/hastokens bot
Author: mentalcex
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

💰 Displays if a user has tokens, with tipping history!

Full Description

Have you ever been asked by a user to do something, and that user promises that they will tip tokens if you do? Wouldn't it be nice if you could find out if that user actually had tokens at the time of their request? Well, now you can!

/hastokens username
/ht username

Chaturbate allows coders to access if a user has tokens and that user's recent tipping history. This bot records these 2 pieces of information anytime a user Enters, Chats, or Tips! This means that recorded information is collected in real-time and is always up-to-date! In addition, the bot will record a user's cumulative tips over the length of your broadcast. When a command is entered successfully, the bot will display a single line of information that contains if a user has tokens, the amount they have tipped you so far (|#|), and how much CB reports that they have tipped within the last 2 weeks. All output is sent privately, only to the broadcaster who typed the command. All commands will remain hidden from public chat!

CB's API functions in a limiting way by only allowing token information to be accessed when a specific event occurs. It is after one of these special events (EG: user joins, user chats, user tips) that it becomes possible to access, store, and display token information. Users who have not tripped one of these events or who were in chat before the bot was started, can not be queried for token information. However, once they trip an event, the bot will be able to display their information. Keep this in mind when starting the bot late during a broadcast session or restarting the bot at any time!

If "Pre-fix Token User MSGs with a Tiny 't'" is set to "Yes", then the bot will pre-fix any chat typed by token holding users with the Unicode 't' ( , \u036d). This way, you can automatically see if a user has tokens! If "Pre-fix Token User MSGs with a Tiny 't'" is set to "No", then the bot will output chat without this at-a-glance indication.

Usage Example:

*2/18/2024* This bot was written before a conceptual understanding of the entire API was available to the developer. Please note, the CB 'Legacy' API .has_tokens method remains true regardless of token balance for all non-grey users types. This bot can inform you of users who currently have tokens and/or who have purchased them in the past. There is no way to access if a user is currently holding a token balance or not. Light Blue is a paid privileged of having purchased tokens just 1 time. Now that this is fully understood, please accept my apologies for possible confusion or frustration caused by this bot. This bot will remain available as a lesson to future CB developers. Peace and blessings.

Tested: 100% fully functional -- see *2/18/2024* addendum above
Last Update: 9/29/19 3:37 pm
Copyright 2019 to the author, MentalCexKW: tokens, has tokens, stats, statistics, token stats, stats token, stats tokens, token, history, spending history, token history, token spending, record token, record token history, record spending history, command, commands

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