Goal Counter
Author: boondog19
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

Simple but full featured goal counter

Full Description

Goal Counter is a simple app for broadcasters who do not need all the bells and whistles of the typical BoonBot. Of course, having said that it still has a few bells and whistles including a full set of token stats, numerous color themes, and the ability to change the settings while the app is still running.

Available Commands

The app contains numerous commands. To view the full list of available commands use the /goalhelp command while the app is running.

Additionally, the broadcaster may designate one or moderators to have broadcaster level access, which will grant them the ability to alter the app settings while the app is running.

If you find this app to be useful and or you have suggestions please leave a comment or tweet me @boondog19. I would love to hear from broadcasters who are using this app.

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