Author: yavascript

You are viewing version 318033. There is a newer version of this app. See the latest version of this app.

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Short Description:

A game where tippers band together and fight the target/goal.

Full Description


This is a Dungeons & Dragons -inspired battle app for Chaturbate.

The adventurers (tippers) select a class/specialization with a unique ability (fighter, warlock, ranger, or bard) and fight the target goal specified by the model by attacking using their tokens.

So basically: a tabletop game meets spin-the-wheel meets crazy goal.

How It Works

Tippers join the battle by selecting a class from the tip menu options, then paying 10 tokens. Once in, they can roll to attack (d10 damage) for 10 tokens or use a special ability for a higher number of tokens.

By default, for every 30 HP lost, the model does a random kinky thing. The game ends when HP reaches zero.

Also, literally everything (prices, abilities) is customizable.





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