Dorothy's Multi-Level Dice Game
Author: chelsea2950
Description Source Code Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Roll two 6-sided dice, up to 3 levels of dice roll price and prizes, personalized colors for dice and notices

Full Description


Current Version: 1.0 (initial release September 25, 2021).
The Change Log of fixes and enhancements in each release is at the bottom of the page.

The following Topics are covered below
- Features and Tips
- Command List
- Personalization - colors, emojis, etc
- Release Notes for recent versions
- Summary of the "Dorothy" apps and bots and strategies for using them

While the source is kept open for the reasons noted below, which makes it easy to copy and modify this bot for individual cammers (which is ok to do), please keep in mind that by doing so you'll miss out on fixes and new features that are added to the public bot.
If you have a recommendation for something you would like added, please let us know and if it makes sense, we'll put it in the public bot so you can continue to take advantage of the latest version.
We've also created a Twitter DM group for users of the Apps and Bots we've written, please message us on twitter and let us know if you'd like to be added to the group.
In that group you'll receive notifications on new features, get tips and tricks, be able to provide feedback on them and request enhancements, and take part in discussions on how they can best be used.
There is also a Discord server, please let us know if you'd like an invite to join there as well.
Finally, check out our bios for other useful tips and general info about CB and broadcasting, great for new cammers! or

Features and Tips

  1. The main reason why you may want to use this dice game over the one in the Fembot or Gamebot would be the multi-level support since that is not supported in the larger ultrabots. Another advantage is having them in a separate bot if you change the prizes frequently within a show, then you don't have to restart an ultrabot to make the changes. Other than that, they behave the same way. The single level "Dorothy's Dice Game" is also available if you don't need 3 levels but want to run a separate bot.

  2. This is a dice roll game for prizes with two standard six sided dice, which means there are 11 possible rolls where the total of the two dice will be from 2-12.

  3. Additionally, there is a special rare roll of 13, which is done by changing the second die to a '1' and then rolling a third dice. The changing of the second die to a '1' is randomized to happen on 20 percent of the rolls, and then there is still the third dice roll to account for, so the special roll of 13 statistically would happen 1/6 of 20% or 3.3% of the time (every 30 rolls). Of course it can actually happen anytime, these are just the typical odds, and there is a parameter for controlling whether it is allowed to happen before X number of rolls of the dice (defaulted to 15).

  4. The default prices and prizes are only suggestions, please update with your choices. It is mandtory to define a price and prizes for Level 1. Level 2 and 3 are optional, but if you enable them and do not set a prize in any setting (all levels), it will be defaulted to "Try Again!"

  5. An exception is the Special Rare prize for rolls of "13". If that is left blank, the special roll is disabled for that level.

  6. Viewers must tip the exact amount of the Dice Roll price that is configured, or multiples of it depending on your setting for allowing multiples. Note that the bot will give you an error on startup if you've allowed multiples and there is an overlap of prices between the levels (like if you set the level 1 price to 25 and level 2 to 50). If this is not corrected and they tip the overlapping amount, the dice roll from the higher level is awarded (tip amounts are checked sequentially for Level 3 then 2 then 1, and if a matching amount is found, the remaining are not checked).

  7. Some of the configurations you set on the launch page, such as the dice roll price for each level, can be changed during the show with commands so you don't have to restart the bot. However, the changes you make using the commands within a show are not permanently updated to the start page - you have to make those changes there for them to be saved.

  8. There are currently 10 pre-defined dice colors that affect the appearance of the dice themselves. It is recommended to select your dice color and dice roll background color to look good together (although currently the dice color can be set uniquely by level, and the dice roll background is universal). Still, try to use color settings that look good together with the dice and background.

  9. There are multiple ways you can configure the color schemes used for the recurring notice. In the personalization section, you can choose to either use one of the predefined multi-color themes in setting "2" or set that to "None" and choose a solid color background in setting "3". Note these Themes align with the Fembot and UltraApp themes, so if you want a consistent look for the notices with those appas and bots, you can choose the matching ones here. For the solid backgrounds, you can choose one of the pre-defined options, or set it to "Custom" and input your own hex color code in setting "4". The color gradients and text color are pre-defined when you use one of the Themes. If you use a solid color background, the gradient selection from setting "7" is used, and the text is always black.

