Dorothy's Ultra Fembot
Author: chelsea2950

You are viewing version 862911. There is a newer version of this app. See the latest version of this app.

Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

All in One Ultrabot includes: Tip Menu, Positions Menu, Token Poll, Lush Menu, PMs, VIP List, External Fan Club List, Blocked words, silence levels, graphics levels, Leaderboard, Nice List, Tip Count Display, User Group Icon by name, 5 rotating notifiers

Full Description

Welcome to Dorothy's Ultra Fembot! This Ultrabot / All in One bot is available to everyone for public use.
Current Verion: 3.1 (revised 11/17/2019). Change Log of fixes and enhancements in each release is at the bottom of the page. Please follow me on twitter @thechelsea2950 for app and bot updates.
Note: While the source is kept open for the reasons noted below, which makes it easy to copy and modify for individual cammers (which is perfectly fine), please keep in mind that by doing so you'll miss out on fixes and new features that are added to the public bot. If you have a recommendation for something you would like added, please let me know and if it makes sense, I'll put it in the public bot so you can continue to take advantage of the latest version.
I've also created a Twitter DM group for users of the Apps and Bots I've written, please message me on twitter and let me know if you'd like to be added to the group. In that group you'll receive notifications on new features, get tips and tricks, be able to provide feedback on them and request enhancements, and take part in discussions on how they can best be used. I've also created a Discord server, please let me know if you'd like an invite there as well.
And check out my bio for other useful tips and general info about CB and broadcasting, great for new cammers!


The purpose of this Ultrabot / All in One bot is to provide many of the most commonly used bot features on Chaturbate in one place, and give the broadcasters and trusted moderators the ability to change many of the settings being used without restarting the bot. This includes the ability to add and remove tip menu items, change the token poll, etc. As with most Ultrabots, it is recommended to start this at the beginning of each show and not reset it unless truly necessary, as you will lose the data accumulated in the current session.
Another reason I started doing my own development was to create apps and bots that do not have developer backdoors giving people you don't know access to your show. As you can see, the source for my apps an bots will always be visible, I don't encode it or try to hide the source like many others do.

As you use the bot, a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The changes you make using the commands within a show are not permanently updated to the start page - you have to make those changes there for them to be saved. This includes things like tip menu changes, positions menu changes, additions to the blocked word list, users added to the external fan club or VIP List, etc.

  2. I recommend keeping all of these lists in a separate notepad/word/text document so you can update them as you go, and copy and paste them into the boxes on the setup page when you start a show, especially in case something happens and the configuaration page gets reset.

  3. I've made 3 copies of the bot, as I expect that since the start page is lengthy, people may want to create 2 or 3 versions that they can save for different types of shows and reduce the amount of setup time when switching from one type of show to another. For example, all of the tip menus and token polls may be different between a couples show, solo show, and shark week show, so by having three separate bots you can configure and save, you don't have to change the setup when you switch between shows, just swap out the bot. The primary bot is this one, and the secondary bots are "Show 2 - Dorothy's Ultra Fembot" and "Show 3 - Dorothy's Ultra Fembot".

  4. Please let me know if you find any issues or have recommendations for improvement, you can usually find me on the couples rooms on the site, or on twitter @thechelsea2950, feel free to message me there with questions and ideas!

  5. If using the icons/gifs/badges for users in your room, keep in mind that CB has limited the number of gifs that can be displayed in any one message to 3. This means if you're using both a group icon or individual icon, and a tip leader icon, and a third icon from another bot, those users will not be able to actually post a gif in the chat as that would make more 3 gifs in their message and any more than the 3rd will not be shown.

  6. Additional not about using the icons or nicknames is that these alter the actual message that is passed from this bot to the next bot or app that may be active. CB processes messages in the order of bot 3, bot 2, bot 1, then app 1. So if this bot is in bot slot 2, the resulting message that is sent to bot 1 could be altered if an icon or nickname is added, which may cause issues with the bot 1 checking of the altered message for command strings, etc. It is recommended to put this bot in Slot 1, however, note that the same is also true in reverse if there are other bots altering messages.

  7. While I've added a ticket show function to this bot, it is usually preferable to do ticket shows (and goals) through an app. I've created several Apps you can use for this purpose: Dorothy's Ticket show, Dorothy's Easy Ticket Show, and Dorothy's UltraApp, which contains several different types of goal shows and both a ticket and peep show features for hidden shows.

  8. I created this bot with all of the functionality of the 'Easy Fembot' with some upgrades for more experienced cammers, and a full list of the features is provided below. There is also a change log at the end of this page to show what has been added with each release.

  9. Details on all of my apps and bots are at the bottom of the page.

Credit: I've borrowed and revised/tweaked some existing features from other bots including 18yearoldcouple's Ultrabot, All in One bot and Ultrabot for most, so I'd like to give credit to those who have gone before for all your hard work (britney and justin, alice and shaggy, lund, and I'm sure many others). Thanks to 4science for the Tip Menu and Token Polls (which were built off work by badbadbubba and NotThatFrank).

The Bot features are:

  1. Private Messaging for mods and broadcasters

  2. Private Messages to other users - Send messages to the broadcaster, moderator group, or specific users in the chat so there is no need to switch to a new tab for PMs.

  3. Silence Level and Graphic Level - Restrict ability to chat or to post graphics by whether users have tokens or have tipped a certain threshold.

  4. Leaderboard - Display a Leaderboard in the chat of top tippers from the current session.

  5. Nice List - Maintain a list of users that are allowed to chat when the silence level is increased. Nice list is also exempt from the gray time-lock.

  6. Tip Count next to name - Show the user's current tip count totals by their name with each chat message.

  7. User Group icons - a defined .gif is displayed next to a user's name in the chat for the 4 groups (mods, CB fan club, external fan club, VIP list).

  8. Tip Leader icons - a defined .gif is displayed next to the user name for the top 3 tippers in the current session.

  9. Silence individual users - Add users to a silence list that prevents them from chatting, advantage of this over regular silencing is that it can easily reversed and sends a note to the user telling them to stop being rude.

  10. Silence individual users without notification (ninja) - Ideal for silencing people who have been tipping but still being rude or demanding, they do not receive a notice. Note that neither of these affects tipnotes the way that silencing through CB will.

  11. Tip Menu (based on 4sci menu) - Tip Menu function with up to 40 slots. Automatic sort by price. Can be split into two sections if too long. Menu displays on a defined interval and you can set the text and background color.

  12. Positions Tip Menu - Similar Tip Menu function with up to 8 slots intended to be used for sex position tipping. Automatic sort by price. Menu displays on a defined interval and you can set the text and background color.

  13. Token Poll (based on 4sci Poll) - Use a token poll to have people vote for options such as cumshot location. Has multiple modes to be ended manually by moderator or broadcaster, ended after a timer, or ended based on hitting a target amount. Poll progress displays on a defined interval and you can set the text and background color.

  14. On-demand Token Poll - Start a poll at any time using commands, no need for a separate bot or restart of the Fembot. Don't have to clear a pre-configured poll or set it back up after. Pre-configured poll is not affected.

  15. VIP List - You can add really good tippers or friends to the VIP list and define which level of access they will have (PMs, ticket show, or both) or don't give any special access but still be announced on entry to the room, and get a badge next to their names in the chat.

  16. External FanClub List - Simliar to the VIP list, you can add people who may have bought an external fan club membership to the list and define which level of access they will have (PMs, ticket show, or both) or don't give any special access but still be annuonced on entry to the room, and get a badge next to their names in the chat.

  17. Blocked word list - Add words to this list to prevent rude comments in the chat or use pieces of repetitive spam messages from bots to prevent them from being shown.

  18. Additional Notifiers (up to 5 rotating) - Display up to 5 messages in the chat on a scheduled interval, and you can define the colors used for the text and background. "Next line" feature enabled with {n} in the messages

  19. Ticket prep function - This is used to automate many of the bot functions you do when you switch to a ticket show during a session, such as disable regular tip menu, enable positions menu, enable token poll, enable backup ticket list, add top tippers to the show, and add VIP and Fanclub users to the show. This should be run afetr ticket show app has been turned on, and by a user with authority to the /add command.

  20. Ticket show pre-sales - Sell advance tickets to a ticket show so that you can do a warmup with goal or game apps, and then export the pre-sales list to the ticket show once started. Typically the advance tickets are discounted and may increase in price as you get closer to the show - encourages not waiting until the last minute to get a ticket.

  21. Hidden ticket show - Sell tickets to a show and only ticket buyers are allowed to watch.

  22. Media List - Display all of your contact info, social media IDs, and weblink in a recurring post in the chat.

  23. Configurable Tip Response Messages - Display a message to the user when they tip above 5 configurable thresholds.

  24. Simple Dice Game with two 6-sided dice for 12 prizes plus a special rare prize.

  25. Gray time-lock - prevent grays from chatting for the first X minutes they enter the room, prevents a lot of spam from bots.

  26. Answer Required feature, similar to a "captcha bot" to require certain user groups to respond to a question to chat, prevents spam bots.

  27. Nickname feature - display a nickname next to people's usernames in the chat, also provide a text color for user's with nicknames.

  28. Raffle - sell tickets and perform a drawing for a raffle. Multiple prize levels and prize lists avaialble with each level. Multiple modes and automtic drawings and continuous reset available.

  29. On-demand privates - Start a private hidden cam show with a single user, replaces the need for password shows.

  30. Lush / Domi / Hush Menu - When using a lovense toy, display a menu in the chat for the tip ranges. Note this does not actually control the lush, it is just information published to the chat. Often people will uses the chrome extension to publish the menu directly to the chat and then this feature is not needed in the ultrabot.

  31. Price Overlap checker - automatic checking for duplicate price settings across all bot features.

  32. All-time Tip Leader - Keep track of your all time tip leaders - requires exporting the list and adding back for each new show.

  33. Convert Messages in all Upper Case to Lower Case so people can't 'yell' in chat.

  34. Allow assignment of "Bot Moderators" that have same privileges as CB assigned moderators, but do not show as red names.

