Take back control of chat
Welcome to Chat Controller Bot, there is an App version. The bot that helps you regain control of chat, it provides an future proof solution to spam. You may start it with be no-one seeing grey chat, only moderators/VIPs seeing grey chat, only moderators/VIPs and broadcaster seeing grey chat (the three mute levels), or regular chat. Greys may be promoted to regular chat, bad blues may be sent to muted chat. You may also silence classes of user, e.g. anyone who has not tipped, anyone without tokens. There is also an automoderator for chat that is not muted of silenced that does a fairly good job of killing that token generators spam, or external sites that steal your card details. With this app, such garbage is history if you want it to be.
It adds VIPs and magic users act as enhanced moderators, with no need to restart the app/bot to make the changes occur.
It contains the usual rotating notifier, tip menu, multi goal, automod and tip jar.
Type /help to see whats there when you are running it.
1) The ability to persist some data between app runs. If you remember to access the certain data stored in the app (via the /show command, most commands may be abbreviated e.g. /sh), you can enter it in on the next app start.
2) A fun magic system, frogs, cats and duct tape, a separate set of commands, unrelated to VIP/moderator oriented commands of the rest of Chat Controller.
3) Grey friendly automoderator (greys have helped to fine tune it), parts of it can be switched off. Kills most of that spam.
4) Non moderators can be made VIP's and given near moderator rights, useful if you have an offputting red wall in your chat, let your moderators be blue. Regular Moderators have same access to the app/bot as VIPs.
5) Works with any other app/bot out there by having 4 different command prefixes / ~ # and !. If you use another app/bot that uses / # ~ or ! to control it, you can disable the prefix for Chat Controller so the two do not clash.
6) Boring blue nagger/notifier, tells you those who can tip who just sit there and watch, a lot of apps let you deal with freeloading greys, now you can deal with those freeloading blues too.
7) In chat-PM, currently one to one.
8) User IDs as well as usernames for use in commands, saves having to figure out how to type those long weird names people use in chat.
9) Can operate almost invisibly, various parts of Chat Controller can be muted. It is modular, so you need not run all of the features. See /help-modular for more info.
10) No need to restart Chat Controller if you want to change things, a command system exists to make changes to settings while the app/bot is running.
IMPORTANT, restarting the app/not will lose any internally held data, like who has tipped you, restarting Chat Controller is a last resort option, use the command system instead.
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