  10. The background color for the dice roll announcements is also configurable, but only with solid colors (select from the predefined list in setting "5" or set a custom color in setting "6"). The gradient selection in setting "7" will also be used for this background. The text color for Roll Results is always black.

  11. You can also customize the border around the recurring notice (dashed lines, emojis, no border, etc), the same settings are available here as in the Fembot and UltraApp if you want them to match.

  12. The /dicerolls feature is a great help in this bot as you can quickly see the history of what was tipped for without having to scroll back through the chat. It not only shows you what was won, but how long ago, and what was won since you last checked the history. Moderators can also send the list to the broadcaster with the /dicerollsb command so the broadcaster doesn't have to type if they are busy.

  13. Keep in mind that the rolls of 7 are the most common, 6 or 8 next most common, and so on, so put prizes that you do not mind doing frequently in those middle slots. Percentages for each combination of two dice rolls are shown below (not taking into account the special 3 dice rolls).

Dice Roll Total
2 - 1 combination (2.8% probability)
3 - 2 combinations (5.6% probability)
4 - 3 combinations (8.3% probability)
5 - 4 combinations (11.1% probability)
6 - 5 combinations (13.9% probability)
7 - 6 combinations (16.7% probability)
8 - 5 combinations (13.9% probability)
9 - 4 combinations (11.1% probability)
10 - 3 combinations (8.3% probability)
11 - 2 combinations (5.6% probability)
12 - 1 combination (2.8% probability)


  1. /diceprizes1 (or /diceprizes2 or /diceprizes3): (all users) Display the available prizes in the Dice Roll game for the selected level. Only shown to the user that requests it, unless requested by a moderator or broadcaster, then it is displayed to the room.

  2. /dicerolls: (all users) Display a listing of the last (up to) 20 dice rolls. Especially helpful if there have been several rolls in succession, prevents the need to have to scroll up to find the prizes won.

  3. /dicerollsb: (moderators only) same as the /dicerolls, but it is sent from the moderator to the broadcaster only.

  4. /diceprice1 [amt] (or /diceprice2 or /diceprice3): (mods/bc only) Change the price of the dice roll within the show for each level, where [amt] is the new amount to use.

  5. /freeroll1 (or /freeroll2 or /freeroll3): (broadcaster only) Perform a free roll of the dice by level.


One of the strengths of all of the Dorothy Apps and Bots is the ability to personalize the bot through the use of colors and emojis to make the appearance of chat messaging unique to your room.
Each of the sections below goes into more detail on these topics specifically for the Multi-level Dice Game:

A. Colors and Themes

As noted above, you can use pre-defined Multi-color "Themes" for your recurring notice, or select solid colors, or enter your own colors.
- If you want more flexibility in the solid color selections, you can choose "custom" color and input the hex color codes (more on that below)
- If you want to use the same color pattern across all recurring notices, you can use the multi-color Theme to match other Dorothy apps
- Color themes only impact the recurring notices, they are not used for messaging sent as a result of a user action, so those can be differentiated easier in the chat
- Even if you do not use a color theme, you can apply the gradient effect (gradual color fade) to your individual background color settings using setting

When selecting custom colors, you must use what are known as "hex codes" for each color.
- These codes are in the format of a # sign followed by 6 alpha-numeric characters, hence the term hex".
- For example, the code for white is "#ffffff", and the code for one common shade of red (there are thousands) is "#ff0000".
- In order to use the correct code, you'll need to look up your code and enter it in the bot launch page where there are custom color settings available.
- Note that is a good site for looking up the hex color codes for the colors you'd like to use. This is just a suggested site, there are plenty more available if you do a search online.

