Short Description:
Simple setup ultrabot for new cammers
Full Description
Note: I've moved the Change Log of fixes and enhancements in each release to the bottom of the page.
I created this bot to use for new cammers with minimal setup and default most common settings... for more advanced users, there is a much more configurable bot as well, with a ton more features, named "Dorothy's Ultra Fembot", and can be found here: dorothys-ultra-fembot/
As you use the bot, one thing to keep in mind is that the changes you make using the commands within a show are not permanently updated to the start page - you have to make those changes there for them to be saved. This includes things like tip menu changes, positions menu changes, additions to the blocked word list, users added to the external fan club or VIP List, etc.
I recommend keeping all of these lists in a separate notepad document so you can update them as you go, and copy and paste them into the boxes on the setup page when you start a show, especially in case something happens and the configuaration page gets reset.
Please let me know if you find any issues or have recommendations for improvement, you can usually find me on the couples rooms on the site, or on twitter @thechelsea2950.
Main features are:
- Messaging for mods and broadcasters
- Private Messages to other users - Send messages to the broadcaster, moderator group, or specific users in the chat so there is no need to switch to a new tab for PMs.
- Silence Level and Graphic Level - Restrict ability to chat or to post graphics by whether users have tokens or have tipped a certain threshold.
- Leaderboard - Display a Leaderboard in the chat of top tippers from the current session.
- Nice List - Maintain a list of users that are allowed to chat when the silence level is increased. Nice list is also exempt from the gray time-lock.
- Tip Count next to name - Show the user's current tip count totals by their name with each chat message.
- Tip Leader icons - a defined .gif is displayed next to the user name for the top 3 tippers in the current session.
- Silence individual users - Add users to a silence list that prevents them from chatting, advantage of this over regular silencing is that it can easily reversed and sends a note to the user telling them to stop being rude.
- Silence individual users without notification (ninja) - Ideal for silencing people who have been tipping but still being rude or demanding, they do not receive a notice. Note that neither of these affects tipnotes the way that silencing through CB will.
- Blocked word list - Add words to this list to prevent rude comments in the chat or use pieces of repetitive spam messages from bots to prevent them from being shown.
- Additional Notifiers (up to 5 rotating) - Display up to 5 messages in the chat on a scheduled interval, and you can define the colors used for the text and background.
- Gray time-lock - prevent grays from chatting for the first X minutes they enter the room, prevents a lot of spam from bots.
- Convert Messages in all Upper Case to Lower Case so people can't 'yell' in chat.
Most of these are available for moderators and broadcasters only, with some exceptions. Note that you can also type "/fbhelp" within the chat to see the list of commands as well. You can drill down further into a group of commands to see specific details on the syntax and behavior of the command.
A. Chat Control
The silence level and graphic level functions restrict users in the room from chatting in general or posting gifs (graphics) based whether they have tokens or have tipped.
- /silencelevel [x]: set silence level where x = 0-3
0 = All users can chat
1 = Only users with tokens can chat
2 = Only users who have tipped can chat
3 = Only users who have tipped 10 tokens can chat
- /graphiclevel [x]: set graphic level where x = 0-3
0 = All users can post gifs
1 = Only users with tokens can post gifs
2 = Only users who have tipped can post gifs
3 = Only users who have tipped 10 tokens can post gifs
- /ninja [user]: Silence a user without notification. The ninja feature is helpful for silencing obnoxious users when you don't want to notify them that they are silenced. They may have already tipped a significant amount or be potential tippers, so best not to notify them, their comments just simply won't show up to the general chat.
They will still be able to send comments in tip notes however. Users can be added and removed from the ninja list interactively during the show as described below, and repeat offenders should be added to the permanent ninja list that is saved on the bot start page (also be sure to save the list in a separate document in case the bot configuration is lost).
- /unninja [user]: remove ninja silence
- /ninjalist: display the ninja list
- /silence [user]: Silence a user with notification. The silence feature is helpful for silencing really obnoxious users that you do want to notify that they are silenced. They will receive a notification that they have been rude or demanding when they are silenced and will be notified each time they attempt to chat.
They will still be able to send comments in tip notes however, which is different from the CB silence feature where tip comments are not shown. Really Really obnoxious users that you don't want to hear from at all can be silenced through the CB silence.
Users can be added and removed from the silence list interactively during the show as described below, and repeat offenders should be added to the permanent silence list that is saved on the bot start page (also be sure to save the list in a separate document in case the bot configuration is lost).
- /unsilence [user]: remove from silence list
- /silencelist: display the silence list
B. Gray Chat Time Lock
The Gray Chat Time lock feature is intended to silence the spam bots and grays that come in only to make obnoxious comments and then leave. When enabled, users will not be able to chat for the defined period of time, which is also changeable during the show. A list is kept of each gray user with their entry time into the room, and once the defined time expires, they are able to chat. Note that silence level would still prevent them from chatting after time expires if it is used.
The time lock does not apply to broadcasters, moderators, CB fan club, external fan club, nice list, or VIP users.
- /usegraylock [on/off]: toggle the gray chat timelock feature on and off, overriding the initial setting from the bot start page.
- /chggraytime [X]: Change the gray chat time lock threshold to a new value of [X] minutes before they can chat upon entering the room. Overrides the initial setting from the bot start page.
- /clrgraylock: clear out all gray chat time lock data, and restart tracking (essentially resilences all grays for the defined time threshold).
- /addgraylock [user]: restart a specific gray user time lock timer. They will not be able to chat again until the time elapses.