  35. Automated response to messages that include the text "PM" in the chat.

  36. Tip for Icons - up to 5 amounts that people can tip for to get an icon next to their name in the chat.

  37. All Time King Tipper - King tipper named either from All time tipper list, or values entered on launch page.

  38. All Time Tip Leader Icons - Define up to 8 levels of icons/badges that are awarded based on the All Time Tipper List.

A general note on the icons that are used for users according to groups and tip levels. CB will only allow up to 3 gifs or icons within a single user message in the chat. Therefore, I've only coded the Fembot to use a maximum of two in the icons that can be displayed next to a user name:
- The first icon position is a "group" based icon, or an indvidially assigned one when used. There are group icons available for mods, fans, VIPs, etc, so if they are used, they are shown first. If a specific user icon is defined using the icon/nickname list or by the user being rewarded an icon from the "tip for icon" feature, this will override any group icons and also be shown first. Priority is first for group icon, overridden icon/nickname list assignment, overridden by tip for icon. Note that whichever happens more recently within the show between tip for icon, and the /setusericon command will take precedence
- The second icon position is a "tip level" icon, and will be shown if the user is in the top three tippers (and tip leader icons are enabled), or if the user is the all time king tipper, or is on the all time tipper list above the defined icon thresholds. Order of priority is current session tip leader, overridden by all time leaderboard level, overridden by all time king tipper.


Most of these are available for moderators and broadcasters only, with some exceptions. Note that you can also type "/fbhelp" within the chat to see the list of commands as well. You can drill down further into a group of commands to see specific details on the syntax and behavior of the command.

A. Chat Control

The silence level and graphic level functions restrict users in the room from chatting in general or posting gifs (graphics) based whether they have tokens or have tipped.
You can set the default silence and graphics levels on the bot launch page

  1. /silencelevel [x] (also /sl): set silence level where x = 0-4
    0 = All users can chat
    1 = Only users with tokens can chat
    2 = Only users who have tipped can chat
    3 = Only users who have tipped the configured minimum number of tokens can chat
    4 = Only mods, fans, and VIPs can chat

  2. /graphiclevel [x] (also /gl): set graphic level where x = 0-4
    0 = All users can post gifs
    1 = Only users with tokens can post gifs
    2 = Only users who have tipped can post gifs
    3 = Only users who have tipped the configured minimum number of tokens can post gifs
    4 = Only mods, fans, and VIPs can post gifs

  3. /ninja [user]: Silence a user without notification. The ninja feature is helpful for silencing obnoxious users when you don't want to notify them that they are silenced. They may have already tipped a significant amount or be potential tippers, so best not to notify them, their comments just simply won't show up to the general chat.
    They will still be able to send comments in tip notes however. Users can be added and removed from the ninja list interactively during the show as described below, and repeat offenders should be added to the permanent ninja list that is saved on the bot start page (also be sure to save the list in a separate document in case the bot configuration is lost).

  4. /unninja [user]: remove ninja silence

  5. /ninjalist: display the ninja list

  6. /showninja [X]: Update the setting for whether ninja'd user's messages are still displayed to mods and broadcasters (values for [X]: 0=Do not show,1=Broadcaster only,2=Mods only,3=Broadcaster and Mods).

  7. /silence [user]: Silence a user with notification. The silence feature is helpful for silencing really obnoxious users that you do want to notify that they are silenced. They will receive a notification that they have been rude or demanding when they are silenced and will be notified each time they attempt to chat.
    They will still be able to send comments in tip notes however, which is different from the CB silence feature where tip comments are not shown. Really Really obnoxious users that you don't want to hear from at all can be silenced through the CB silence.
    Users can be added and removed from the silence list interactively during the show as described below, and repeat offenders should be added to the permanent silence list that is saved on the bot start page (also be sure to save the list in a separate document in case the bot configuration is lost).

  8. /unsilence [user]: remove from silence list

  9. /silencelist: display the silence list

  10. /showsilence [X]: Update the setting for whether silenced user's messages are still displayed to mods and broadcasters (values for [X]: 0=Do not show,1=Broadcaster only,2=Mods only,3=Broadcaster and Mods).

B. Chat Restriction / Spam Control Features

These chat control features do not affect broadcasters, moderators, CB fan club, external fan club, or VIP users. There are two methods of chat control included in the Fembot that can be used to restrict chat with the intent of filtering out spam and bots:
- "Gray Time Lock" restriction- The Gray Chat Time lock feature is intended to silence the spam bots and grays that come in only to make obnoxious comments and then leave. When enabled, gray users will not be able to chat for the defined period of time, which is also changeable during the show. A list is kept of each gray user with their entry time into the room, and once the defined time expires, they are able to chat. Note that silence level would still prevent them from chatting after time expires if it is used, as would the "answer required" feature below.
- "Answer Required" restriction - setting conrolled by user group (grays, light blues, dark blues, etc) that requires affected users to respond to a "fill in the blank" statement in order to begin chatting. The setting includes all lower level groups, so for example if you set to light blue, it includes both light blue and gray.

  1. /usegraylock [on/off]: toggle the gray chat timelock feature on and off, overriding the initial setting from the bot start page.

  2. /chggraytime [X]: Change the gray chat time lock threshold to a new value of [X] minutes before they can chat upon entering the room. Overrides the initial setting from the bot start page.

  3. /cleargraylock: clear out all gray chat time lock data, and restart tracking (essentially resilences all grays for the defined time threshold).

  4. /addgraylock [user]: restart a specific gray user time lock timer. They will not be able to chat again until the time elapses.

  5. /rmvgraylock [user]: release a specific gray user from their time lock. They will be able to chat right away (assuming sience level allows).

  6. /useanswerlock [on/off]: Toggle the setting for whether the configured user group(s) must respond to a question before they are allowed to chat. Overrides the initial setting defined on the start page.

  7. /setanswerlevel [X]: Change the user level that is required to respond to a question before they can chat. Overrides the initial setting defined on the start page. Values for [X]: 0=Not Used,1=Gray,2=Light Blue,3=Dark Blue,4=Light Purple,5=Dark Purple.

  8. /clearanswerlock: Clears all "required answer" restrictions and starts over. All affected user groups will have to respond to a question again.

C. Timer Functions

There is a general timer feature available for anything you would like to initiate a count down for, such as performing a prize for X minutes. There are separate functions available for starting ticket shows or starting a timer to end the token poll (/pollstarttimer).

  1. /startclock [x]: start a timer for x minutes... timer will display a notice at 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min and 30, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sec remaining.

  2. /clockadd [x]: add x minutes to the timer

  3. /clocktimeleft: display the time left on the timer

  4. /chgclockdesc [newtext]: change the text used in the timer description to the new value [newtext], overrides the initial value set on the launch page of the fembot

  5. /stopclock: end the timer before the time runs out

D. Private Messaging

  1. /pm [user] [msg]: send a message to a specific user

  2. /reply [msg]: send reply to someone who has PM'd you

  3. /bc [msg]: send a message to the broadcaster

  4. /tm [msg]: send a message to the moderator group

  5. /tbm [msg]: send a message to the broadcaster and the moderator group

E. Chat Notices

  1. /cn [msg]: send a notice to the chat.

  2. /cnd [msg]: send a notice to the chat with dashed line separators

  3. /cnh [msg]: send a notice to the chat with highlighting

  4. /cndh [msg]: send a notice to the chat with dashed line separators and highlighting

  5. /chgmsg1 [msg] (also /chgmsg2 - /chgmsg8): update the notifier message in Slot 1-8 to a new value of [msg]

  6. /dspmsg1 (also /dspmsg2 - /dspmsg8): display the notifier message in Slot 1-8; If the "all" parameter is specified after the command, the requested message is sent to the general chat and formatted like a standard Chat Notifier message. If "all" is not specified, it is only sent to the requester, and formatted as a bot notice.

  7. /dspallmsg: Display the current value for all of the messages in notifiers 1-8

  8. /usenotifier [on/off]: enable or disable the display of the notifier... however, the recurrence can only be set when activating the bot.

  9. /userules [on/off]: enable or disable the display of the Room Rules, both as a user entry message, and the recurring notice. The recurring notice requires a time interval be configured on the launch page.

  10. /usetipresponse [on/off]: enable or disable the display of the tip response messges when users tip at the configured thresholds.

  11. /rsp1: Display the response message 1 in the chat, viewable by all.

  12. /rsp2: Display the response message 2 in the chat, viewable by all.

  13. /rsp3: Display the response message 3 in the chat, viewable by all.

  14. /dsprsp: Display all 3 of the available command triggered responses (for /rsp1, /rsp2, /rsp3) and the 3 automated keyword responses. Summary is only sent to the user requesting them, used as a reminder of the current settings.

F. Nice List

The nicelist enables users who would otherwise not be allowed to chat due to the silence level setting to still chat.

  1. /addnice [user1, user2, etc]: Add a user or list of users to the nice list, separate user names by a comma.

  2. /rmvnice [user]: Remove a single user from the nice list (individual names only, does not support removal of a user list).

  3. /nicelist: display the nice list

G. Leaders and Tippers

  1. /leaders [group]: display the leaderboard on-demand, does not require that the leaderboard be enabled. Number of entries is defined by setting on launch page from 3 to 10.
    Displays message to a [group] based on one of the following values:
    'mods' - display to moderators
    'tbm' - display to moderators and broadcaster
    'bc' - display to broadcaster
    'all' - display to public chat
    ...defaults to current user if none selected.

  2. /useleaderboard [on/off]: toggle the recurring display of the leaderboard on and off, overriding the initial config setting... recurrence from initial config is still used

  3. /usetipcount [on/off]: toggle the display of the tip count in front of a user's name on and off, overriding the initial config setting... tips are still counted when off as long as the bot is active

  4. /tippers [number] [group]: display a list of the top [number] of tippers since the bot was activated. Defaults to 20 if no value specified, max of 100.
    Displays message to a [group] based on one of the following values:
    'mods' - display to moderators
    'tbm' - display to moderators and broadcaster
    'bc' - display to broadcaster
    'all' - display to public chat
    ...defaults to current user if none selected.

