New Follower Thanker & Counter | Room Followers Counter | Celebration Notice at 100, 250, 500, and 1000 followers, then every +1000 followers thereafter | Current Users Count utility (see image on Description tab).
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Originally Uploaded: May 1, 2020
Last Updated: March 19, 2024 18:44 UTC
- This bot has 2 types of new-follower alerts (chat-notifications)... one only seen by the Broadcaster/BC (Follow Alert) and one for the new-follower (Follow Thanks) which can be sent Privately or Publicly.
- BC can choose to send the "Follow Thanks" notice either Privately (seen only by the new-follower -- zero notice-spam in public chat) or Publicly for Light Blues+/Token-buyers (Greys still get a private thanks) or Publicly for Everyone (Warning: public thanks for everyone/all-colors can lead to a lot of notice-spam which might irritate viewers and cause chat to scroll fast and make it harder to keep up with).
- If semding the "thanks notice" Privately, the BC can choose to get an alert for themselves and can choose who to see the alert from: Noone, Tokenholders/LB+, or Everyone (this "alert' is only active when Follow Thanks is set to "Privately" in order to prevent the BC from getting dual-notices).
- BC can set the color-schemes for both the Follow Thanks and the Follow Alerts notices: text-color, background/highlight-color, and the font/text-weight (normal or bold).
- Timer-controlled "New Followers Count & Total Followers Count" update notice (posted in public-chat).
- Automatic celebration notice at 100, 250, 500, and 1000 followers, then every +1000 followers thereafter.
/nf - shows the requester the number of new-followers and total-followers (see sample screenshot below)
/uc - shows the requester the Current Users Count for registered users, light blue+ users, dark blue+ users, and also per name-color breakdown (see sample screenshot below).
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