Short Description:
Custom Room Control and Fan Club bot for Ruby_Vulpix. Please do NOT run this at the same time as Ultra Bot or Ultra Bot based bots.
Full Description
Ruby_Vulpix's Special Sauce
If you have any questions about this bot or inquiries regarding my free personalized bots, Dm me on Twitter (@lund08940).
New Features:
- Cum Counter
- Tip Menu
- Leaderboard
- Rotating notifier
- Pre-set and Customizable color schemes
- Grey wordlist: blocks freetoken spam bots, and rude
- grey comments, also can be turned on or off while the bot is running
- Custom wordlist: can also add words or turn on or off while the bot is running
- King tipper: can choose crown gif and also change it while the bot is running
- On-demand notices: like crazy note
- Whispers: can be turned on or off also while the bot is running and also has whisper levels
- Fanclub: customizable and can be turned on or off while bot is running
- Thank you tip messages: can be sent privately
- Extra security and also addresses a few bugs in Ultrabot.
Commands are the same as in Ultra Bot with Ruby_Vulpix commands added.
Model and Mod Commands
- /blocknotice [x] -where x is either on or off for a mod to see whats being blocked.
- /silencelevel [0-4]
- /graphiclevel [0-4]
- /greyson -same function as setting the silence level to 0
- /greysoff -same as setting the silence level to 1
- /addgrey [username] -adds any color user to be subject to the wordlist, is an alternative to silencing a tipper.
- /removegrey [username] -remove grey
- /addnice [username] -any grey added will not be subjected to the silence or graphic level.
- /removenice [username] -remove nice
- /silence [username] -silence user
- /unsilence [username] -unsilence user
- /sl -command used to silence the last blocked message.
- /starttimer [x] -where x is the amount of time in whole numbers.
- /addtime [x] -where x is the amount of time added in whole numbers.
- /minustime [x] -where x is the amount of time subtracted in whole numbers.
- /stoptimer -useful when model is not ready to start but timer has been set.
- /endtimer -same as above.
- /shownotices -shows list of notices that are on the rotating notifier.
- /addnotice [message] -useful when a notice needs to be added to the rotating notifier.
- /addnote -same as above.
- /removenotice [x] -where x is the number of the notice you want to remove from the rotating notifier.
- /noticetimer -interval in mins. between notices.
- /n [message] -on demand message.
- /kingspam [x] -where x is either on or of for spamming of king tipper messages.
- /leaderboardspam [x] -where x is either on or of for spamming of the leaderboard.
- /notifierspam [x] -where x is either on or of for notifier spam messages.
- /fchelp -fanclub help.
- /addMC [username] -adds mew crew member.
- /removeMC [username] -removes mew crew member.
- /showmc -shows list of mew crew members.
- /addRT [username] -adds ruby's team member.
- /removeRT [username] -removes ruby's team member.
- /showrt -shows list of ruby's team members.
- /addRCL [username] -adds ruby's cosplay lovers member.
- /removeRCL [username] -removes ruby's cosplay lovers member.
- /showrcl -shows list of ruby's cosplay lovers members.
- /addFC [username] -adds fanclub member.
- /removeFC [username] -removes fanclub member.
- /showfc -shows list of fanclub members.
- /addcum [x] -where x is the number of cums to add to the cum count.
- /minuscum [x] -where x is the number of cums to subtract from the cum count.
- /showcums all -displays the total amount of cums to the room.
Everyone Commands
- /rsshelp - Ruby_Vulpix's Special Sauce help
- /showcums -displays the total amount of cums to the user.
- /tipmenu -displays the tip menu to the user.
- /leaderboard -displays the leaderboard to the user.
- /timeleft -shows amount of time left on the timer.
- /w [username] -send a whisper to a user.
- /r -replies to the most recent whisper.
- /ignorelevel [0-4] - (for whispers) useful to ignore users.
- /ignore [username] - (for whispers) ignore whispers from a user.
- /unignore [username] - (for whispers) unignores user.
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