  5. See later section for the All-Time Tipper List feature.

H. Tip Menu

The are two tip menus available - Tip Menu 1 has 40 slots and Tip Menu 2 has 20 slots.
You can swap between Tip Menu 1 and Tip Menu 2 within the show without having to restart the Fembot using the /swapmenu command
You can also set a sale price for each menu on the launch page if you would like to run a sale off your normal prices.
Note that using a sale may make some menu item amounts duplicated with other tip prices used elsewhere, or duplicated within the menu if items are close in price, so make sure to check the resulting amounts
There is only one set of commands that is used across both menus - they apply to whichever tip menu is active
You can also choose to display the full menu in the recurring notice, or break it into halves that are each displayed according to the notice timer, as well as turn off the display of the full menu and let people use the "/tipmenu" command to see the menu.

  1. /tipmenu: (all users) Display the tip menu in chat, only shown to the user that requests it.

  2. /usemenu [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Tip Menu is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting to turn the Tip Menu on or off during the show.

  3. /tipmenurequests: (mods/bc only) Show recent tip menu requests, defaults to a maximum of the 10 most recent when no quantity is entered.

  4. /tipmenurequests X: (mods/bc only) Show the last "X" requests.

  5. /tipmenurequests all: (mods/bc only) Show all the requests, maximum of 50.

  6. /tipmenuadd X Y: (mods/bc only) Add an item name "Y" with a price of "X" tokens to the menu.

  7. /tipmenurmv X: (mods/bc only) Removes every item with a price of "X" tokens.

  8. /tipmenurmv Y: (mods/bc only) Will removed any item labeled "Y" regardless of price.

  9. /swapmenu: (mods/bc only) Swaps between Tip Menu 1 and Tip Menu 2 within the show without having to restart the Fembot.

I. Positions Tip Menu

  1. /posmenu: (all users) Display the tip menu in chat, only shown to the user that requests it.

  2. /useposmenu [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Positions Tip Menu is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting to turn the Positions Tip Menu on or off during the show.

  3. /posmenurequests: (mods/bc only) Show recent tip menu requests, defaults to a maximum of the 10 most recent.

  4. /posmenuadd X Y: (mods/bc only) Add an item name "Y" with a price of "X" tokens to the positions menu.

  5. /posmenurmv X: (mods/bc only) Removes every item from the positions menu with a price of "X" tokens.

  6. /posmenurmv Y: (mods/bc only) Will removed any item labeled "Y" regardless of price from the positions menu.

J. Token Poll

The Token Poll is used to allow users to vote on different poll choices to choose an audience selected winner.
Most often this is used for voting on a cumshot location but can be used for any set of choices you want the audience to vote on.
There are two levels of control, enabling the Poll, and whether the poll is running or not. The Poll is enabled if turned on when starting the bot and it is also running by default.
Within the show, the poll can be ended to declare a winner, and is therefore no longer running but poll commands can still be executed, including restarting the poll, and poll messages will still be shown.
The poll can be completely disabled as well, after which no poll commands can be used and no messages will be shown.

  1. /poll: (all users) Display the current poll results board in the chat for the requesting user. Displayed to all when requested by moderators.

  2. /usepoll [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Token Poll is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting to turn the Token Poll on or off during the show.

  3. /endpoll: (mods/bc only) When running under manual control, end the poll and display the winner.

  4. /restartpoll: (mods/bc only) If the poll is accidentally ended, or suspended, it can be restarted using this command.

  5. /addvote X Y: (mods/bc only) Add or remove "Y" number of votes to the poll item with a price of "X". If "Y" is not specified, defaults to one vote added or removed. Number can be shown as negative (-2) to remove votes. Moderators have to be enabled to use this command.

  6. /polloptadd X Y: (mods/bc only) Add an item named "Y" with a price of "X" tokens to the poll.

  7. /polloptrmv X: (mods/bc only) Will remove any item with a price of "X" from the token poll.

  8. /pollstarttimer X: (mods/bc only) Starts a timer for "X" minutes for the poll when run under timed mode. Poll will automatically end when time runs out.

  9. /polladdtime X: (mods/bc only) Adds "X" minutes to the poll timer if a timer is running.

  10. /pollstoptimer: (mods/bc only) Ends the timer if running under timed mode.

  11. /pollchgtitle [new title]: (mods/bc only) Update the text of the token poll title to [new title].

  12. /polllead (or /pl): (all users) Display only the notice for the current leader of the poll. When requested by mods or broadcaster, the notice is sent to all.

  13. /hijackprice [newprice]: (mods/bc only) Update the price for hijacking the poll. Note that updating it to 0 will disable the hijack feature.

Start a poll at any time using commands, no need for a separate bot or restart of the Fembot.
You don't have to clear a pre-configured poll or set it back up after, pre-configured poll is not affected.

  1. /makepoll X Y: (mods/bc only) Adds a new option to the on-demand poll with a price of X and decription/name of Y. Note that the options are not part of the actual poll (viewers cannot see them, they do not show up with the "/poll" command) until you use the command /odstart to start the poll.

  2. /odstart: (mods/bc only) Start the on-demand poll, viewers can now see the optionsand vote.

  3. /odoff: (mods/bc only) Disables the on-demand poll so that the pre-configured poll can be used (or a new on-demand poll can be started).

K. External Fan Club

This allows for setting a list of users that will have special access from purchasing a Fan Club membership on an external site such as FanCentro,, etc.
Adding a user to the External Fan Club list gives them a badge icon in the chat, and PM ability.
Users can be added and removed within a session, but a master list should be maintained and updated on the bot's configuration page so it is saved (updates made within the session are not permanent).
The list should also be saved externally in case the configuration page is ever reset.
You can configure if you want to see chat notification when a Fan enters or leaves the room or both, and configure the welcome message when they enter.
Only broadcasters have the ability to maintain the Fan Club List.

  1. /addfan [user]: (bc only) Adds a user to the External Fan Club list where [user] is the person you want to add.

  2. /rmvfan [user]: (bc only) Removes a user from the External Fan Club List where [user] is the person you want to remove.

  3. /fanlist: (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the External Fan Club list.

L. VIP List

This allows for setting a list of users that will have special access though they may not be in the Fan Club (friends and all-time high tippers, etc).
Adding a user to the VIP list gives them a badge icon in the chat, and PM ability
Users can be added and removed within a session, but a master list should be maintained and updated on the bot's configuration page so it is saved (updates made within the session are not permanent).
The list should also be saved externally in case the configuration page is ever reset.
Only broadcasters have the ability to maintain the VIP List.
You can configure if you want to see chat notification when a VIP enters or leaves the room or both, and configure the welcome message when they enter.

  1. /addvip [user]: (bc only) Adds a user to the VIP list where [user] is the person you want to add.

  2. /rmvvip [user]: (bc only) Removes a user from the VIP List where [user] is the person you want to remove.

  3. /viplist: (mods/bc only) Displays the list of users currently in the VIP list.

M. Blocked Word List

This allows for setting a list of words that will cause a user's message to be suppressed if they use one.
Words can be added and removed within a session, but a master list should be maintained and updated on the bot's configuration page so it is saved (updates made within the session are not permanent).
The list should also be saved externally in case the configuration page is ever reset.
The check for blocked words can be configured to be only fo certain user groups as well (all users except mods, all users except mods/fans/VIP, only light blue and gray users, only gray users).
Also it only works for single words, not phrases.

  1. /addword [word]: (bc only) Adds a word to the Blocked Word list where [word] is the word you want to add.

  2. /rmvword [word]: (bc only) Removes a word from the Blocked Word list where [word] is the word you want to remove.

  3. /wordlist: (all users) Displays the list of words currently in the Blocked list.

N. Ticket Show Support

Note that the Fembot can support 3 types of ticket shows. (1) There is a ticket show bot built into the Fembot, (2) it supports working with Dorothy's UltraApp ticket show, and (3) it supports some features to assist with the standalone CrazyTicket App. **** So it is very important when setting up ticket show related features to define which type of Ticket show you are doing using the settings on the launch page. ****
The first section below outlines the Fembot Ticket Show mode, followed by separate Ticket App Support.

Fembot Ticket Show

As noted, the Fembot's built-in ticket show can be used rather than an external stand alone app if you like, however, the app features are usually a better fit for ticket shows, so it is suggested to use Dorothy's UltraApp rather than the bot if possible. Both have the benefit of not giving anyone you don't know access to your shows. Most of the CrazyTicket features are duplicated into both of them, with some tweaks and improvements.
Since it is not expected to have both the Fembot Ticket Show and the UltraApp (or CrazyTicket) running at the same time, the same commands are used for many of the features to make it easier to manage the show for those familiar with the CrazyTicket commands.
An Outstanding Ticket feature is included, which lets you maintain a list of users that have outstanding tickets that they can use for future shows, in the event they have to leave before the show starts, or there is a problem with a show and you'd like to grant the ticket holders a free ticket to a future show. ** IMPORTANT: The list can be viewed during the show using the "/otlist" command, and the "/otchanges" command can be used to see which users have saved a ticket or used a saved ticket during the show, as these changes need to updated in the outstanding ticket list on the launch page for the next show. The list should also be saved outside of CB.
Note there are multiple places to set a ticket price within the launch page, one for each of the types of shows, and also a Pre-sales price when using that feature. When using the Fembot hidden show, the price defined is actually controlling the show... when using a ticket app, you are duplicating the price setup in that app, and mainly that is only for pre-sales validations to not exceed the show price (since the bot cannot see the ticket app setup).
Also, it is not advisable to put the ticket price in the show description, as those are not automatically updated if the price is changed. The notices that are displayed show the current ticket price and are updated automatically when the price changes.

  1. /useshow (or /useticketshow) [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Fembot Ticket Show feature is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the Ticket Show feature on or off during the show. Note that turning the show off will suspend the display of the notice, and tips will no longer buy a ticket, however, the existing ticket purchases are kept until the fembot is restarted.

