Dream Bot ++
Author: noiett
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

All In One Bot with 14 features: Menu, Fan Club, Spy Show, Timer, Follow Alerts, Whispers and more!

Full Description

IMPORTANT: If you need to use this bot with Crazy Ticket or a Hidden Show bot I recommend that you disable the section 10 - Secret Show to avoid any interactions. You can also type "/secret off" before starting any of these bots.

Interactions may happen also when using Dream Bot with All In One Bot, Ultra Bot, H.E.L.P.E.R. and similars bots that block or modify user messages before this bot can process them, so do it at your own risk.

Contact me: Chaturbate profile / [email protected] / @breezstudio (twitter) / Discord Server

Main Features & Help

Color Themes

Chose between Gold Elegance, Metal Blue & Pinky Purple. General bot messages and messages from certain features such as Top Lovers or Secret Show will follow the colors of the selected theme. You can change any time if you get bored of your theme after some time!

Custom chat colors & tags

Define a custom text color and background color for your messages in the room. Add an avatar of your choice and an optional tag (e.g. [Princess]) that will be shown at the beginning of every message that you type.

Users in your room can also make use of this feature. You can define who will be allowed to use it in the settings (Everyone/Users with tokens/Mods and Fan Club/Moderators only).

Commands for users with enough privileges:

/color [#fgcolor] Sets a custom text color
/bgcolor [#bgcolor] Sets a custom background color
/tag [tag] Sets a custom tag
/icon [:name] Sets a custom icon
/remove [feature] Removes one of these features: color, bgcolor, tag, icon
/remove all Removes all the features at once

Room Control

Dream bot comes with filters to remove undesired words and messages in your room. This feature is based in the bot No Grey Demands Graphics and it has a number of improvements so you dont need to load both apps in your room.

Room control will correct all caps and sticky keys, remove baby words and grey graphics and block many messages from greys containing demands and rude language. You can also create your own list of ilegal words to block in the room.

For each filter you can define if it will be applied to everyone or greys only or you can disable each filter selectively if that is your choice.

This feature will be warning infringers and silencing them in the room after a certain number of warnings if you want. Room control works without flooding the room with messages. All you may see occasionally is a notice reporting that a certain grey user have been silenced due to repeated infringements.

Commands for model and mods (when enabled in settings):

/silence [username] Silences a user permanently in chat
/silence [username] [minutes] Silences a user temporarily in chat
/usilence [username] Allows the user to chat again
/usilence Allows the last user silenced to chat again

Model-only commands:

/filters [on|off] Enables/disables the chat filters (demands, rudeness)
/clevel [all|blues|tippers] Sets the users allowed to use the chat.
/glevel [all|blues|tippers] Sets the users allowed to use graphics.

Secret Show

This bot allows the broadcaster to hide the cam any time during the show. You can use this feature to provide private flashes or short private shows to one or few of your viewers without having to close the room. Its also useful to hide private shows you may be having in another site.

This feature can be used in 2 different modes: Full show and Pay per minute. Depending in the mode selected in the settings users will have full access to the show after a single tip or they will need to keep tipping as their purchased time ends.

Model-only commands:

/secret on|off Enables or disables the secret show feature
/start Starts a hidden show with the default price
/start [price] Starts a hidden show with a custom price
/start [user] Starts a hidden show and adds the user to the show
/stop Ends a running hidden show

Commands for model and mods (when enabled in settings):

/add [user] Adds a user to the secret viewers list
/del [user] Removes a user from the secret viewers list
/list Shows all users in the secret viewers list
/reset Removes all users and viewing times from the hidden show
/addtime [user] [minutes] Adds viewing time to a user in pay per minute
/deltime [user] [minutes] Subtracts viewing time to a user in pay per minute
/timesall Shows all users with time remaining in pay per minute

Room notices

Its possible to send a notice to the room manually using the following model-only commands:

/notice [message] Sends a custom notice to the room using normal format
/inotice [message] Sends a custom notice to the room using a highlighted format

Fan Club

The Fan Club is a team that users in a room can join by tipping a certain amount of tokens in a single tip. Members of the team share certain special features that make them visually different than other users in the room:

- Custom entry/leave message.
- Custom icon
- Custom tag
- Custom text/highlight color

This feature includes the possibility to enter a list of rewards for the Fan Club Members. These rewards are displayed when users type /fanclub in the room and also when any user joins a club after a tip.

