🏳️🌈 Theme CB's panel with custom art, colors, and messages!
Many Panels allows you to theme the 3-line CB panel with custom art & animations, colors, text, font styles, and more! Users are targeted by type or name (only mods, tippers, etc) and are shown the 1st panel they quality for in ascending order. A private on-enter notice (use \n for new line and [u] for username) is available for each panel section with additional (color/transparency/gradient) themes.
The idea for this app came about after being told that a CB App always does more than a Bot and a Bot is always less than an App. Well, here is a very simple app that is essentially just a 'welcome bot'. This app is for the model who may not utilize the CB panel as an opportune space for advertisements.
You can customize your message and then deliver it efficiently with Many Panels.
Need a custom build of this app?
SynergyChaturbate @ gmail
@cexmental on Twitter
Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 3/14/2023 1:27 pm
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