  2. /tickets : (all users) Display the list of users that have bought a ticket. If the parameter of 'alpha' is added, the list is displayed alphabetically. Note that viewers can be added back to the show using the /add or /addticket commands and pasting the list that is shown from the /tickets command.

  3. /chgticketshow : (mods/bc only) change whether the ticket show is controlled in the Fembot or an external ticket app, overrides the initial setting on the bot launch page. Ends the Fembot hidden show feature if the show had already started.

  4. /useot [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Outstanding Ticket feature of the Ticket Show is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the Outstanding Ticket usage feature on or off during the show.

  5. /otlist : (all users) Display the list of outstanding ticket holders, can be used by anyone if the Outstanding Ticket feature is enabled.

  6. /otchanges : (mods/bc only) ** IMPORTANT when using the OT feature ** Displays a list of tickets that have been saved or used during the current session so the permanent list can be updated.

  7. /saveticket: (all ticket buyers) If the broadcaster has enabled Outstanding Tickets (and is tracking them) - If you've bought a ticket and will not be able to stay for the show, you can save it for a future show. You will no longer be able to see the current show. IMPORTANT: If in the same session, the ticket will be available automatically. However for future shows or if the broadcaster restarts the bot, the broadcaster must add the saved tickets to the outstanding ticket list to be able to use them with /useticket.

  8. /useticket: (all users with an outstanding ticket) If the broadcaster has enabled Outstanding Tickets (and is tracking them) - Redeem an outstanding ticket and use it for access to this show. You can use the command /otlist to view the list of outstanding ticket holders if the broadcaster has enabled this feature.

  9. /addot : (mods, bc if granted privileges) If the outstanding ticket feature is in use, the broadcaster can manually give a user an outstanding ticket. Moderators can also add if they have authority. The addition still must be made permanent by updating the launch page outstanding ticket list.

  10. /rmvot : (mods/bc only) Remove a user from the outstanding ticket list within the current show. The removal still must be made permanent by updating the launch page outstanding ticket list.

  11. /addticket or (/add) [user]: (bc only, moderator when granted privileges) Manually add a user to the ticket show list. Can be a specific user or a list of users separated by a comma. Note that /add is the CrazyTicket command but also works with the Fembot Ticket show.

  12. /rmvticket (or /del or /delticket) [user]: (mods/bc only) Manually remove a specific user from the ticket show list, only used for one user at a time.

  13. /startshow: (mods/bc only) Start the ticket show when not set to automatic start. Once started, the show will only be visible to ticket holders. Hint: start the show when you're in a good position for the preview pic to be frozen that will attract more ticket buyers. Note that /startshow is the CrazyTicket command but also works with the Fembot Ticket show.

  14. /showwarn (or /showover): (mods/bc only) Display a warning that the show will be ending soon and ticket purchases are allowed but not recommended. If configured, this can also end the positions menu, and reduce the ticket price. Note that /showover is the CrazyTicket command but also works with the Fembot Ticket show.

  15. /showend (or /stopsales): (mods/bc only) Suspend ticket sales, no more automatic ticket purchases can be made. Recommended to always do this once you are less than a few minutes from the end of the show so people don't buy at the last second and are disappointed by getting a short show. If configured, this can also end the positions menu, and reduce the ticket price. Note that /showend is the CrazyTicket command but also works with the Fembot Ticket show.

  16. /stopshow: (mods/bc only) End the hidden show and return to a public broadcast.

  17. /newticketshow: (mods/bc only) Completely refresh the ticket show to start a brand new show. This will remove all the ticket holders from the list, and re-initialize all settings using the configuration from the launch page.

  18. /restartshow: (mods/bc only) Go back into hidden cam mode if the show was accidentally ended too soon, or the broadcaster wanted to go back to public to sell more tickets. The ticket holder list and all settings are kept intact.

  19. /ticketprice (or /ctprice, or /chgticketprice) [newprice]: (mods/bc only) Update the ticket price to the [newprice]. Note that /ctprice is the CrazyTicket command but also works with the Fembot Ticket show.

  20. /starttimer (or /ticketstarttimer, or /starttickettimer) [time]: (mods/bc only) Start a [time] minute timer for the raffle drawing when in 'timer' mode with the drawing to be triggered by the /raffledrawing command. The timer will count down but not automatically perform the drawing (unless set to automatic mode but the auto-timer was ended, and this is a restart of that timer)

  21. /addtime (or /ticketaddtime, or /addtickettime) [time]: (mods/bc only) Add [time] minutes to the timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode. The [time] value can be a negative number to subtract time, but cannot be greater than the remaining time.

  22. /stoptimer (or /ticketstoptimer, or /stoptickettimer): (mods/bc only) Stop the raffle timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode.

  23. /tickettimeleft : (mods/bc only) Display the time left on the ticket show countdown for either automatic or manual starting mode.

  24. /showtime : (all users) Display a message showing how long the current show has been hidden.

  25. /chgticketmode [manual/timer/ticketgoal/tokengoal]: (mods/bc only) Switch between the modes being used to determine when to start the ticket show. If switching from a timer show to a non-timer show, the timer will be ended. Ticket count and Tip Count are being tracked regardless of mode, so switching to a 'goal' mode should not require starting progress at 0.

  26. /chgticketmodeauto [auto/bc]: (mods/bc only) Switch between the modes being used to define if the show starts automatically when a goal is reached or timer expires, or if the broadcaster or mods still control the start of the show.

  27. /giftticket [user]: (all users, once you have extra tickets) If the 'gifting' feature is enabled, when you tip enough to buy extra tickets, you can gift those tickets to other users using this command. Each time you gift, it removes one of your 'extra' tickets. You can only gift extra tickets with this command, to give away your own ticket, you can use /givemyticketto as noted below. Be sure to type the user name correctly for the person you are gifting to, extra tickets cannot be recovered once they are gifted. This can be done before and during the show.

  28. /givemyticketto [user]: (all ticket buyers) If you can't stay for a show, and outstanding ticket feature is no used to allow saving your ticket, you can give your ticket to another user. This can only be done before the show starts, and you will be removed from the ticket show list!

  29. /ticketsubject [newsubject]: (mods/bc only) Change the room description/subject/title to a new value. Note that this command is only used for the Fembot ticket show. The command for use with CrazyTicket is /ctsubject or /subject.

  30. /addlbtop [X]: (bc/mods) Add the top [X] number of tippers for the current session to the ticket show. Moderators may only use this if allowed per configuration. This can be used with the Fembot Ticket show or in support of a ticket app. The /add command is executed, which will add them to the show if the user executing them has authority to the /add command

  31. /addlbamt [X]: (bc/mods) Add tippers who have tipped at least [X] number of tokens for the current session to the ticket show. Moderators may only use this if allowed per configuration. This can be used with the Fembot Ticket show or in support of a ticket app. The /add command is executed, which will add them to the show if the user executing them has authority to the /add command

Ticket App Support

There are a few features added to support the use of an external Ticket App, such as Dorothy's UltraApp or the CrazyTicket App alongside the Fembot (when the Fembot ticket show is not used).

  1. /usetlist [on/off] : (bc/mods only) When the tlist (backup ticket list) is enabled, any tips of the ticket price or greater will add that user to a backup list for the show.
    This allows the ticket holder list to be be saved within the fembot in the event the ticket app crashes or is ended.
    If this happens, the ticket list can be restored using the commands below.
    The ticket app "/add" commands will also add users to the backup list (tlist).
    The VIP and external fan list will also be added to the tlist if they are added to the show through /prepticket.
    Note that the /prepticket function will automatically enable the tlist if it is not already on.

  2. /prepticket: (mods/bc only) Prepare for a ticket show by performing the following actions (note that there is control for each of these actions on the config page so you can turn them on or off individually):
    - disabling the regular Tip Menu if running
    - enabling the Positions Menu if not already enabled
    - enabling the Token Poll if not already enabled
    - performing the export of the pre-sale list to the ticket show
    - performing the export of the VIP List and/or the External Fan Club list to the ticket show if they are used and granted these privileges
    - performing the add of the VIP List and/or the External Fan Club list to the backup ticket list if they are used and granted these privileges
    If the ticket show is running this will add the lists to the show if the user executing them has authority to the /add command in the ticket app.

  3. /ticketprice (or /ctprice) [price]: (bc/mods only) Manually change the ticket price for the Fembot or updates the price used for the Backup list when an external ticket app is used.
    Users are added to the backup list anytime they tip more than the amount currently defined as the show price, so it needs to be kept up to date as it is changed in the ticket app.

  4. /backupprice [price] or /ticketprice [price]: (bc/mods only) This can be used apart from the /ctprice command being used to set the comparison amount for adding people to the Backup list as well as the expected ticket price for the actual show when doing pre-sales at a discounted amount.
    This would commonly be used if turning on the Backup list without the price being set on the initial configuration screen, it can be updated later when the ticket app is started even if not changing the price in the ticket app.

  5. /dspbackup: (bc/mods) Displays the backup ticket list.

  6. /expbackup: (bc/mods) If a ticket show has failed or the app was ended, once the ticket app is restarted, use this command to add the users from the tlist back into the show.
    The Crazyticket /add command is executed, which will add them to the show if the user executing them has authority to the /add command in the ticket app

  7. /addlbtop [X]: (bc/mods) Add the top [X] number of tippers for the current session to the ticket show. Moderators may only use this if allowed per configuration.
    The Crazyticket /add command is executed, which will add them to the show if the user executing them has authority to the /add command in the ticket app

  8. /addlbamt [X]: (bc/mods) Add tippers who have tipped at least [X] number of tokens for the current session to the ticket show. Moderators may only use this if allowed per configuration.
    The Crazyticket /add command is executed, which will add them to the show if the user executing them has authority to the /add command in the ticket app

O. Ticket Show Pre-sales

In addition to the above commands, there is a subset of ticket show related functions related to pre-sales for a ticket show (can use the Fembot Ticket Show, UltraApp Ticket Show, or CrazyTicket).

