Set Custom Chat Colors, Font, and Icon for yourself!
Colorized is a chat add-on bot that allows you to pick the chat text colors (highlight & background), font style, and an icon that will display with each of your messages. There are 156 colors, 24 "Web safe" font styles, and 68 icons to choose from.
The "Custom Hex Highlight Color", "Custom Hex Background Color", and "Custom Chat Icon" input-boxes allow for more customization. The color input-boxes support any 7 character hex color code. The custom icon input-box supports back-to-back custom icons! Supported icons can be CB :GIF images or copy & pasted Unicode Character Emojis.
Hex color codes: https://htmlcolorcodes.com/.
Unicode Character Emojis: https://emojiterra.com/
** Please note, Chaturbate currently allows Unicode Character Emojis to be input into chat simply by coping and pasting them, however, this privilege could be removed at any time!
Please consider a token donation: https://camscaster.com/mentalcex/
Other Interesting Color Bots:
multi color chat MOD
The Green Team
The Red Team
The Upper Echelon
The Grey Team
Tested: 100% fully functional
Last Update: 11/12/20 10:45 pm
Copyright 2019-2020 to the author, MentalCex
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