🔇 Silence/Hide/Block ALL 'Grey Chat'
This bot will stop grey users from typing in your chat room.
Commands: /sgc or /silence to turn the bot ON or OFF
When ON (default)
Grey Chat is Silenced / Blocked / Hidden
Grey Spam is 100% eliminated!
When OFF
Grey Chat is Allowed and grey users can talk normally!
Grey Spam is 90% eliminated with automatic anti-spam protection!
Cuando est activado, este bot impedir que los usuarios grises escriban en su sala de chat
Cuando est desactivado, los usuarios grises pueden hablar y este bot detiene el 90% de los mensajes de spam de aparecer en el chat!
Comandos: /sgc o /silence para activar o desactivar el bot
Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 12/10/19 7:47 am
Copyright 2019 to the author, MentalCex KW: no spam, hide spam, spam stop, spam help, spam hide, anti-spam, spam blocker, block spam, silence greys, captcha, no spam bot, block spam bot, spam blocker bot, spam block bot, hide spam bot, anti-spam bot, help spam bot, best spam blocker, best anti spam, best spam blocker bot, best anti spam bot, mental, mental cex, block grey, block gray, silence gray, gray silence, grey silence, grey spam, gray spam, mentalcex, cexmental, auto mod, auto moderator, automatic mod, automatic moderator, block, block user, block users, black user, black users, user block, users block, hide users, users hide, hide user, user hide, silence, stop grey, stop gray, grey stop, gray stop, stop grey chat, stop gray chat, grey block, gray block, silence greys, silence grays, hide gray, hide grey, hide grays, hide greys, hide gray chat, hide grey chat
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