👓 Set custom chat nicknames and colors for your regulars!
The Alias Bot allows you to assign nicknames and custom chat colors for your regulars.
Names must be input as 'name^alias' pairs. The name and alias must always be separated by the caret '^' character. Multiple pairs can be input on one line when separated by a comma ',' character (EG: user01^alias01,user02^alias02). Groups can be created by assigning the exact same alias to multiple different usernames. An alias can be text, a CB :GIF image, or a copy & pasted Unicode Character Emoji (https://emojiterra.com). If the alias is left blank, the bot will change nothing for that name. Each of the 5 input-boxes can support up to 1,999 characters.
MentalCex^BotWriter,femaletest01^Fav User,maletest02^Cutie
** Please note, Chaturbate currently allows Unicode Character Emojis to be input into chat simply by coping and pasting them, however, this privilege could be removed at any time!
Custom chat colors (text highlight & background) can be assigned to each individual 'name^alias' pair. Only 7 character hex color codes are supported (https://htmlcolorcodes.com/). Color codes must be entered as '##############user^alias' (EG: #000000#DDA0DDUser01^cutie). If you do not wish to use colors, simply omit this step. If you wish to use only 1 color (either highlight or background), use 7 pound '#' characters to represent a blank (EG: ########DDA0DDUser01^cutie). The first color code is the text highlight color and the second color code is always the background color.
#000000#DDA0DDMentalCex^BotWriter,femaletest01^Fav User,#DDA0DD#######maletest02^Cutie
The bot will never ignore the broadcaster. So it is possible to assign yourself both a custom nickname and chat colors. If this is your only desired outcome, then I suggest using my bot Colorized instead. It is designed just for the broadcaster and is easy to set-up with a click of the mouse!
If chat colors are used and the alias is left blank, then the bot will continue to display each message with its custom color scheme.
When an error is encountered, the bot will output a detailed description for the possible error. Details can include input-box line numbers, missing characters, invalid hex color codes, and more! These error messages are always output in red font, and sent privately to the broadcaster. Error checking will assume user errors are minimal. If you are close, the error outputs should guide you towards fixing your mistakes!
This bot was 100% made with Happylizavetta in mind.
Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 6/26/19 9:10 am
Copyright 2019 to the author, MentalCex
KW: fan,fan club,custom,group,groups,custom fan club bot,fan club bot,colors,chat colors,custom colors,custom icon,icon,icons,chat icons,chat icon,Nicknames w/o aka prefix,alias,assign alias,Assign aliases,custom alias, nickname, custom nickname, custom nicknames, custom aliases, assign aliases,club, fan icon, fan club icon,lovers,lovers club,custom lovers,custom lovers bot
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