Short Description:
Custom Room Control and Fan Club bot for MysticalBee. Please do NOT run this at the same time as Ultra Bot or Ultra Bot based bots.
Full Description
MysticalBee's Bot
If you have any questions about this bot or inquiries regarding my free personalized bots, Dm me on Twitter (@lund08940).
New Features:
- All Time Tip King
- Nicknames
- Crazy Note
- Tip Menu
- Leaderboard
- Rotating notifier
- Pre-set and Customizable color schemes
- Grey wordlist: blocks freetoken spam bots, and rude
- grey comments, also can be turned on or off while the bot is running
- Custom wordlist: can also add words or turn on or off while the bot is running
- King tipper: can choose crown gif and also change it while the bot is running
- On-demand notices: like crazy note
- Whispers: can be turned on or off also while the bot is running and also has whisper levels
- Fanclub: customizable and can be turned on or off while bot is running
- Thank you tip messages: can be sent privately
- Extra security and also addresses a few bugs in Ultrabot.
Commands are the same as in Ultra Bot with MysticalBee's Bot commands added.
Model and Mod Commands
- /blocknotice [x] -where x is either on or off for a mod to see whats being blocked.
- /silencelevel [0-4]
- /graphiclevel [0-4]
- /greyson -same function as setting the silence level to 0
- /greysoff -same as setting the silence level to 1
- /addgrey [username] -adds any color user to be subject to the wordlist, is an alternative to silencing a tipper.
- /removegrey [username] -remove grey
- /addnice [username] -any grey added will not be subjected to the silence or graphic level.
- /removenice [username] -remove nice
- /silence [username] -silence user
- /unsilence [username] -unsilence user
- /sl -command used to silence the last blocked message.
- /starttimer [x] -where x is the amount of time in whole numbers.
- /addtime [x] -where x is the amount of time added in whole numbers.
- /minustime [x] -where x is the amount of time subtracted in whole numbers.
- /stoptimer -useful when model is not ready to start but timer has been set.
- /endtimer -same as above.
- /shownotices -shows list of notices that are on the rotating notifier.
- /addnotice [message] -useful when a notice needs to be added to the rotating notifier.
- /addnote -same as above.
- /removenotice [x] -where x is the number of the notice you want to remove from the rotating notifier.
- /noticetimer -interval in mins. between notices.
- /cn [message] -chat notice. (/cn r [message] for notice with red text)
- /cnd [message] -chat notice with dividers. (/cnd r [message] for notice with red text)
- /cnh [message] -chat notice with highlight. (/cnh r [message] for notice with red text)
- /cndh [message] -chat notice with dividers and highlight. (/cndh r [message] for notice with red text)
- /bc [message] -private chat notice to broadcaster.
- /tm [message] -private chat notice to mods.
- /tbm [message] -private chat notice to broadcaster and mods.
- /tv [username] [message] -private chat notice to user.
- /kingspam [x] -where x is either on or of for spamming of king tipper messages.
- /leaderboardspam [x] -where x is either on or of for spamming of the leaderboard.
- /notifierspam [x] -where x is either on or of for notifier spam messages.
- /nickmod [username] -enables or disables the ability for mods to use the nickname feature.
- /nickname [username] [nickname] -adds a nickname to a specified user.
- /nicknames -shows list of nicknames.
- /fchelp -fanclub help.
- /addFC [username] -adds fanclub member.
- /removeFC [username] -removes fanclub member.
- /showfc -shows list of fanclub members.
Model ONLY commands
While the bot is running (no longer need to de-activate the bot to make changes during the online cam session) Permanent changes will need to be made before re-activating the bot next time. A mod that you trust can be added on the launch page to help model with commands.
- /cfci [x] -change fanclub icon -where x is the .gif or [text] that you want to use for Fanclub Icon.
- /fct [x] -fanclub toggle -where x is either on or off for the Fanclub.
- /fctip [x] -fan club tips toggle -where x is on or off for Fan Club Tips.
- /cci [x] -change crown icon -where x is the .gif that you want to use for the King Tipper Crown Icon.
- /ict [x] -invalid command toggle -where x is either on or off for Invalid Command Errors.
- /tmt [x] -tip menu toggle -where x is either on or off for the tip menu.
- /tmnt [x] -tip menu notifier toggle -where x is either on or off for the tip menu notifier.
- /tmmt [x] -tip menu message toggle -where x is either on or off for tip menu rotating messages.
- /wt [x] -whisper toggle -where x is either on or off for Whispers.
- /gwlt [x] -grey wordlist toggle -where x is on or off for the Grey Wordlist.
- /cwlt [x] -custom wordlist toggle -where x is on or off for the Custom Wordlist.
- /swlt [x] -spam wordlist toggle -where x is on or off for the Spam Wordlist.
- /cc -clearchat -when chat needs to be cleared.
Everyone Commands
- /mbhelp - MysticalBee's bot help
- /tipmenu -displays the tip menu to the user.
- /leaderboard -displays the leaderboard to the user.
- /timeleft -shows amount of time left on the timer.
- /w [username] -send a whisper to a user.
- /r -replies to the most recent whisper.
- /ignorelevel [0-4] - (for whispers) useful to ignore users.
- /ignore [username] - (for whispers) ignore whispers from a user.
- /unignore [username] - (for whispers) unignores user.
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