Author: yavascript

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Short Description:

A game where tippers band together and fight the target/goal.

Full Description


This is a Dungeons & Dragons -inspired battle app for Chaturbate.

The adventurers (tippers) select a class/specialization with a unique ability (fighter, warlock, ranger, or bard) and fight the target goal specified by the model by attacking using their tokens.

So basically: a tabletop RPG meets spin-the-wheel meets CrazyGoal.

Also, literally everything (prices, abilities) is customizable.

How It Works


Tippers join the battle by selecting a class from the tip menu options, then paying 10 tokens.


For 10 tokens (by default), players can attempt an attack, which is a roll of 20-sided die (d20). If the roll is low, the attack misses; if the roll is high, it's a hit and the player deals d10 damage to the goal; if the roll is a 20, it's a critical hit and the damage is doubled.

Goal HP & Endurance HP

By default, for every 30 HP lost, the model does a random kinky thing (sort of like Spin-the-Wheel). The game ends when HP reaches zero.

Player Classes

The perfect class for those into dancing and music. Charm results in the model having to do things dance to a song of the player's choice or a simple song request.

The simplest class to play. No active abilities, just the passive Improved Critical, which lets them land critical hits when rolling 19 as well as 20.

This class is ideal for those folks interested in specific body regions (e.g. ass). Called Shot is an attack that, if it hits, results in a flash of a specific private part.

Ideal for those into domination -type stuff. Their Command spell results in the model being "forced to" do things like spanks and such.






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