 - rolls the dice 2 times

  • Viewer tips 75 - rolls the dice 3 times

  • Award Duplicate Prizes

    When this setting is enabled, every roll of the dice will win a prize. If a user rolls a 7 three times in a single tip, the same prize will be listed three times. When this setting is disabled, every unique roll will be awarded a prize. Duplicates will be ignored.
    Award Duplicate Prizes - On:
  • Viewer rolls [7, 7, 5] - Awarded 3 prizes: Prize for 7 twice. Prize for 5 once

  • Award Duplicate Prizes - Off:
  • Viewer rolls [7, 7, 5] - Awarded 2 prizes: Prize for 7 once. Prize for 5 once

  • It is advisable to turn Award Duplicate Prizes off when Maximum Number of Rolls is set to No Limit.

    Grand Prize

    The best prize of all your prizes. This can only be awarded if a user rolls every possible point combination in a single tip. To enable the Grand Prize, make sure that you have Maximum Number of Rolls set to No Limit.

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