Prepaid secret show for Melony
Author: melonyhot
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

spy cam for Melony

Full Description

Set a price per minute for a secret show. Users can buy minutes by tipping. Once the show starts, only users who have tipped enough for at least one minute will have access.
Users are removed when they have been viewing for the amount of minutes they bought, but they can top up at any time to continue viewing.
How to use:
- Set a price per minute when launching the app.
- /start starts the show.
- /stop stops the show (minutes stop being deducted from users at this point).
- /list lists users viewing the show and their minutes remaining.
- /check checks if a user has access to the show.
- /remove removes a user from the show.
- /changeTokensPerMin changes the price of minutes for the show. Minutes bought before the price change are still valid.

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