Author: mmmnnn32
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

auto: welcome thanks tippers top-3 anti spam notifier secret show...

Full Description

Babybot will help you earn money and take over the moderator's functions.
Using Babybot, you will forever forget about SPAM.
Customizable greetings to those entering the room, thanks for the gifts, a lot of wonderful, unique banners, powerful filters: against spam, rudeness, requests, etc. Automatic response to PM and private and requests, and much more functions. Try the Babybot once and you can't live without it!

If you want to customize the bot (for a fee): change icons, messages, colors, etc., please write to me at

Babybot has following next settings and functions:
1. Autoanswer for PM demand. Set it to 0 for "No PM", or -1 for ignore PM-request.
2. Autothanks for tips followed by the tipper's name;
3. Random thanks-banners;
4. Leaders top-3 (Leaderboard): Displays the top three tippers. There is also an option period in minutes that displays the leaderboard. Also shows 5 first tippers num icon before usernickname in chat messages, and in autothanks messages;
5. Small gold crown for leader of the Leaders top-3;
6. Tippers sum next user name (exclude King, mods and fanclubers);
7. Sends copy of silenced by filter (16th setting) messages to broadcaster;
8. Greeting for users when they enter the room. The bot will replace %user% to user name. Default is:/Hello, %user%! Welocme to my room./ You may add your room rules here to.
9. "No location question" filter (default is on, set "No" for switch it off);
10. Gender icons next user nicknames, grey gender icons for users without tokens;
11. Original icon next nickname for broadcaster with the bold and dark-blue font in chat, original icons for king, mods, fanclubmembers;
12. Displays the typical Adv. banners and messages for female model Set period (in min.) or 0 for off;
13. Custom Models Adv. messages and Banners rotation. Set separator ; between your messages, or keep the field blank for not display;
14. Display typical females model Tip Menu. Set period (in min.), or 0 for do not display;
15. Tip menu color;
16. Anti - rudeness, demands, graphics, caps, stick keys, phone numbers - filter for "greys" users. (Off by default, antispam - always on);
17. Send copy of blocked messages to broadcaster;
18. Rudeness chat filter for have tokens (colors) users;
19. Non-English chat filter for haven't tokens (grays) users;
20. Allow Russian lang. messages in chat for have tokens, but did not tipped users;
21. Field for your Kings name. Also displays crown next King's user nick in chat. Just write you King Nickname, or Nickname and his max (per session) tip, f.e. pussylover 2500 The King pussylover will have free access for you Hidden Cam Show, also as you fan club members.
22. Rotate your King name in chat. Set period (min.) here, or set it 0 for do not rotate.
23. Auto thanks for user followed me.
24. Auto thanks for user purchased my media.
25. Auto thanks for user joined my fan club.

Some supported commands:
/h [price] or /start [price] - HIDDEN CAM Show. Single tip (price or more) is required to see you.
/s or /stop - stop HIDDEN CAM Show.
Default price is 20 toks (if you don't write price in command, it will set to 20 tks). F.e. command: /h 50
/hh [price] HIDDEN CAM Show with accumulated price, default accumulated price (if absent price value) is 20 toks. All who tipped required price or more before will see you Hidden show. F.e. command: /hh 50 the all who tipped before summary less than 50 will not see you.
/help or /? - See the all supported commands.

Check my other Apps - "Baby Tip Menu","Baby Tip Menu30", and "Damy_Tip_Goal":
Baby Tip Menu: 20 items Single line or List Tip Menu, custom color, custom separ. characters.
Damy_Tip_Goal: Auto-reset, Custom Goal-notice, doesnt changes room subject.

If you like my Apps, you may donate some tokens for me: Just click SEND TIP on my Profile page Page:
Don't forget to add the App to your favorites: FOLLOW (on up-right corner of the page).

If you would like to order a custom personal bot or modify existing one mail me to:

Also i can make a custom Windows Programm for you.

Many thanks!

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