  1. /usepresale [on/off] : (bc/mods only) When the Ticket Show pre-sales are enabled and an initial price is set, any tips of the pre-sale ticket price or greater will add that user to a pre-sale list for the show that can automatically be added to the ticket show once started later.

  2. /presalelist: (mods/bc only) Display the list of users on the pre-sale list.

  3. /presaleprice [price]: (mods/bc only) Set the pre-sales ticket price to a value of [price]. This can either be done to set the initial price before the pre-sales start, if not set in the bot start page, or it can be used after pre-sales start to change the price to a new price. Note the timer can also be set to change the price using the command below.

  4. /presalepricetimer [time] [price]: (mods/bc only) When using manual mode, set the pre-sales ticket price to a new value of [price] when the timer for [time] minutes runs out. Timer warnings will be displayed and the price will automatically update at the end of the timer. Time can be added or removed from the timer using the command below.

  5. /presalestarttimer [time]: (mods/bc only) When using manual mode, start a timer to increase the price at the end of the timer by the pre-defined increment value specified on the start page.

  6. /presaleaddtime [time]: (mods/bc only) Add [time] minutes to the timer. If a negative number is used, time is subtracted.

  7. /presalestoptimer: (mods/bc only) Stops the pre-sale timer and no price update is made.

  8. /presaletimeleft: (mods/bc only) Displays the time left on the current pre-sale timer, whether started manually or automated.

  9. /chgpresalemode [mode]: (mods/bc only) Change the presale mode that is currently running. The default value is set on the start page, and can be change on the fly during the show to "manual", "timer", or "count".
    Manual Mode: The broadcaster or moderator controls the price increases (or there are no price increases). Price can either be changed immediately using /presaleprice, or a timer can be started to change it by a specified amount (/presalepricetimer) or by the default increment amount (/presalestarttimer).
    Timer Mode: The price is changed automatically on a recycling timer as defined on the start page. The broadcaster or a moderator can add or remove time from the timer as needed, or stop the timer. At the end of each cycle, the price will increase by the configured increment and a new timer will be kicked off as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of increments and would not exceed the ticket price with the next cycle.
    Count Mode: The price is changed automatically on a recycling ticket count as defined on the start page. At the end of each cycle when the defined number of tickets is sold, the price will increase by the configured increment as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of increments and does not exceed the ticket price with the next cycle.'
  10. /exppresale: (mods/bc only) Exports the pre-sale ticket list to Crazyticket once the Crazyticket app is started, by entering the "/add" command plus the ticket list. Assumes the current user has authority to the /add command.

  11. /addpresale: (mods/bc only) Add a user or list of users to the pre-sale ticket list.

  12. /rmvpresale: (mods/bc only) Remove an individual user from the pre-sale list.

  13. /fbpresale [on/off] : (bc/mods only) Enable or Diable the pre-sales feature. Overrides the initial setting on the launch page. Once enabled, the actual sales can be started or ended with /usepresale on or off. If doing presales in the UltraApp, which is preferred, do not do pre-sales in the Fembot.

P. Lush/Nora/Domi Menu

The Toy Menu is available to post a recurring message in the chat showing the tip ranges for the toy you are using. Messaging in the chat will dsiplay using the 'Toy type' you specify when starting the bot (Lush, Nora, Domi). This bot does not communicate with the toy or provide notification about whether the toy is connected, it is simply meant to provide chat notifications.
Broadcasters can also make use of the toys chrome extension to publish only the connection status to the chat and still use this menu for the price info, or use the chrome extension for all info and then this menu is not needed.
This menu was built initially for the lush with the available menu selections (8 levels, 1 random amount, 4 pattern amounts), but could be used for any interactive toy by changing the text messages listed.

  1. /lushmenu: (all users) Display the menu in chat, only shown to the user that requests it.

  2. /uselushmenu [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Toy Menu is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting to turn the Toy Tip Menu on or off during the show.

Q. Media List

The Media List is available to post a recurring message in the chat showing a title message plus a listing of different contact methods and social media platform IDs.
There are defaults set up in the template, but they can be changed to whatever media platforms, fan clubs, and website links you would like to notify people about. It is ok to use gifs in the descriptions. Unfortunately CB does not allow them to be actual hyperlinks in the chat.

  1. /media: (all users) Display the media list in the chat, only shown to the user that requests it.

  2. /usemedia [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the media list display is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting to turn the media list on or off during the show.

R. Dice Game

The Dice Games allows viewers to tip a specified amount to roll a pair of 6-sided dice, and win one of 12 possible prizes. Viewers must tip the exact amount of the Dice Roll price that is configured.
There is also a setting to define if a viewer can tip for multiple rolls with a single tip by tipping a multiple of the single roll amount, and what the maximum multiple is. Any slots not filled in will yield no prize if that amount is rolled.
There are two modes, you can either keep all prizes intact or have prizes removed from the board as they are won. Removing the prizes from the board is not a commonly used mode as it reduces the chances of winning a prize with each roll.
There are three color settings available, one for the notice background, one for the regular roll result background, and one for the special prize result background. The text color is always black.
As with all other portions of the ultrabot, be sure to not use an overlapping token amount for the dice roll price that may have already been used for the tip menu, token poll, etc.

  1. /prizes: (all users) Display the available prizes in the Dice Roll game, only shown to the user that requests it, unless requested by a moderator or broadcaster, then it is displayed to the room.

  2. /usedice [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Dice Game is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting to turn the Dice Game on or off during the show. Note that turning the game off will suspend the display of the notice, and tips will no longer win a prize, however, the roll history is kept until the bot is restarted.

  3. /dicerolls: (all users) Display a listing of the last (up to) 20 dice rolls. Especially helpful if there have been several rolls in succession, prevents the need to have to scroll up to find the prizes won.

  4. /chgdiceprice [amt]: (mods/bc only) Change the price of the dice roll within the show, where [amt] is the new amount to use.

S. Raffle

The Raffle feature allows viewers to tip a specified amount to buy a raffle ticket at one of up to 5 levels. If using the raffle, the prize list should be defined when starting the bot. You can specify a single prize at each level (or only one level), or a list of prizes that are all available for drawing at that level.
Some examples:
- If doing a raffle for a single prize, just list that prize description in the Level 1 Prize List, and assign a ticket price for each raffle ticket to be bought for drawing a winner of that prize.
- If doing a raffle for multiple prizes, but you want the ticket price to be different for each, put one prize in each of the up to 5 levels, and assign a ticket price for each level. This may be done to have more expensive tickets for more valuable prizes.
- If doing a raffle for multiple prizes, and more than one prize is available at each ticket price level, enter a list of prizes with commas separating them (no spaces between prizes), such as: "video bundle,snapchat for life,polaroids in the mail". When the drawing is performed, a winner will be assigned for each prize in the list.
Tickets are 'used' when a winner is drawn - winning tickets are removed from the pool of available tickets if there are multiple drawings. If there are more prizes than there are entries within a given level, the drawing will only assign as many prizes as there are tickets sold.
There are four modes that can be used to define the length of the raffle, and then separate control for whether the actual drawing is performed automatically or by the broadcaster triggering it with a command. The mode can also be changed during the show using the /chgrafflemode command (see below).
- Broadcaster's discretion - There is no pre-defined length of the raffle, tickets are sold until the broadcaster decides to perform the drawing. This would commonly be used if selling tickets over multiple days and a set date in the future has been decided for the raffle drawing.
- Timer - Tickets will be sold within the current show while a timer is running and then the drawing performed at the end of the time. The default timer length is defined on the start page but time can be added or removed during the countdown. The drawing can be automatic, or the broadcaster can trigger the drawing with the /raffledrawing command per the setup.
- Ticket Goal - The drawing will be performed when a total number of tickets threshold is met. The drawing can be automatic (a 2 minute countdown is started when the goal is hit), or the broadcaster can trigger the drawing with the /raffledrawing command per the setup.
- Token Goal - The drawing will be performed when a total number of tips threshold is met (only includes raffle ticket purchases). The drawing can be automatic (a 2 minute countdown is started when the goal is hit), or the broadcaster can trigger the drawing with the /raffledrawing command per the setup.
In addition to defining the mode and automatic/manual drawing, you can also define if there is a single drawing or continous goal reset with a drawing at the end of each cycle. For example, you could set it to perform a drawing every hour, and start a new one hour countdown each time. If doing a continuous drawing show, there is a setting for whether the pool of tickets bought should be cleared after each drawing, or kept intact and ticket holders have a chance to win in multiple drawings (preferred).
As with all other portions of the ultrabot, be sure to not use an overlapping token amount for the raffle ticket price that may have already been used for the tip menu, token poll, dice game, etc.
*** If doing a raffle over multiple shows, be sure to save the ticket list before ending the show or the bot! The list cannot be saved permanently within the show, so you must use the "/entries" command to display the current list, copy the list, save it externally, and paste it back into the raffle ticket list field when next launching the fembot. Completely replace the previous list each time. You can also end the fembot and paste the results and restart the bot at the end of the show, but I would still save the list externally as CB sometimes clears bot memories.
Note that each ticket purchase is an indvidual entry in the list, so one user may have multiple entries. Tickets can only be bought for the exact ticket price, there is no multiple ticket purchase from a single tip of a multiple of the ticket price.

  1. /useraffle [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the Raffle Feature is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the Raffle on or off during the show. Note that turning the raffle off will suspend the display of the notice, and tips will no longer buy a ticket, however, the ticket purchase history is kept until the fembot is restarted.

  2. /entries (or /raffletickets, or /raffleentries): (mods/bc only) Display the list of raffle ticket entries in a format that can be pasted directly into the bot launch page "previous show" raffle list. As noted above, this must be done to track ticket purchases between shows, or restarts of the fembot.

  3. /previousentries : (mods/bc only) Display the same list of previous ticket purchases that was specified when launching the bot, mainly for informational purposes if there is a question of what was bought in previous shows vs the current total list.

