Tip to see with preview and do not leave timer
This bot hides the cam and blocks the chat until they tip a one time amount.
Users with tokens can get a short one time preview without chat when they enter the room.
Once they tipped and can see you and also chat they should not leave the room longer then a certain time or they have to tip again when they return.
You can give some users, fan club members and moderators the option to always see you and chat.
The settings
Tokens to join the room.
How much they must tip to have access to your room.
How long they can see for free
How long a user (with tokens) can see you when he enters the room.
Set to "never" if you don't want previews
Tip again if they leave for
If a user who tipped you and can see you leaves the room he must be back within that time or he must tip again to see you.
User groups who can always see and chat.
Give your moderators and fanclub members free access.
Other users who can always see and chat separated by a ','
Give some friends free access
Room title when the show is running ( $ = tokenvalue ).
Room title when the show is running , "$" will be replaced by the token value
the commands
"/ss start"
start the secret show.
"/ss stop"
Stops the secret show. All paying users are removed
"/ss who"
Gives a list of all free and paid chatters in your show.
"/ss add username"
Add a user to your show as a free user
"/ss free XX "
Sets the freeview time to XX minutes.
"/ss free 1.5" will set the time users can see for free to 1 1/2 minute
"/ss free 0" will set the time users can see for free to 0 minutes , so there is no more free time
"/ss pause sets the secret show on pause.
everyone can see you again but when you type "/ss start" again the show will resume with the same chatters.
you can use this command if you want to use an other hidden show bot like "spy on private"
-put the hidden show on pause
-start the spy on private
-when the spy on private is over type "/ss start" again and the show will continue with all the chatters who paid for it.
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