Author: yavascript

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Short Description:

The Chaturbate RPG - Tippers pick a class, level up, and win items. Goals repeat automatically and can be updated via /goal command

Full Description

Battlebate - The Chaturbate Role-playing Game

Battlebate is an interactive, role-playing goal app for Chaturbate. It's like Spin the wheel meets Dungeons & Dragons, with prizes.

You, the model, are being held captive by evil monsters and must be rescued by the brave heroes in your room!


Immersive fantasy role-playing

"Monsters" will spawn to represent goals, which players attack by tipping. Players can choose hero classes such as Warlock to win special prizes when they tip.

Auto-repeating goals

Set an auto-repeating tip goal and update it in-chat with a simple /goal command

Attack and win prizes

Players can tip a customizable amount (default: 40) and win one of several random prizes you specify.

Random bonus prizes

Players have a small chance to win a random model-specified prize with every roll.

Reward long-term tippers

As they tip (attack), players will "level up", and win a bonus prize (default: 750).

Let your mods set tip goals and help keep track of things

The game includes a /winners command to show recently won prizes and mods can also use /goal to update the token goal.

Hero Classes

(These are just the defaults - you can change things to whatever you like)


The perfect class for those into dancing/music performances. Charm results in the model having to do things like dance to a song of the player's choice.


The simplest class to play. Gets a random prize from the entire list on a critical hit.


For those folks interested in specific body regions (e.g. ass). When they land a critical hit, they get to choose a flash prize.


Ideal for those into domination -type stuff. Their Infernal Pact ability results in the model being "forced to" do things like spanks and whatnot.

Broadcaster + Mod Commands

Release Notes

v7.0.0 (April 28th, 2018)

v6.0.0 (April 7th, 2018)

v5.0.0 (April 2nd, 2018)

v4.5.2 (August 4th, 2017)

v4.5.1 (July 2nd, 2017)

v4.5.0 (July 2nd, 2017)

v4.4.0 (July 1st, 2017)

v4.3.0 (June 18th, 2017)

v4.2.0 (June 10th, 2017)

v4.1.0 (June 6th, 2017)

v4.0.0 (June 4th, 2017)

(For older versions, see here)

Battlebate is an open-source project, licensed under GNU GPLv3. you can find the source code here.

The sprites CB renders for game emojis are from the neat open-source real-time strategy game, Battle for Wesnoth.

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