- /rmvgraylock [user]: release a specific gray user from their time lock. They will be able to chat right away (assuming sience level allows).
C. Timer Functions
There is a general timer feature available for anything you would like to initiate a count down for, such as performing a prize for X minutes. There are separate functions available for starting ticket shows (/starttimer in the crazyticket app) or starting a timer to end the token poll (/pollstarttimer).
- /startclock [x]: start a timer for x minutes... timer will display a notice at 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min and 30, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sec remaining
- /clockadd [x]: add x minutes to the timer
- /clocktimeleft: display the time left on the timer
D. Private Messaging
- /pm [user] [msg]: send a message to a specific user
- /reply [msg]: send reply to someone who has PM'd you
- /bc [msg]: send a message to the broadcaster
- /tm [msg]: send a message to the moderator group
- /tbm [msg]: send a message to the broadcaster and the moderator group
E. Chat Notices
- /cn [msg]: send a notice to the chat.
- /cnd [msg]: send a notice to the chat with dashed line separators
- /cnh [msg]: send a notice to the chat with highlighting
- /cndh [msg]: send a notice to the chat with dashed line separators and highlighting
- /chgmsg1 [msg]: update the notifier message in Slot 1 to a value of [msg]
- /chgmsg2 [msg]: update the notifier message in Slot 2 to a value of [msg]
- /chgmsg3 [msg]: update the notifier message in Slot 3 to a value of [msg]
- /chgmsg4 [msg]: update the notifier message in Slot 4 to a value of [msg]
- /chgmsg5 [msg]: update the notifier message in Slot 5 to a value of [msg]
- /dspmsg [X]: Display the current value for the message in notifier Slot [X], where [X] can be the integers 1-5 or "all".
- /usenotifier [on/off]: enable or disable the display of the notifier... however, the recurrence can only be set when activating the bot.
- /usetipresponse [on/off]: enable or disable the display of the tip response messges when users tip at the configured thresholds.
F. Nice List
The nicelist enables users who would otherwise not be allowed to chat due to the silence level setting to still chat.
- /addnice [user1, user2, etc]: Add a user or list of users to the nice list, separate user names by a comma.
- /rmvnice [user]: Remove a single user from the nice list (individual names only, does not support removal of a user list).
- /nicelist: display the nice list
G. Leaders and Tippers
- /leaders [group]: display the leaderboard on-demand... does not require that the leaderboard be enabled. Displays to [group] from list:
'mods' - display to moderators
'tbm' - display to moderators and broadcaster
'bc' - display to broadcaster
'all' - display to public chat
...defaults to current user if none selected.
- /useleaderboard [on/off]: toggle the recurring display of the leaderboard on and off, overriding the initial config setting... recurrence from initial config is still used
- /usetipcount [on/off]: toggle the display of the tip count in front of a user's name on and off, overriding the initial config setting... tips are still counted when off as long as the bot is active
- /tippers [group] [x]: display a list of the top [x] number of tippers since the bot was activated. Displays to [group] from list:
'mods' - display to moderators
'tbm' - display to moderators and broadcaster
'bc' - display to broadcaster
'all' - display to public chat
...defaults to current user if none selected.
H. Blocked Word List
This allows for setting a list of words that will cause a user's message to be suppressed if they use one.
Words can be added and removed within a session, but a master list should be maintained and updated on the bot's configuration page so it is saved (updates made within the session are not permanent).
The list should also be saved externally in case the configuration page is ever reset.
Also it only works for single words, not phrases.
- /addword [word]: (bc only) Adds a word to the Blocked Word list where [word] is the word you want to add.
- /rmvword [word]: (bc only) Removes a word from the Blocked Word list where [word] is the word you want to remove.
- /wordlist: (all users) Displays the list of words currently in the Blocked list.
I. Other Commands
- /newsubject [title]: (mods/bc only) Update the room subject to a new value [title].
- /dumpsettings: (mods/bc only) send a listing of the full configuration settings list to the chat for the current user. Will eventually be able to send the dump for individual config sections.
Additionally the bot will adjust any messages sent in all upper case to lower case for non moderators and broadcasters.
Latest enhancements and fixes:
3/14/2019 Release (2.1) (Current Version):
- Fix issue with graphic levels 2 and 3
1/22/2019 Release (2.0):
Brought the easy fembot up to speed with all fixes and enhancements related to chat control from the Ultra Fembot. Added features are:
- Ability to set a description on the generic timer so it displays in the countdown messages
- Removed 'required' field attribute of all non pick-list launch page settings
- Alternate commands / Command shortcuts - created some shorter versions of some of the commands that will also work along with the original/existing commands
- Added gray chat time lock feature so that gray users cannot chat until they've been in the room for the defined threshold. This helps prevent spam bots that attempt to post spam immediately upon entering. See new settings at the bottom of the Chat Control section.
- Updated the colors on the private messaging functions to make them stand out more (/pm, /tm, /tbm, /bc).
- Added ability to pre-define a ninja list so you can silence annoying people ahead of time and they won't receive a notification. With the regular silence list, they receive a notification when they try to chat.
- Added icon for Top 3 Tippers in current session, configurable as a gif or character.
- Fixed some general issues with the timer and token poll timer functions, as they had issues with adding time or subtracting time under a minute.
- Added command to display all current notifier messages (/dspmsg [1,2,3,4,5, or all]).
- Added section separators on the config menu page to make it easier to find certain sets of settings.
- Added the /dumpsettings command to send all current config settings to the chat to assist with developer troubleshooting.
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