  4. /resetraffle (or /clearraffle): (bc only) Delete all raffle ticket purchase history and start a new raffle with the existing settings. Obviously be careful using this command as you will lose all outstanding tickets. It will display a list of ticket holders in the chat for the broadcaster in case this is done by mistake, the list could be put back in.

  5. /addraffletkt [level] [user]: (bc only) Manually add a user to the specified ticket purchase level. The synatx would be "/addraffle 2 john" to give user name john a ticket for the level 2 drawing.

  6. /rmvraffletkt [level] [user]: (bc only) Manually remove a user from the specified ticket purchase level. The synatx would be "/rmvraffle 2 john" to remove user name john's ticket for the level 2 drawing. Note that it will only remove the first occurrence of that user's ticket for that level, the command must be executed multiple times if they have multiple tickets.

  7. /raffleprizes: (all users) Display the available prizes in the Raffle, by level, only shown to the user that requests it.

  8. /setraffleprice [level] [newprice]: (mods/bc only) Change the price of the specified [level] raffle tickets, setting it to a value of [newprice]. Note this can also be used when adding a price to a level that was not previously set. In order to add prizes to a level, there must first be a price set.

  9. /raffledrawing: (bc, mods when configured) Perform the raffle drawing when not set to Automatic Drawing mode. The parameter value should be "all" to perform the drawing for all levels, or a specific level number. For example "/raffledrawing all" or "/raffledrawing 1". When the drawing is performed, the winners from each level will be chosen and displayed in the chat. Note that the winner history is not tracked, so you must distribute the prizes or make note of the winners as they are shown in the chat. If continuous mode is selected, the goals are reset and the next cycle is started, which may clear the ticket pool if configured to do so in continuous mode.

  10. /rafflestarttimer (or /startraffletimer) [time]: (mods/bc only) Start a [time] minute timer for the raffle drawing when in 'timer' mode with the drawing to be triggered by the /raffledrawing command. The timer will count down but not automatically perform the drawing (unless set to automatic mode but the auto-timer was ended, and this is a restart of that timer)

  11. /raffleaddtime (or /addraffletime) [time]: (mods/bc only) Add [time] minutes to the timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode. The [time] value can be a negative number to subtract time, but cannot be greater than the remaining time.

  12. /rafflestoptimer (or /stopraffletimer): (mods/bc only) Stop the raffle timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode.

  13. /raffletimeleft : (mods/bc only) Display the time left on the raffle timer for either automatic or manual drawing mode.

  14. /chgrafflemode [manual/timer/ticketgoal/tokengoal]: (mods/bc only) Switch between the modes being used to determine when to perform the raffle drawing. If switching from a timer show to a non-timer show, the timer will be ended. Ticket count and Tip Count are being tracked regardless of mode, so switching to a 'goal' mode should not require starting progress at 0.

  15. /addraffleprize [level] [prize]: (mods/bc only) Add a raffle prize to the specified [level] (1-5) with a description of [prize]. Note this does not validate the existing entries in the list, so you can add the same prize to the list multiple times if you want to give it away multiple times as a prize in the same drawing.

  16. /rmvraffleprize [level] [prize]: (mods/bc only) Remove the specified raffle [prize] from the specified [level] (1-5), the text must match the existing prize exactly (case and punctuation). Note this will remove all occurrences of the the prize in the list that have the same name.

T. All-Time Tipper List

This feature allows you to keep track of all-time tippers and display notices in the chat for the Top 10 all-time tippers. As with the raffle, the list must be maintained externally since there is no way with CB bots to permanently store the data captured during the show. Therefore, at the end of each show, be sure to use the "/alltime" command to output the current list to the chat so you can copy and paste it for the next show. This list should also be saved outside of CB in case the CB bot settings are lost.

  1. /usealltime [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the tracking of all-time tipper information is "on" or "off". Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the tracking on or off during the show. Note that tip totals are only extracted when the "/alltime" command is used, so it can be enabled anytime during the show without losing any information. The toggle mainly controls if the commands are allowed to be executed.

  2. /useking [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the All Time King Tipper features are off (parameter="0"), pulled from the configured name or name updated via command (parameter="1"), or pulled from the all-time list (parameter="2"). Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the feature on or off during the show. Note that it cannot be enabled if a King Tipper is not already identified, either from the setting in the bot, or the All Time list. The below command can be used to define the King Tipper during the show.'

  3. /king [amt] [name]: (mods/bc only) Update the king tipper user name and amount, overriding the settings from the launch page. A parameter is required for both the amount and the user, but the amount can be zero if you would not like to show the amount.

  4. /top10 (or /alltimetop10, or /dsptop10) : (all users) Display a listing of the top 10 all time tippers. Sent to the user that requested, unless requested by moderator or broadcaster, then sent to all. This list is presented in the same format as the notice, not in the format needed to paste into the previous show totals field on the launch page (use the "/alltime" command for that).

  5. /alltime (or /listalltime, or /alltimelist) : (mods/bc only) Display the all-time tipper totals, including previous show totals and current totals, in a formatted list that can be copied and pasted into the previous show all time list on the launch page. As noted previously, this list should also be saved outside CB.

U. On-demand Private Shows

This feature allows you to initiate a one-on-one private with a user who may have paid for a show outside of CB, and takes the place of needing to do a password show and provide the password to the user. The cam will be hidden in the same way a ticket show or private does, however there is no tipping required or per minute charge. Also there is no spying on the show.

  1. /startprivate (or /goprivate) [user]: (bc only) The broadcaster initiates the private, and only the user name entered will be able to see the show. The room will be immediately hidden in the same way as a ticket show. Make sure to enter the user's name correctly!

  2. /stopprivate (or /endprivate) : (bc only) End the private hidden cam show and immediately return to public chat.

V. Personalized Icons, Nicknames, and Text Colors

This feature allows you to give special users their own icon (gif) next to their name, a nickname, and chat text color. A personalized icon overrides any user group icons someone may have normally had from the mod group, VIP group, or fanclub.
On the Launch page, in the User Group Icons section, enter a list of the user names, icons, nicknames, and chat text color for any users you would like to give these privileges to, i the defined format. Separate each of the four pieces of a user entry with a slash (/), and put commas (,) between the user entries, with no spaces. Even if no value is entered for the icon or nickname or color, use the slashes with empty values.
User icons should include the ":" prefix, and hex color codes should include the "#" prefix'. See the availabel command for checking colors below in section W.
For example, you could configure the following string for 3 users (using their actual user IDs):
In this example,
- User 1 has a personal icon (:heart2), nickname (sillyguy), and text color (hex color #ff0033)
- User 2 has only an icon
- User 3 has only a text color

  1. /nnlist: (mods/bc only) Display the nickname list that is defined on the bot start page.

  2. /setusericon [username] [:icon]: (mods/bc only) Updates the icon for an existing user icon/nickname/color entry, or adds a new entry with a icon specified. The icon should have the ":" prefix included. A value of "null" (no quotes) can be used to remove an icon setting for a user, including blanking out the group level icon for fans, mods, and VIPs if some users would prefer not to have one.

  3. /setusernn [username] [nickname]: (mods/bc only) Updates the nickname for an existing user icon/nickname/color entry, or adds a new entry with a nickname specified. A value of "null" (no quotes) can be used to remove a nickname setting for a user.

  4. /setusercolor [username] [#000000]: (mods/bc only) Updates the hex color code for an existing user icon/nickname/color entry, or adds a new entry with a color specified. The hex color code should have the "#" prefix included. A value of "null" (no quotes) can be used to remove a color setting for a user.

  5. /setmodicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for CB moderators to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

  6. /setbotmodicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for Bot Moderators to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

  7. /setfanicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for CB Fan Club to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

  8. /setextfanicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for External Fan Club to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

  9. /setvipicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for VIPs to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

W. Fembot Moderators

This feature allows you to assign moderator privileges to users in the room without making them officially assigned through CB, so they will not show as red names.
Adding a user to the Fembot Moderator list gives them full moderator privileges for all functions WITHIN THIS BOT ONLY, and a badge icon in the chat (if configured).
Note that "Bot Moderator" privileges in the other Dorothy apps and bots must be assigned there separately. Currently they are only available in the Ultra Fembot, but will be added to the UltraApp and Gamebot shortly.

  1. /addmod [username]: (mods/bc only) Add users to the Fembot Moderator List.

  2. /rmvmod [username]: (mods/bc only) Remove users from the Fembot Moderator List.

  3. /modlist: Displays the list of users currently in the Fembot Moderator list (list will also include broadcaster and CB mods).

X. Other Commands

  1. /newsubject [title]: (mods/bc only) Update the room subject to a new value [title].

  2. /prv: (mods/bc only) Display the predefined response to private requests in the chat. Message is defined on the launch page.

  3. /checkcolor [bg],[fg]: (mods/bc only) Display a sample message using the colors entered for purposes of experimenting with colors to find a combination you like.
    The [bg] is the background or highlight color and the [fg] is the foreground or text color.
    The value entered can either be the text value of one of the colors defined in the drop down lists for the bot, or can be a 6 character hex code, including the '#' sign, (something like #FFFFFF).
    For example, you could use the command "/checkcolor #cdcdff,#0000ff" or "/checkcolor Light Pink,Dark Pink".

  4. /settings [config group]: (mods/bc only) send a listing of the configuration settings list to the chat for the current user for the config group specified. You can use one of the following config groups: notices, leaders, chat, groups, tipmenu1, tipmenu2, positions, poll, tickets, toys, media, dice, or raffle.

  5. /pricechecklist: (mods/bc only) Display a listing of all the entries in the price checker tool that validates duplicate entries and common tip amounts.

  6. /nocaps [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the suppression of capitals on and off. One word with capitals is allowed when on, any more than that converts the whole message to lower case and displays a warning to the user.

