Ultimate Tip Menu bot with 2 menus (50 slots and 20 slots) plus Positions Menu
Welcome everyone!
Note: Current Verion: 1.3 (revised 1/10/2020). Change Log of fixes and enhancements in each release is at the bottom of the page. Please follow me on twitter @thechelsea2950 for app and bot updates.
I also run a Twitter DM group for users of the Apps and Bots I've written, please message me on twitter and let me know if you'd like to be added to the group. In the group you'll receive notifications on new features, get tips and tricks, be able to provide feedback on them and request enhancements, and take part in discussions on how they can best be used.
The purpose of this Tip Menu bot is to provide the most popular Tip Menu features in one place, the list of features is below.
As a general note, it is advisable to use a tip menu bot rather than a menu in your bio because the bot can be easily changed and updated, it shows the resulting prize immediately in the chat, and many viewers do not read the bio unfortunately.
Please let me know if you find any issues or have recommendations for improvement, you can usually find me on the couples rooms on the site, or on twitter @thechelsea2950, feel free to message me there with questions and ideas!
Most of these are available for moderators and broadcasters only, with some exceptions. Note that you can also type "/menuhelp" within the chat to see the list of commands as well.
These commands may or may not conflict with other tip menus that you may have running at the same time, either stand alone or as part of an UltraBot.
I've changed the commands from what is used in the Dorothy Ultra Fembot for the regular menus, however the positions menu commands are the same except for the stop and start commands, so the same command would not start the menu in both at the same time.
A. Tip Menu 1 and 2
The are two tip menus available - Tip Menu 1 has 50 slots and Tip Menu 2 has 20 slots. If neither menu is running, you can start Menu 1 with the /startmenu command or Menu 2 with the /startmenu2 command.
If one menu is already running, you can swap between Tip Menu 1 and Tip Menu 2 within the show without having to restart the bot, this is done using the /swapmenu command
You can also set a sale price for each menu on the launch page if you would like to run a sale to discount prices off your normal prices.
Note that using a sale may make some menu item amounts duplicated with other tip prices used elsewhere, or duplicated within the menu if items are close in price, so make sure to check the resulting amounts
There is only one set of commands that is used across both menus - they apply to whichever tip menu is active between Tip Menu 1 and 2.
You can also choose to display the full menu in the recurring notice, or break it into halves that are each displayed according to the notice timer, as well as turn off the display of the full menu and let people use the "/menu" command to see the menu.
1/10/2020 Version 1.3 (Current Version):
- Added ability to temporarily disable menu items by putting a dash or minus sign ('-') in front of them (-). This makes them a negative number and prevents them from showing in the menu, but keeps them intact for the future without having to save elsewhere or remember the prices. You can remove the minus sign later and it will return to the menu.
- Added command "/menuprice" to change the price of an existing menu item, requires exact entry of menu item description. Note these are temporary price changes until bot is restarted
9/23/2019 Version 1.2:
- Added feature for list format of the tip menu
- Added feature for displaying the separator icon in the response message when someone tips for a menu item
- Cleanup some messaging text
9/3/2019 Version 1.1:
- Fixed help text and notifiers that still had /tipmenu text, updated to /menu
8/5/2019 Versio 1.0:
- Initial Release - New Bot!
Other Bots and Apps by chelsea2950
Link for Dorothy's Easy Fembot: Dorothy's Easy Fembot - Simpler ultrabot for newer cammers with minimal config, most features related to chat control.
Link for Dorothy's Ultra Fembot: Dorothy's Ultra Fembot - This bot...
Link for Dorothy's UltraApp: Dorothy's UltraApp - Ticket show (similar to CrazyTicket), single goal, progressive goal (similar to Tip multi-goal or CrazyGoal), goal count, tip sequence (ascending and descending), and Tip Jar (keep it going).
Link for Dorothy's Dice game: Dorothy's Dice Game - Roll 2 6-sided dice to win prizes, plus a rare special roll of '13'. Note this same version of the game is also already built in to the Ultra Fembot.
Link for Dorothy's Ticket Show App: Dorothy's Ticket Show - Same as the ticket show portion of the UltraApp - Sell tickets and then lock the room for a private show.
Link for Dorothy's Tip Goals App: Dorothy's Tip Goals - Run a goal show with either a single goal or multiple progressive goals. Same as the goal feature of the Ultra App in its own separate App. Like the UltraApp, the Tip Goals App also has customizable draw panel backgrounds.
Link for Dorothy's Gamebot: Dorothy's Gamebot - Includes Dice, Wheelspin, Keno, War! (High Card), Russian Roulette, Press Your Luck, all with a common prize list that can be used across all the games so you don't have to keep setting up prizes in different bots
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