Public and mod commands:

/fanclub Shows the fan club info.
/showclub Sends the fan club info to the room.

Model only commands:

/fc new Shows users that joined the fan club in the current session
/fc show Shows all info about the fan club
/fc add [username] Adds a user to the fan club
/fc remove [username] Removes a user from the fan club


The Timer feature allows the model to run countdowns any time during the show. This is done usually to limit the duration of a specific show or the time left to reach a goal. The timer is managed with the command /timer using different parameters and it can be used by room moderators if the model finds it convenient.

Commands for model and moderators (optional):

/timer [minutes] [goal] Starts a countdown for a number of min. Goal is optional.
/timer stop Cancels the current timer
/timer add [minutes] Adds time to the current timer
/timer minus [minutes] Subtracts time to the current timer

Tip Menu Single Line Improved

This is a clone of Tip Menu Single Line and will work exactly the same way. You can set up your menu items with the following format:


General commands:

/tipmenu Shows the tip menu in a list format to a user.

Mod-only commands:

/showmenu Sends the tip menu in a list format to everyone in the room

Top Lovers Leaderboard

This is a version of the bot My Top Lovers, a leaderboard that will track all tips in the room and highlight the top 3 tippers adding a heart (with a number 1-3 inside) at the beginning of their messages.

Rotating notifier

A clone of the well-known Rotating notifier app on Chaturbate. As special feature you can set up a background color for your notices if you want.

Thanks Messages

You can set up Dream bot to show custom thanks messages to the tippers during the show. They can be shown in 3 different color schemes and you can decide if the message will appear in the room for everyone or just to the tipper. You can also set a minimum tip to receive the thanks message.

Dream Bot Help

Dream bot comes with a little guide of all commands available when the bot is loaded:

/help Will show a list of general commands
/modhelp Will show a list of commands for mods and model only
/ahelp Will respond to the model with all her exclusive commands.


Version 4.7.2:
+ Converts menu items to cb tip links (optional)
Version 4.7:
+ New Top Lovers Leaderboard layout.
+ Apply Gradients to chat messages (Theme section).
Version 4.6:
+ Font weight setting for TipMenu & Leaderboard.
+ Custom TipMenu Multi-Line icon.
Version 4.4:
+ New Colors and Themes.
+ Improvements in Tip Menu Single Line.
Version 4.3:
+ New Follow Alerts with Classic style.
Version 4.2:
+ Added Pay Per Minute Mode (Secret Show)
+ Added Help commands /secrethelp and /clubhelp.
+ Added Theme Background gradients.
Version 4.1:
+ Added Tip Menu Items.
+ Added Tip Menu separators.
+ Added Timer feature.
Version 4.0:
+ Added Tip Menu Multi-Line.
+ Added Bot Fan Club.
+ Number Top Lovers increased to 5.
+ Improvements in Welcome Message.
Version 3.10:
+ Added real-time follow notices.
+ Added compatibility with anonymous tipping.
+ Added Chat Levels and command /clevel.
+ Added Graphic Levels and command /glevel.
+ Added Emote Levels.
Version 3.9:
+ Added 3 new themes: Christmas, Halloween and Green Jungle
+ Added Captcha verification for greys.
+ Added custom Tip Menu separator.
+ Added more preset colors.
+ Added custom colors for Notifiers and Tip Menu.
+ SPAM blocker improved.
+ Added multi-line notifiers
+ Added setting to disable theme icons
Version 3.8:
+ Added Dream Bot theme.
+ Added Whispers feature.

Other bots created by me: Lovense Dream - My Secret Show - Open Captcha - My Top Lovers - Lovense Dream Bot

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