Latest enhancements and fixes:

11/17/2019 Version 3.1 (Current Version):
- Performance Improvement: Don't send all welcome messages to grays users
- Additional features for bot mods
- Visibility to chat PMs (/tm, /tbm)
- Added Tip Menu list display format for menu 1 and menu 2
- Note that this change combines two previous settings into one for the tip menu, and sets the default display to "Full List - paragraph mode", so if you regularly display in a different format, you will need to update the one newer setting that is there now
- Options are now: Paragraph Form - Full List, Paragraph Form - Split List, List Form, and Notice Only

11/9/2019 Version 3.0:
- Personalization: Added configurable text names for the External Fan Club and VIP List, names are defined in the General Setup section of the launch page.
- This is an ideal way to personalize your room when you have external clubs that people can buy separate memberships for and they have a much cooler name than "external fan club" :)
- And since VIP also allows tipping to join, you can have people tip join a personalized club as well (just remember to put them in the permanent VIP list after the show
- Personalization: Added a setting in the General Setup section for the name the broadcaster would like displayed in the chat notices instead of the general text "broadcaster" or the room name
- Icons: Changed to allow icon assignment from a lower priority group if the higher priority grouop icon in not configured. For example, if user is a moderator and in the external fan club, and moderator icon is empty, assign the external fan club icon
- Tip Tracking: Added configuration for how many positions to display on the leaderboard, up to 10, default is still 5
- Chat Control: Change structure of how blocked words, PM response, and private response are checked (doesn't change actual usage except to make them not be dependent on upper/lower case and punctuation)
- Blocked Words: Added a second blocked word list and differentiated between a Public Word Block List and a Private Word Block List
- New "public" list is viewable by moderators, and chatters receive a response message when they use a blocked word. Any words you want users to be notified about using can be moved to the Public Blocked Word list.
- The existing Blocked Word list becomes the "Private" Blocked Word list, so any words already in your pre-configured list remain private. Changed response messaging so that private word list does not alert chatter that a blocked word was used.
- Chat Control: Added check for configurable keyword checking and responding (commonly asked questions, bio info, etc). Added command /dsprsp to view the configured automated responses.
- Chat Control: Fix message displayed for graphics level 4
- All-Time List: Added All-time tipper icon / badge levels
- Tip Menu: Added setting to allow notifications to the broadcaster and/or mods when a user requests the tip menu
- Notifiers: Added 9th notifier
- Tip Notes: Add ability to forward Tip Notes to one specific user ID *** WARNING: Use this only with an alternate ID for the broadcaster, collab user in a joint show, or a trusted moderator *** People generally do not want their tip notes being read by anyone other than the broadcaster
- Performance enhancements for command entry validations
- Fix to /tippers command not showing correct totals list and now only show lines for the number of people that have actually tipped
- Ticket Shows: Added support for displaying the backup list in chunks when it exceeds the maximum CB message length of 1025 characters, so it can be easily copied and pasted to restore the list
- Added new commands from UltraApp and Gamebot into known command list
- *** NOTICE ***: Since the Fembot's primary purpose is chat control/notifications/tip tracking, I'm removing a couple features that really should be run through separate bots or already have existing separate bots:
- I will be removing the raffle feature from the Fembot in the next release and creating a separate stand alone raffle bot.
- I am tentatively planning to disable the Raffle from being run (but still save any existing settings and allow them to be viewed) on Nov 15, 2019, so please plan accordingly. It will be removed altogether at a later date once I know everyone has had a chance to migrate their settings.
- Fixed dice icons

9/25/2019 Version 2.16:
- Fix issue with All-time tipper added to VIP with a zero value

9/20/2019 Version 2.15:
- Don't assign icon again from tipping if they already have the same icon
- Added multi-line notifiers, rules, welcome message, privates response, PM response, VIP welcome message, Fans welcome message, Media List intro. Uses the text {n} to trigger a "New Line" within the message
- Added new valid commands from latest UltraApp revision
- Added commands for updating the group icons for mods, botmods, fans, external fans, and VIPs

9/13/2019 Version 2.14:
- Added settings to highlight chat for mods, fans, king tipper
- Separated Nickname and Title settings for King Tipper

9/7/2019 Version 2.13:
- *** New Feature - Tip for Icon
- allow for setting up to 5 icon groups that users can tip to join during the show
- not a permanent assignment, is only for the current show
- recurring notice can be displayed with the icons and tip amounts
- command /icontips added to display the amounts and associated icons on-demand
- *** New Feature - All Time King Tipper
- allows for either identifying a specific tipper and tip amount in the settings, or using the values from the "all time" list for the king tipper
- user can optionally be given their own icon, nickname, and welcome message
- recurring chat notice can be configured
- command /useking can be used to turn the feature on and off and define where the king tipper is pulled from
- command /king can be used to assign the King Tipper user and amount as needed within the show (temporary assignment)
- Added lowercase conversion for usernames in icon/nickname list
- Added 5 slots to tip menu 2 - now 25 total
- Icon / nickname fixes:
- Fixed issues with clearing user icons and allow a group assigned icon to be cleared for a specific user, such as if a specific moderator or fan club member does not want the group icon
- Allowed for /setusernn command to use a multi-word nickname (already worked ok for initial assignment from launch page)
- Fixed issue with group icon not showing if nickname was assigned from launch page without personal icon

8/15/2019 Version 2.12:
- *** New Feature - Added ability to "hijack" the token poll with a large tip. Command "/hijackprice" added to allow changing the price during the show. Changing the price to 0 will disable the "hijack" feature.
- *** New Feature - Added Room Rules feature, can display the Rule Set both when a user enters a room and in a recurring notice if configured.
- Added /polllead (or /pl) command to display only the current leader status in the poll (rather than /poll to display the whole table of results). Can be used by all viewers.

8/11/2019 Version 2.11:
- Added ability to embed the identifier {username} within the 5 tip response messages to display the tipper user ID as part of the message.
- *** New Feature - Added ability to have people join the VIP List by tipping either a certain amount, or a cumulative total within one show, or a cumulative total on the all-time tipper list. See the new configurations under the VIP list section. Note that you still must add them to the permanent VIP list after the show is over.
- Changed number of notifiers from 5 to 8 and enhanced the notifier logic. This includes changes to commands for updating and displaying the notifiers within the show, please review the new commands. Also includes changing the format of the setting for the Chat Notifier interval - it can now be a decimal value. Note that first time you launch after the update, the setting will be defaulted to 3 minutes - please update your notifier interval back to your normally used setting on the launch page.

8/8/2019 Version 2.10:
- *** New Feature - Added On-demand token poll - create a token poll with config on launch page, uses new commands to create, start and disable (/makepoll, /odstart, /odoff), but all other poll commands are the same
- Fixed price checklist updates on /swapmenu
- Fixed text that displays for poll timer and clock timer when subtracting time
- Added commands from latest UltraApp and Gamebot features

8/1/2019 Version 2.9:
- Fixed all user entered user name lists (VIP List, Fan Club, Nice List, Mod List) to update and validate with all lowercase usernames to match CB conventions. Names entered with capitals on the launch page will be converted to the correct format.
- Added /sl and /gl abbreviated commands for silence and graphic levels and updated the help text for these commands to show levels 0-4, added better validations
- Removed all references to Crazyticket
- Fixed usage of "null" to blank out icon, nickname, and color. Add ability to override the group level icon with null to not show icon for specific users.

7/27/2019 Version 2.8:
- Additional validations on /showninja command
- *** New Feature - Added /prv command to display personalized notice about privates
- *** New Feature - Added ability to put Tip Menu 1 and 2 prices "on sale" - configure the sale percentage in either tipmenu section on the launch page

7/15/2019 Version 2.7:
- Added support for UltraApp Spank-a-thon commands
- Added support for UltraApp Peep Show commands

7/6/2019 Version 2.6:
- Changed minimum tip for Silence Level and Graphic Level '3' to be configurable (was hardcoded at 10)
- Added Silence Level and Graphic Level '4' that only allows Mods, Fans, and VIPs to chat or use graphics

7/5/2019 Version 2.5:
- *** New Feature - Added "Bot Moderator" privileges same as mods assigned through CB, see section "W" above
- Added launch page list to pre-assign Bot Mods
- Added separate group icons for Bot Mods vs CB mods so they can be controlled separately and turned on/off as needed for each group

6/14/2019 Version 2.4:
- Added flexible display for tip response messages, can now send to either just the tipper or to all in the chat
- Added commands to update the settings for whether silenced and ninja'd user's messages show in the chat, so they can be changed during the show
- *** New Feature - Added "Answer Required" feature to prevent spam in the room. You can now set a user level at which any non-mods/VIP/Fans must answer a question to begin chatting. Question shown is a "fill in the blank" statement chosen at random from one of the 10 statements in the program. Recommend setting for gray users or light blue users (each level also includes the ones below it, so light blue also includes gray), likely not necessary to go higher, but can be used at all user levels.
- Add support for "Peep Show" commands in the UltraApp (coming soon)

6/09/2019 Version 2.3:
- Added support for Charades commands in Gamebot
- Fixed issue with toy menu settings

5/25/2019 Version 2.2:
- Added settings for initial silence and graphics level rather than hardcoding them, they can now be configured and saved on the launch page (and still updated during the show with the commands)
- Added settings for defining which user groups are affected by the blocked words, can now allow certain groups to override the blocked word restrictions, setting in the Blocked Word List section
- Added settings for whether you see notifications for VIPS and External Fans entering or leaving the room or both or neither. Note that this replaces the previous Yes or No setting for entry only, so you may will need to review these two settings and update them accordingly.

