🔒 A highly efficient Automatic Anti-Spam Mod!
The Original & 1st of Its Kind - Automatic Anti-Spam Bot!
The Anti Spam Bot is different because it filters out unwanted chat without contacting, kicking, or banning your users in any way. It will never alter chat, replace text, or humiliate your users either! The bot was carefully designed to have 0 public advertisements and will not disrupt the normal flow of chat! It will just sit there, automatically and silently removing spam from your life! It is the non-aggressive way to allow all users to talk while still providing a spam-free atmosphere for your regulars!
This bot is extremely efficient because it contains a very specific internal dark-list compiled after months of research! This means that with 0 set-up or configuration, this bot will block 95% off the current spam trends! Anything that slips through the automatic filter can be manually added to the bot by either the Broadcaster or Moderator(s)!
Este bot puede bloquear automaticamente la mayoria de los mensajes de spam que ves en tu sala de chat con solo ejecutarlo. El bot es unico porque permite a los usuarios chatear mientras mantiene automaticamente tu chat sin mensajes de spam! La Broadcaster es inmune al bot y el bot nunca oculta lo que escribes en el chat. Cualquier spam que el bot no capture puede agregarse manualmente a uno de los 10 cuadros de entrada "Ocultar esto del chat". El bot no notifica al chat y nunca contacta ni a sus usuarios de chat de ninguna manera! Funciona en silencio y automaticamente! Esto te deja sin estres para que puedas tener un gran espectaculo en lugar de bloquear constantemente a los spammers!
The bot works intelligently by scanning chat for specific phrases, and if a match is found, that user's entire single line of input is hidden from chat!
Hide this from chat = "C2C"
spammer01: "Hello c2c guys w/ Free CrazyTicket"
The bot = hides this entire single line of input from chat!
Ocultar esto del chat = "C 2C"
spammer01: "Hello c 2c guys"
El bot se asegurara de que esta frase completa nunca aparezca en tu sala de chat!
If "Use Automatic Mod - Filters 95% of Spam with 0 setup" is set to "Yes", then the bot will automatically filter known spam phrases from your chat. The internal dark-list this option references is very extensive, and contains only phrases captured from actual spam bots! It is recommended to always use this feature! If "Use Automatic Mod - Filters 95% of Spam with 0 setup" is set to "No" then the bot will only hide phrases from chat that have been entered by either the Broadcaster or Moderator(s).
If "Use Capture Technology - Filters 75% of Spam" is set to "Yes", then the bot will act as a 'captcha' bot and prevent the 1st thing a user types from appearing in chat. If "Use Capture Technology - Filters 75% of Spam" is set to "No", then the bot will not hide the 1st thing a user types from appearing in chat.
If "Hide Grey_Spammers - Filters 75% of Grey Username Spam" is set to "Yes", then the bot will automatically identify grey usernames associated with spam and hide their text from chat. If "Hide Grey_Spammers - Filters 75% of Grey Username Spam" is set to "No", then the bot will not hide text from profiled users.
If "Hide Grey 'Snapchat' - Filters 99% of Grey Usage Spam" is set to "Yes", then the bot will attempt to hide any grey chat usage of the phrase 'snapchat'. If "Hide Grey 'Snapchat' - Filters 99% of Grey Usage Spam" is set to "No", then grey chat is allowed the phrase 'snapchat'.
If "Hide All :emoticons - Filters 100% of :emoticon Spam" is set to "Yes", then the bot will automatically hide all :emoticons from appearing in chat. If "Hide All :emoticons - Filters 100% of :emoticon Spam" is set to "No", then :emoticons will be allowed in chat and appear as normal.
If "Hide grey numbers -- Filters 95% of Phone-number Spam" is set to "Yes", then the bot will automatically hide all grey chat that contains more than 4 numbers, or all grey chat that contains a combination of 2 or more numbers and the '-' or '@' character. (EG: 555-5555) If "Hide grey numbers -- Filters 95% of Phone-number Spam" is set to "No", then all numbers will be allowed in grey chat.
Which type of chat to monitor for spam is controlled by setting "Monitor Spam in" to either "All Chat" or "Grey Chat Only". Moderator(s) access to bot commands can be controlled by setting "Allow Mods Access to /commands (Type: /helpspam)" to either "Yes" or "No". Known spammers can be automatically blocked from participating in chat by adding their exact username to the "Hide text from these users" input-box. This input-box can contain multiple usernames separated by the ^ character (EG: User01^User02^User03) and support up to 999 characters. Additional dark-list phrases can be added to one of 10 "Hide this from chat" input-boxes. Each input-box can contain multiple phrases separated by the ^ character (EG: c2 c^c 2c^cam2cam) and support up to 999 characters. Additionally, separating phrases with the "--" characters will link multiple phrases together to be searched individually against a single input (EG: c2c--(--)--delete). Unicode characters and phrases must be be copied from CB directly before being pasted into an input-box. Fill out only what you need, leave blank anything you will not use! All case-insensitive comparisons are made against exact phrases (EG: "I love c2c" is different from "I love c2 c"). As the Broadcaster, you are immune from the bot and will never have your phrases hidden from chat!
The Broadcaster and Moderator(s) can add single 'phrases to hide from chat' to an on-the-fly internal dark-list via commands (EG: /addspam, /delspam, /listspam). The Broadcaster and Moderator(s) can also add single 'usernames to silence from chat' to an on-the-fly internal list of known spammers via commands (EG: /adduser, /deluser, /listuser). Username commands support the removal of the "@" character (EG: /adduser @user02). Please be aware that it is impossible for bots to save user generated lists automatically. Type /listspam to privately output a list of all on-the-fly internal dark-list phrases at any time! Type /listuser to privately output the on-the-fly internal list of known spammers at any time! If "Privately Display /listspam & /listuser as" is set to "single^line", then the bot will output the list properly formatted for usability (EG: data^data). If "Privately Display /listspam & /listuser as" is set to "multiline", then the bot will output the list one item per line. A private notification containing a descriptive listing of all available commands is displayed to the Broadcaster when the bot first loads (/helpspam). If /commands are accessible by the Moderator(s), then this same message is sent privately to each Moderator when they enter chat!
I freely code less obtrusive bots that do a lot of useful things! If this bot helps you, please say thanks with an offline tip or a fan club membership!
Click a link below for Settings Instructions in other languages:
Russianby maxgraff
Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 6/27/21 1:43 am
Copyright 2019-2021 to the author, MentalCex KW: no spam, hide spam, spam stop, spam help, spam hide, anti-spam, spam blocker, block spam, silence greys, captcha, no spam bot, block spam bot, spam blocker bot, spam block bot, hide spam bot, anti-spam bot, help spam bot, best spam blocker, best anti spam, best spam blocker bot, best anti spam bot, mental, mental cex, block grey, block gray, silence gray, gray silence, grey silence, grey spam, gray spam, mentalcex, cexmental, auto mod, auto moderator, automatic mod, automatic moderator, block, block user, block users, black user, black users, user block, users block, hide users, users hide, hide user, user hide
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