B. Emoji's

Emoji's can be used as the border on the recurring notices, and you can also use them in your prize names.
- Some commonly used Emojis's are listed below, however this is just a few, there are tons of emojis available, and you can browse a more complete list here: oji-list.html ...or just search for emoji list on google.
- I've chosen to list the fairly generic ones that are mostly symmetrical. Simply drag your cursor over each to highlight and then copy and paste the emoji into the launch page or your room title to use it.
- The dice emoji can be especially helpful for this bot :)

Random 1:
Random 2:
Gifts & Awards:
Sports & Gaming:

Release Notes

Version 1.0 - September 25, 2021 (Current Version):
- This is the initial release of this bot. It has been copied from the Dice Game in the Fembot and expanded to allow for up to 3 levels of dice roll prices and prizes
- It also includes much of the personalization capability from the Fembot for background colors, dice colors and notice borders

Dorothy's Apps and Bots - Summary

The "Dorothy" set of apps and bots are intended to be used in one of two ways that are generally based on your experience level, appetite for using commands, and the abilities of your moderators and what you want to entrust them with.
If you are new to camming or don't want to spend a ton of time setting up large bots and prefer to just turn on smaller apps and bots as needed, this likely isn't the best App for you, you may want to use individual apps for goals and ticket shows, and some suggestions are below.
Keep in mind there are tons of apps and bots out there and while the suggestions below only detail the "Dorothy" set, there are other great ones available, so try them out and see what you like.
For the most part, the apps and bots all work together and shouldn't conflict, except where there are specific known challenges noted below.

Below is a quick guide to our two suggested approaches for using apps and bots:

Strategy 1: Use a single set of apps and bots to do everything

- Use the same set of bots and app for every show (there is still flexibility within each to do different types of shows), but you don't have to pick and choose new apps and bots for each show.
- Usually for more experienced cammers or broadcasters who are willing to spend significant time getting their room just the way they want it
- Have a reliable moderator or group of moderators that you trust to run the show for you
- Are comfortable using commands and prefer to make changes using commands versus starting/restarting an app or bot to change how it functions
- Would like to have fanclub or VIP access benfits but don't want to set up those lists in several differet bots that all work differently

If this strategy sounds like you, it would be recommended to use the following set of apps and bots:

Dorothy's Ultra Fembot (bot) - For chat control and other chat information like tip menu, token poll, etc
Dorothy's UltraApp (app) - To drive the type of show (goals, ticket, etc.)
(optional) Dorothy's Gamebot (bot) - For fun - about 10-15 games included in one place (dice, wheel , keno, charades, etc)

Strategy 2: Use individual Apps and Bots for the features you want to use

- New to CB and don't know alot about apps and bots yet, so give me the simple approach.
- Spend minimal time setting each one up
- Like to have more robust features in each individual bot, for example a bigger tip menu than is available in the Ultra Fembot, or more notifiers, etc. The Ultra Fembot is already quite large, so we've tried to not make it even larger by giving the absolute most choices for each of those features.
- Don't rely on moderators and would like to switch out apps and bots when you want to do something different
- Don't like to use commands, would rather restart an app or bot when changes need to be made.
- Don't really use fanclubs extensively

If this strategy sounds like you, it would be recommended to use the following set of apps and bots:

Dorothy's Easy Fembot (bot) - For chat control and basic tip tracking and messaging features. Still keep this running the whole show, but swap out the other apps and bots as needed below.
Dorothy's Tip Goals (app) - To do typical goal shows (Currently this is the only stand alone "Dorothy" goal app, additional goal types will be split out from the UltraApp in the near future)
Dorothy's Token Poll (bot) - Turn on a token poll to have users vote for options by tipping
Dorothy's Text Poll (bot) - Turn on a poll to have users vote for options by typing a number
Dorothy's Tip Menu Pro (bot) - Two available menus of xx and xx slots
Dorothy's Notices and Room Rules (bot) - Disply rotating notifiers, room rules, user entry welcome message
Dorothy's Lush Bot (bot) - Can be used to display a toy menu for all Lovense Toys
Dorothy's Ticket Show (app) or Dorothy's Easy Ticket show (app) - Run a ticket show - the "easy" version only needs a price and description as input.
Dorothy's Dice Game (bot) - Basic Roll the Dice bot
Dorothy's Multi-level Dice Game (bot) - Basic Roll the Dice bot with up to 3 levels of roll prices and prizes

Another more general reason to use the "Dorothy" apps and bots is that we started doing our own development to create apps and bots that do not have developer backdoors giving people you don't know authority or special access to your show.
As you can see, the source for our apps an bots will always be visible so you can see exactly what it's doing, we don't encode it or try to hide the source like many others do.
There is no special access for any user IDs, including our own.
Please check out the below links, which will display the full listing of apps and bots that we have made.

Apps: /0/chelsea2950/
Bots: /1/chelsea2950/

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