5/23/2019 Version 2.1:
- Fixed issues with poll timer and message displays
- Added commands from new release of the Gamebot to the valid command list

5/19/2019 Version 2.0:
- Added /fbpresale command to allow for enabling or disabling presales for the Fembot on the fly to override original launch page setting (broadcasters were sometimes enabling pre-sales in both the Fembot and the UltraApp, causing duplicate messaging)
- *** New Feature - Added ability to purchase multiple raffle tickets at one time, controlled by new setting in raffle section. Note that the raffle price multiples will not give a warning from the duplicate price checker.
- Corrected the help text for /polloptrmv and /chgdiceprice
- Fixed issues with clock and poll timers when using the addtime feautures and running the timer multiple times
- Added /chgticketshow command to allow for changing the Fembot setting for where the ticket show is controlled, overrides the initial setting on the launch page. This command can be used if accidentally configured with both app and bot ticket shows being used.
- *** New Feature - Added a configuration setting for 'PM reponse' that posts a notification in the chat in reponse to someone sending a message with the word PM in it. Message is configurable so it can tell people that you don't do PMs or that PMs are xx tokens
- Added configuration settings to allow the mods and/or broadcaster to see messages that are from silenced or ninja silenced users, or messages that used blocked words. Only broadcaster can see blocked word messages due to the sensitive nature of the blocked word list.
- Added support for cumulative tips to purchase pre-sale tickets

4/15/2019 Version 1.11:
- *** New Feature - Revised Nickname feature and added user specific icons and text colors. Can either have a user specific icon or a group icon, user Icon takes precedence. The existing nickname list field is left displayed on the launch page for now, so that broadcasters can copy their list to the new field and format, but the old fields will be removed in the near future.
- *** New Feature - Added a setting on the Ticket show to accumulate tips once ticket sales start so that if someone tips the ticket price in multiple tips they can be added automatically and not require the broadcaster or mod to add them. This can be turned off, but the default is to have it on

4/7/2019 Version 1.10:
- Clean up /prepticket command feature to support same command executed in UltraApp. Expect that all VIP and Fanclub related info for UltraApp ticket show now added from UltraApp, does not add for CrazyTicket anymore
- To go along with the addition of pre-sales in the ultra-App, added a flag in the Fembot to define if pre-sales are being performed in the Fembot or UltraApp, since the same commands are used in both. Defaults to 'Yes' (Fembot), but if doing pre-sales in the UltraApp, change to 'No'.
- Added new commands from Dorothy's Gamebot to list of valid commands
- Change message in Fembot ticket show to remove ticket price from video window

3/29/2019 Version 1.9:
- Add ability for all viewers to see the ticket buyer list for the ticket show

3/25/2019 Version 1.8:
- Add support for Dorothy's Gamebot commands

3/14/2019 Version 1.7:
- Fix to graphic level 3 where it was preventing all chat
- Fix to text color changing permanently after first nickname color setting
- Add ability to update the token poll title

2/17/2019 Version 1.6:
- The main enhancement here are changes to support working alongside the new Dorothy's UltraApp. Now you can manage all of the goal and ticket show needs through just these two apps/bots. (ultra gamebot still on the way :) )
- Note as part of this change, there is an update to the Ticket Show Type field, please confirm it is set correctly on your next start. There are now only two available selections: Fembot Ticket Show and Separate Ticket App. If you're using Dorothy's Ultra App, Dorothy's Ticekt Show, or Crazyticket, set it to the latter
- Raffle - added ability to edit the prizes on the fly
- Made some tweaks/fixes for issues found with the Fembot Ticket Show and Raffle features
- Customizable text to show at the end of the entry message for VIP and Ext Fan Club, can include gifs (thanks Lily)
- Added ability to specify a description on the general timer when the timer is started (see /startclock)
- Fix to nickname function not working with tip count and Dorothy's Ultra App

1/26/2019 Version 1.5:
- Hidden Ticket Show Bot - This is a large addition and has impacts to the existing pre-sales and ticket show support features, so please be sure to read the help page info above on the ticket show... it's very similar to CrazyTicket... I do expect some hiccups along the way given the scope of the changes for this addition, so please do give me feedback if you see any problems.
- Raffle - Sell raffle tickets during your show and do a drawing as you progress or at the end. Can also do the raffle across multiple shows (as with all-time tippers, you have to save the raffle results from each show and paste them into the bot launch page) (yes as usual I went overboard with features... shocking I know)
- Added a second tip menu within the bot, with the ability to switch between tip menus within the show. Had previously created the Show 2 version of the bot, but there was also a need to be able to switch quickly within a show and not have to start a new bot and lose stats for the current session
- Lengthened token poll options to 50 characters. Previous length was 25 and had people get field length validation errors for their token poll options.
- Warning if there is any duplication in prices across the different features, such as you set a raffle ticket price that is the same as a tip menu item. Only feature not checked is lush menu since the prices there are not individual settings, just text.
- Ability to set a description on the generic timer so it displays in the countdown messages
- All time total tip tracking, and all time tip leaders
- Added feature for On-demand privates with a single user, would be used instead of a password show when someone has paid for a private show outside of the site. Commands are used within the Fembot to start and stop the one on one private.
- Added a minimum number of votes required to make the token poll valid, some broadcasters didn't want someone to win with only a vote or two cast, still, recommend to keep this low, maybe in the range of 3-5 if you use it
- Removed 'required' field attribute of all non pick-list launch page settings
- Alternate commands / Command shortcuts - created some shorter versions of some of the commands that will also work along with the original/existing commands
- Also updated the caps suppression logic to allow one word in caps, but more than that suppresses the message. Can also turn the suppression on and off with /nocaps

1/7/2019 Version 1.4:
- Added Tip Response messages (see new configuration on start page in the Messages and Notifications section)
- Added Basic Dice game (see new configuration on start page in the Dice Game section at the bottom)
- Added gray chat time lock feature so that gray users cannot chat until they've been in the room for the defined threshold. This helps prevent spam bots that attempt to post spam immediately upon entering. See new settings at the bottom of the Chat Control section.
- Added a 'Check Color' feature so you can try out different color combinations and see how they look in the chat. For example, try /checkcolor "Light Blue","Dark Blue" for the colors that are already defined for the bot, or /checkcolor #yyyyyy,#xxxxxx for custom colors using their hex codes. The first color is the background or highlight and the second color is the foreground or text.
- Defined default values for most fields and suggested choices and prices for tip menu and token poll so the bot can be started with no additional entry for a new user
- Lengthened Tip Menu from 30 to 40 slots. People be goin crazy with their menus!
- General performance improvements

12/19/2018 Version 1.3:
- Added Social Media contact list. Put all your web links and social media IDs in one place that displays on a recurring basis in the chat. Unfortunately hyperlinks are not allowed, but users can copy and paste.
- An update was necessary to change the Token Poll field names in the program, so you'll need to re-input your token poll settings for this release, apologies in advance.
- Updated the colors on the private messaging functions to make them stand out more (/pm, /tm, /tbm, /bc).
- Added ability to pre-define a ninja list so you can silence annoying people ahead of time and they won't receive a notification. With the regular silence list, they receive a notification when they try to chat.
- Added icon for Top 3 Tippers in current session, configurable as a gif or character.
- Fixed some general issues with the timer and token poll timer functions, as they had issues with adding time or subtracting time under a minute.
- Keep alive function now works in the token poll as well - when the poll timer drops below 30 seconds, it'll add 30 seconds the first time anyone votes.
- Added control for automatically ending the positions menu poll at the time of /showend or /stopshow when doing a ticket show.
- Also fixed the /stopclock and /pollstoptimer functions.
- Fixed option to remove token poll entries during the show (/polloptrmv).
- Fixed issue with notifier custom color lookup (would result in error saying the positions menu color was invalid).

12/13/2018 Version 1.2:
- Added Lush Menu. Note that this is a display only, it does not actually control the lush, that is done through the lush app. This feature would be used if you were not using the chrome extension to publish the lush price ranges to the chat, or if you only use the extension to publish the connectivity messages.
- Added commands to add the top tippers from the leaderboard (/addlbtop, /addlbamt).
- Fixed issue with the /addclock, though /stopclock still doesn't work, so continue to add negative time to end the clock.
- Enabled the /pm command for VIP and External Fan Club.
- Added command to display all current notifier messages (/dspmsg [1,2,3,4,5, or all]).
- Enhanced the /prepticket command to have unique controls in the config menu for what options it executes.
- Added section separators on the config menu page to make it easier to find certain sets of settings.
- Added the /dumpsettings command to send all current config settings to the chat to assist with developer troubleshooting.

12/9/2018 Version 1.1:
- Fixed an issue with the custom color settings, you may have to re-enter your colors for the tip menu.
- Added the back-up ticket list feature to allow for saving the ticket list in the event of a CrazyTicket crash.

Other Bots and Apps by chelsea2950
Link for Easy Fembot: Dorothy's Easy Fembot - Simpler ultrabot for newer cammers with minimal config, most features related to chat control.
Link for Ultra Fembot: Dorothy's Ultra Fembot - This app...
Link for UltraApp: Dorothy's UltraApp - All in One app that contains several different types of goal shows (single goal, multiple goals, auto-reset goals, goal counter, goal race, tip sequence, tip jar), plus a full feature ticket show and peep show
Link for Dice game: Dorothy's Dice Game - Roll 2 6-sided dice to win prizes, plus a rare special roll of '13'. Note this same version of the game is also already built in to the Ultra Fembot.
Link for Ticket Show App: Dorothy's Ticket Show - Same as the ticket show portion of this App - Sell tickets and then lock the room for a private show.
Link for Easy Ticket Show: Dorothy's Easy Ticket Show - Same features as the stand alone ticket show, but with a very short launch page setup (4 settings), all other settings use most common defaults.
Link for Tip Goals App: Dorothy's Tip Goals - Run a goal show with either a single goal or multiple progressive goals. Same as the goal feature of the Ultra App in its own separate App. Like the UltraApp, the Tip Goals App also has customizable draw panel backgrounds.
Link for Gamebot: Dorothy's Ultra Gamebot - Includes Dice, Wheelspin, Keno, War! (High Card), Russian Roulette, Press Your Luck, Random Prizes, Charades, and Bad Libs, all with a common prize list that can be used across all the games so you don't have to keep setting up prizes in different bots
Link for Tip Menu Pro: Dorothy's Tip Menu Pro - Ultimate Tip Menu with 2 menus that can be swapped based on type of show (Menu 1 with 50 slots, Menu 2 with 20), plus a positions menu that can be run simultaneously
*** Note that the dice game in the Fembot will be phased out since it is now available in the Gamebot and in it's own stand alone bot. ***

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