Short Description:
The Chaturbate RPG - Tippers pick a class, level up, and gain items
Full Description
This is an interactive, goal-oriented role-playing game for Chaturbate. Basically: like CrazyGoal+Multi-goal, but the tippers choose a special role/class with unique abilities, level up, and use items. It also features a repeating sub-goal mechanic (see blow).
The model chooses which random prizes are available for critical hits (see below), defines special items (e.g. Scroll of Conjure Dildo), and sub-goal prizes.
- Tippers may (optionally) select a class/specialization (fighter, warlock, ranger, or bard) and fight the target goal by tipping (1 token = 1 HP damage).
- Each tip has a chance to be a critical hit, for an extra prize/effect based on class
- A recurring subgoal lets you specify minor prizes to keep things interesting before the main goal's reached
Also, literally everything (prices, abilities) is customizable.
How It Works
The model sets a goal's HP (hitpoints) and (optionally) customizes all the game settings.
Picking A Class
Tippers have the option of picking a class/specialization by using the /class command.
Each token deals the equivalent amount of "damage" to the goal, with a small chance to land a critical hit for a special effect.
Leveling Up
Each damage (token) gives the player 1 experience point. When the player reaches 250 XP (the default reqiurement), they level up and receive a special item they can later use (e.g. a butt plug).
Goal HP & Subgoal HP
The subgoal HP represents a recurring random prize for reaching a portion of the main goal: by default, for every 100 HP lost, the model does a random kinky thing (sort of like Spin-the-Wheel prizes). The game ends when the main goal/HP reaches zero.
Player Classes
The perfect class for those into dancing and music.
Bardic Song results in the model having to do things like dance to a song of the player's choice.
The simplest class to play. Does bonus damage on critical hits.
This class is ideal for those folks interested in specific body regions (e.g. ass). When they land a critical hit, they get to choose a flash prize.
Ideal for those into domination -type stuff. Their Command spell results in the model being "forced to" do things like spanks and such.
v2.3.2 (October 20th, 2016)
- Updated out-of-date help message regarding class selection
v2.3.1 (October 20th, 2016)
- Improved panel labels
- Added "/class" command for switching player class
v2.3.0 (October 11th, 2016)
- Reduced number of settings to simplify setup
- Improved/clarified panel labels - 'endurance' is now simply 'subgoal', etc.
- Removed topic-overriding functionality
- Fixed bug where multiple victory messages would spit out for massive tip bombs
- Minor panel spelling fix
v2.2.2 (September 30th, 2016)
- Fixed issue where the entire chat would see the info/notice meant for the joining user
v2.2.1 (September 25th, 2016)
- Fixed how-to-use-item hint showing up too early
v2.2.0 (September 25th, 2016)
- For tips that exceed endurance, multiple staggers and level-ups are now possible (e.g. 400 endurance, 400 token tip = 2 staggers, level-ups)
- Various formatting/readability improvements to notices
- Increased default endurance to 250
- Re-labled 'Loot Item' prizes to 'Level-up Item' to clarify things
v2.1.0 (September 22nd, 2016)
- Added /prizes command for viewing all possible prizes (stagger prizes, class prizes, and level-up items)
- Chat command messages users type are now hidden to general chat
- Fixed bug where optional settings weren't being ignored
v2.0.4 (September 19th, 2016)
- Base crit chances are now 5-20%, based on tip amount (50 tokens @ level 1 = 10%)
- Player level increases crit chance by 5% per level-up
- Max crit chance is now 20%
- Nerfed default warlock spell effects
- Added re-broadcasting of room subject/topic on hit
- Added changing of room subject on game start
- Various improvements and fixes for chat notices
- Removed d20-based attack system and re-designed at-will abilities: instead of choosing actions from a dropdown, the tip window is back to normal.
The only thing players need to do is type a class name in a tip note to choose/change class (optional)
- All attacks automatically hit. No more frustrated players.
- Attacks now deal direct/1:1 token damage instead of d10 (1-10) damage. No more HP -> token math to do.
- All abilities are now passive and activate on-crit
- Added a leveling system! Now players can XP by tipping and get a random item for later use when they level up
- Replaced fighter's Improved Critical with Overwhelming Critical (25% extra crit damage)
- Ranger's Called Shot now simply lists a list of flash prizes to choose from
- Major improvements to notices (better-looking, less annoying)
- Now, when a tipper overtips, they will attack or use an ability however many times possible (e.g. 30 tokens = 3 attacks)
- Spells now deal ([tip] / 3) "force" damage
- Ranger's Called Shot now also deals +10 damage
- Buffed the Fighter's Improved Critical feature to crit on 18-20
- Any "leftover" tokens are now used for Overkill damage
- Clarified that 500 HP = ~1000 tokens worth of attacks
- Improved untargeted attacks - now, *anyone* can do direct damage if they don't pick a tip option (e.g. non-player tips 4 tokens = 1 damage)
- Added the ability to customize special ability effects - the app is now fully gender-agnostic!
- Added app version number to notices
- Made all but one of the random prizes/teases fields optional
- Removed the three optional prize options, mostly to prevent settings menu clutter
- Fixed panel not updating after direct damage
- Added the ability of players to temporarily leave and then re-join the game, to revert their tip menu
- Increased the chance for spells to succeed (80%)
- Added direct damage feature, for non-participating tippers (10 tokens = 2 damage)
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