Password-Hidden Show
Author: quid14
Description Source Code Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

(1)To start a password show, password the room with the password chosen during app setup, and type /lock to lock the room. (2) To start a Hidden Cam show, type /startshow and that's it until you end the show with /stopshow. - krisamazing

Full Description

After starting bot -
To start a password show, password the room with the password chosen during app setup, and type /lock to lock the room

To start a Hidden Cam show, type /startshow and that's it until you end the show with /stopshow

/tickets - Displays the current list of ticket holders

/add - Manually adds a viewer to the ticket holder list.

Sell tickets for a 'password show' or 'limited cam' show.
Room-management commands for broadcaster and moderators available.
Options for a goal and goal timer available.
Catches non-ticket holders (room crashers) when they enter a passworded room.
When a viewer buys a ticket, a password is sent automatically (can be suppressed).
Moderators have the ability to add users manually to cover special circumstances.
Ticket holders will have highlighted text in the chat (can be toggled off)
Broadcaster can change the password at any time and the new
password is sent automatically to all ticket holders.
The broadcaster should NOT deactivate the App immediately after
entering the passworded room so that if required, a '/changepw' command
can be issued if room crashers are detected. If deactivated, the ticket
holder list will be lost to the App. The ticket holder list CAN be
restored however if the output from the '/tickets' command is saved along the way.

* PDF Document 'Using CrazyTicket' available at: 30/Using_CrazyTicket.pdf Updated 2014.07.02
* PDF Document 'OTS: Outstanding Ticket system' available at: 30/CrazyTicket_OTS.pdf

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