Short Description:
A roll game with a unique role-playing combat twist!
Full Description
A prize roll game with a unique role-playing combat twist!
:: Auto-Repeating Goals ::
When the bad guy is defeated, another will automatically respawn with your goal amount for its "hitpoints".
:: Special Bonus Prizes ::
Players have a chance to win a special bonus prize with every roll.
:: Reward Big Tippers ::
After tipping a certain amount, Players level up and win a random prize.
:: Useful Commands For You and Mods ::
Use the /winners command to show recently won prizes, /goal to update the token goal, and more.
Broadcaster + Mod Commands
/goal [amount]
Start a goal of the specified token amount, e.g. /goal 1000
Show everyone recently won prizes
/prizes all
Show everyone all possible pirzes
/tldr all
Show everyone a basic how-to
Release Notes
v7.1.1 (May 21st, 2018)
- [Bug Fix] Since the graphics setting was removed, it defaults to sprites instead of using the saved value
v7.1.0 (May 3rd, 2018)
- [Enhancement] Simplified the app setup menu a ton (easier to read labels)
- [Enhancement] Updated and vastly simplified the app about/help page
- [Enhancement] Improved/simplified a ton of game text for less disruption and easier reading
- [Change] /winners now shows prizes won in the last 30 minutes, rather than the last hour
- [Change] Changed class switching reminder to go off every 10 minutes, rather than every 5
- [Change] For simplicity, removed graphics level and optional prizes from app setup page
- [Change] Switched license to MIT
- [Bug Fix] Spelling corrections
v7.0.1 (April 28th, 2018)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed issue where "You have became a..." class change message appeared to all
v7.0.0 (April 28th, 2018)
- [Feature] Multi-roll (i.e. multiple rolls for bigger tips) is now optional
- [Enhancement] Improved settings menu clarity and readability
- [Change] Removed /notice command
- [Change] Removed level-up prizes, in favor of a random regular prize (simplifies setup a bit)
v6.0.0 (April 7th, 2018)
- [Feature] Added Batman theme
v5.0.0 (April 2nd, 2018)
- [Feature] Added a "prize roll" attack, basically a spin the wheel mechanic, 40 tkns. by default
- [Feature] Added the ability to specify 3-5 prizes for the above
- [Feature] Leveling up now grants a special bonus prize
- [Feature] Added `/prizes` command for showing all possible prizes
- [Feature] Added 5 min. reminder about how to choose a class
- [Feature] Panel/notice text now displays a helpful hint by default
- [Enhancement] Players are now automatically assigned a random class when joining
- [Enhancement] Reduced chat noise by having only a single attack/crit flavor text blurb for each tip
- [Enhancement] Lots of game text improvements
- [Change] Changed /quest to /notice
- [Change] Removed "This chat is running Battlebate" reminder
- [Change] Removed items (the level up prize is now the reward)
(For older versions, see here)
Battlebate is an open-source project, licensed under GNU GPLv3. you can find the source code here.
The sprites CB renders for game emojis are from the neat open-source real-time strategy game, Battle for Wesnoth.
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