Mila's Casino Night
Author: 4science
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Play fun games, get fun prizes!

Full Description

------ Casino Night ------

The bot can help Mila run her Casino Night. It tracks each players points and organizes some of the games (currently only pick3).

The bot will only work for Mila.
You can contact me on twitter if you have an idea for your own app or bot @the4science or by email [email protected]

------ Commands ------

You can use these commands in chat to control the bot.

/addpoints X username: Give username X number of points. You can replace the username with "all".
/points: See the list of players and points.
/players: See the list of players and points.
/check: Will give you your current total of points.
/redeem X: To redeem your points for a prize. X can be 13, 30, 95, 100 or 200.
/redeemed Y: To see the list of players with prizes. Y can be selfie, video, chip or ticket. It will also work with 13, 30, 95, 100 or 200.
/cashchip: If you have any chips, it will convert them to points.

Commands related to the troll game. Username can be replaced by "all".

/trolladd X username: Same as addpoints but with a different message for the troll game.
/removepoints X username: Will remove X points.
/multiplypoints X username: Will multiply points by X.
/dividepoints X username: Will divide points by X.

Commands for pick3.

/pick3: Will show the list of numbers already picked by players. If the player didn't pick a number when he tipped.
/pick3 XYZ: If the player didn't pick a number when they tipped 65 tokens, they can still pick their number using this format.
/pick3winner: Will randomly pick 3 numbers and see if anyone won some points.

To get more information during the games.

/faq: General information about Casino Night.
/games: Will send a description of the current games you can play.
/prizes: To see the list of the prizes you can get and their cost in points.

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