Token Poll for RxxxR
------ Token Poll ------
Version 2.3 - Instant Pot.
A token poll with up to 10 items.
This bot is based on Token poll by NotThatFrank but with some bug fix and some new features.
------ Features ------
- You can now pick your color from a drop-down menu. You can also pick a color using hex color if the choices aren't to your liking.
- You can start a timer to end the poll at any time. notice! It will end the poll, you can't add time once the timer is at 0.
- You can add time on the timer while it is running.
- You can stop the timer at any time. Leaving the poll open until it is stopped manually.
- Countdown in chat when the timer is about to end.
- You can enable to keep the poll alive if people are still voting. If the timer is less than 1 minute it will add 1 minute to the timer.
- You can add one vote by typing /vote X, where X is the token amount for that option.
- You can add votes in batch. ex. /vote 11 10 will add 10 votes to the option 11. (mostly to fix a poll that was close or crashed)
- You can enable that fan club member's vote count double.
- Can show in chat by how much the leading option is winning.
- You can enable an option to win instantly even if other options have more votes.
- You can enable the bot to automatically add time to the poll or ask for 1 more vote to break ties.
------- Commands -------
You can use these commands in chat to control the bot. X is a number and Y is a word or a sentence.
/poll: Will show the poll board in the chat. Mods will send the poll board to everyone.
/showboard: Will show the poll board in the chat even if the poll as ended.
/pollhelp: Show the most useful commands in chat.
/polllead: Show the leader and by how much it leads in chat
/polltimeleft: If the timer is running, it will show the time left before the poll ends.
---- These commands are only available to mods and broadcasters ----
/pollend: stop the poll and pick the winner
/endpoll: stop the poll and pick the winner (legacy from Token Poll)
/vote X add one vote for X token option. Ex: /vote 11
/vote X Y: add Y votes for X token option. Ex: /vote 11 10
/pollpicklead: Make the leading option a winner. The poll will continue without that option.
/pollstarttimer X: start a timer to end the poll in X min if the timer isn't already running
/polladdtime X: Add X min to the timer, negative value will decrease the timer
/pollstoptimer: Will disable the timer. The poll will have to end manually.
/polladd X Y: Add an option on the poll. X is the token amount and Y is the label for that option. Y can be multiple words. Ex:!polladdopt 16 Dye my hair blue
/polldel X: Delete the option at X tokens. It will no longer appear on the poll.
/pollchangeprice X Y: Change the price for an option from X to Y. Ex:/pollchangeprice 35 40
/startpoll: If the poll was closed by accident. It will restart with the same number of votes as the time it was stopped. Any vote done while the poll was closed will not be counted.
/pollbreaktie timer: If the poll ended with a tie, it will allow voting for 1 more minute to break the tie.
/pollbreaktie vote: If the poll ended with a tie, will allow one more vote to get a winner.
/pollaliveoff: If the option to keep the poll alive was set, it will turn it off letting the poll end once the timer is done.
---- These commands can be used if the poll is running with a ticket show ----
/polltprice: Tell the poll the ticket price.
/polladdt: Add someone to the back up ticket list.
/polldelt: Delete someone from the back up ticket list.
/pollblist: show the backup list if the ticket price was set up.
/addtlist: will add all the users on the backup list to the crazy ticket list without the need to copy paste.
------- Contact -------
Send complains, suggestions, bug reports and praises to [email protected] or on twitter @the4science. If you want a faster answer, use twitter.
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